Camis Contpany has set the following standard cost per unt for d rect materisis and dilect iabor. o!rest natertbls (15 psubds a 55 per pound) oirect tohor (i hours e 116 pere mour) 535 12 Duing June the company incuried the following actual costs to produce 8.900 units Direet ratee1sts (136,3e0 pounds \& 14.70 jer pound) oirect loter (22, loe hourt e 146 , is rei 5+41,530 AR+A Atual Role SR = Standard Rate AO= ActuaiQuantity $Q= Standsid Qventity AB+ Actipel Price SP= standard Pice (1) Convuite tye direct imaterials pice and quantity varisnces. (2) Compute the drect iabor fate variance and the diect iabot ethiciency variance Complete this questien by enterlng your answers in the tobs below. (1) Compute the direct inaterids price and quanty variances (2) Compute the direct abor rate variance and the dicect labor eificiency valiance: Cornplete this question by enterlng your answers in the tabs below. cupiance. Ecund "nate per haur answers to 2 dedinal places.) Camis Contpany has set the following standard cost per unt for d rect materisis and dilect iabor. o!rest natertbls (15 psubds a 55 per pound) oirect tohor (i hours e 116 pere mour) 535 12 Duing June the company incuried the following actual costs to produce 8.900 units Direet ratee1sts (136,3e0 pounds \& 14.70 jer pound) oirect loter (22, loe hourt e 146 , is rei 5+41,530 AR+A Atual Role SR = Standard Rate AO= ActuaiQuantity $Q= Standsid Qventity AB+ Actipel Price SP= standard Pice (1) Convuite tye direct imaterials pice and quantity varisnces. (2) Compute the drect iabor fate variance and the diect iabot ethiciency variance Complete this questien by enterlng your answers in the tobs below. (1) Compute the direct inaterids price and quanty variances (2) Compute the direct abor rate variance and the dicect labor eificiency valiance: Cornplete this question by enterlng your answers in the tabs below. cupiance. Ecund "nate per haur answers to 2 dedinal places.)