Can i please get assisted with this
You are provided with a detbor's age analyes of PQR Menices. Ther yearend is It dan 2015 and they are bory with the yea-end adustments. There is great uncertainty about the whe-olf and provison of credt losses therefore they have contraded with you fo arsint them with these calculations and poumat entres Additional infoemation - Al entites are regentered for VAT emoept for HOO CC - The age analysis provises you with a lot of debtars, the tart date on shich the Gebior purchased at PGif services, as well as the age of the debe. - Ater the cooversason with the clent telatonship manager, you are awase that Flastic Land is experiencing cash fow problems. Howeves a reparmer agrecment which does not significantly difer toen tee eniginal reparenent agreemered is in place, which also makes provisen for chatgeng interest in the past Paste Land was a dedicaked pajer. The manigeverent of Plastic tand has Aull cenfidence that their cash fow problems will be at an end at the end ef 2015 - Schita Lat has recently made quie a ste in the news. Due to the expouare of aleged trad, Schuter tia began bo bole mere and mese customers and the share price has cignticandy dopped. There is very utfe condiaence in the maket that Schuly Lild will recover, and they heve aready stanted with the rebenchmert of staff. There was also an aticle in the nowsapet stating that Schultz Lha appled for ligubation. Aber you have napected Schislz. Lide latest financal stakmers, you belive that after the bard trom francial insthations are repaid theere wil be no meney over to piy their credtors. The earagenent of PQR lenvioes would be to not weite of the debt ust yet. Ther geterence woild be to give the company another 3 monts and then reevaluate - HaPO CD hass never done butiness wath PQR services belore. The appicaton tor crest was carcfully consedeoed and after a credst tisk assesunent was camed ovt it - The age analysis provides you with a list of deblors, the last date on which the debtor purchased at PQR services, as well as the age of the debt. - Alter the comversation with the client relationship manager, you are aware that Plastic Land is experiencing cash flow problems. However a repayment agreement (which does not significantly differ from the original repayment agreement) is in place, which also makes provision for charging interest. In the past Plastic Land was a dedicated payer. The management of Plastic Land has full confidence that their cash fow problems will be at an end at the end of 2015 - Schultz Lid has recently made quile a stir in the news. Due to the exposure of alleged fraud, Schultz Litd began to lose more and more customers and the share price has. significantly dropped. There is very little confidence in the market that Schultz Ltd wil recover, and they have already started with the retrenchment of staff. There was abso an articie in the newspaper stating that Schultz Lld applied for liquidation. After you have inspected Schultz. Lid's latest financial statements, you believe that after the boans from financial institutions are repaid, there will be no money over to pay their creditors. The management of PQR services would like to not write off the debt just yet. Their preference would be to give the company another 3 months and then reevaluate. - HQO CC has never done business with PCR services before. The application for credt was carefully considered and after a credit risk assessment was carried cut, it was decided to extend credt to the CC. HQO CC is however a new business stall establishing a proper foothold and there are whispers that a contract acquired by them. fell through. Therefore there is a possibity that the debtor will not be able to setle the debt. REQUIRED: Write a report in which you briefly explain to the management of PQR services what your conctusion is and why. for each of the abovementioned debtors. For the sake of completeness, also add an addendum to the report setting out the journals to be recorded by PQR services. Clearly show your calculations (12)