can someone help with doing a country analysis report of Bangladesh pulling data from world bank website? i have begun the assignment but need some help completing.
A - wyboru perty pop) power head national poverty per cape() espedire per capita penderal GOP) 2015 10 plegget din OP MacBook Air re Pro 2 patibel poverty 110 www pl MacBook At AaB det, 17 17 Soldat dice) Tetidaa code modate MERA AaBb 5 7 8 9 0 WERT Y U TOP Table 2: Burden of disease indicators (Select at least 5). Don't forget to report at least 2 subgroup (disaggregated) indicators. Indicators Values Year- Reference 1. Cause of death by diabetes mellitus 3.9 2019 2. Cause of death by diabetes mellitus- 3.3- 2019 malem 3. Cause of death by diabetes mellitus- females 4.7. 2019 179 974 20.3% 2017 4. Cause of death, by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions (% of total) 5. Causes of death by non-communicable diseases(% of total) Causes of death by injury (number of deaths% of total 73.2% 57,81292 887 218.63 18.6 2019 7.- Total deaths from all causes 8.- Leading cause of death, stroke (number of deaths, % of total)-- 9. Leading cause of death, stroke-male (numbr of deaths, % of total) 10. Leading cause of death, stroke-female (number of deaths, % of total) 18.3 2019 19.10 2019 a 11. Cause of death, by cardiovascular disease-male (number of deaths, % of total) 12. Cause of death, by cardiovascular disease (number of deaths, % of total) . 13. Indicator by subgroup a.- DALYs lost to nutritional disease b. Females C. Males A - wyboru perty pop) power head national poverty per cape() espedire per capita penderal GOP) 2015 10 plegget din OP MacBook Air re Pro 2 patibel poverty 110 www pl MacBook At AaB det, 17 17 Soldat dice) Tetidaa code modate MERA AaBb 5 7 8 9 0 WERT Y U TOP Table 2: Burden of disease indicators (Select at least 5). Don't forget to report at least 2 subgroup (disaggregated) indicators. Indicators Values Year- Reference 1. Cause of death by diabetes mellitus 3.9 2019 2. Cause of death by diabetes mellitus- 3.3- 2019 malem 3. Cause of death by diabetes mellitus- females 4.7. 2019 179 974 20.3% 2017 4. Cause of death, by communicable diseases and maternal, prenatal and nutrition conditions (% of total) 5. Causes of death by non-communicable diseases(% of total) Causes of death by injury (number of deaths% of total 73.2% 57,81292 887 218.63 18.6 2019 7.- Total deaths from all causes 8.- Leading cause of death, stroke (number of deaths, % of total)-- 9. Leading cause of death, stroke-male (numbr of deaths, % of total) 10. Leading cause of death, stroke-female (number of deaths, % of total) 18.3 2019 19.10 2019 a 11. Cause of death, by cardiovascular disease-male (number of deaths, % of total) 12. Cause of death, by cardiovascular disease (number of deaths, % of total) . 13. Indicator by subgroup a.- DALYs lost to nutritional disease b. Females C. Males