Can someone modify the code so that at the beginning of each game, the user is prompted to enter the time duration that he/she would
Can someone modify the code so that at the beginning of each game, the user is prompted to enter the time duration that he/she would like the game to last. After the time set by the user, the game should end and display who the winner is, if there is one or display that there is no winner and give the option to continue, start a new game, or quit. The program should also be changed so that the color of the racket used by the player is different from the one used by the computer. An option should be included so that the player can choose the color of his/her racket. Finally, the program should prompt the user to enter his/her name that is to be displayed at the top of the score box.
Paddle.bmp Ball.bmp (The Ball isnt that big)
function RunGame
hMainWindow = figure(... 'Color', [0 0 0],... 'Name', 'Game Window',... 'Units', 'pixels',... 'Position',[100 100 700 500]);
img = imread('ball.bmp','bmp'); [m,n,c] = size(img); hBall = axes(... 'parent', hMainWindow,... 'color', 'none',... 'visible', 'off',... 'units', 'pixels',... 'position', [345, 245, n, m] ); hBallImage = imshow( img ); set(hBallImage, 'parent', hBall, 'visible', 'off' ); ballSpeed = 0; ballDirection = 0; hTempBall = axes( ... 'parent', hMainWindow,... 'units', 'pixels',... 'color', 'none',... 'visible', 'off',... 'position', get(hBall, 'position' ) ); img = imread('paddle.bmp','bmp'); [m,n,c] = size(img); hRightPaddle = axes(... 'parent', hMainWindow,... 'color', 'none',... 'visible', 'off',... 'units', 'pixels',... 'position', [650 - 10, 250 - 50, n, m] ); hRightPaddleImage = imshow( img ); set(hRightPaddleImage, 'parent', hRightPaddle, 'visible', 'off' ); targetY = 200; t = timer( 'TimerFcn', @UpdateRightPaddleAI,... 'StartDelay', 2 ); start(t)
hLeftPaddle = axes(... 'parent', hMainWindow,... 'color', 'none',... 'visible', 'off',... 'units', 'pixels',... 'position', [50, 250 - 50, n, m] ); hLeftPaddleImage = imshow( img ); set(hLeftPaddleImage, 'parent', hLeftPaddle, 'visible', 'off' );
hBottomWall = axes(... 'parent', hMainWindow,... 'color', [1 1 1],... 'units', 'pixels',... 'visible', 'off',... 'position', [0 40 700 10] ); patch( [0 700 700 0], [0 0 10 10], 'b' ); hTopWall = axes(... 'parent', hMainWindow,... 'color', [1 1 1],... 'units', 'pixels',... 'visible', 'off',... 'position', [0 450 700 10] ); patch( [0 700 700 0], [0 0 10 10], 'b' ); rightScore = 0; leftScore = 0; hRightScore = axes(... 'parent', hMainWindow,... 'color', 'none',... 'visible', 'off',... 'units', 'pixels',... 'position', [650 485 50 10] ); hLeftScore = axes(... 'parent', hMainWindow,... 'color', 'none',... 'visible', 'off',... 'units', 'pixels',... 'position', [30 485 50 10] ); hRightScoreText = text( 0, 0, '0', 'parent', hRightScore,... 'visible', 'on', 'color', [1 1 1] ); hLeftScoreText = text( 0, 0, '0', 'parent', hLeftScore,... 'visible', 'on', 'color', [1 1 1] ); hQuitButton = uicontrol(... 'string', 'Quit',... 'position', [325 475 50 20],... 'Callback', @QuitButton_CallBack ); hStartButton = uicontrol(... 'string', 'Start',... 'position', [325 240 50 20],... 'Callback',@StartButton_CallBack );
function UpdateBall pos = get( hBall, 'position' ); ballX = pos(1,1); ballY = pos(1,2); ballDirection = NormalizeAngle( ballDirection ); % check for collisions with the walls if ( ballY > 450 - 10 ) && ( ballDirection > 0 ) && ( ballDirection 90 ) ballDirection = ballDirection + 2 * ( 180 - ballDirection ); else ballDirection = ballDirection - 2 * ballDirection; end elseif ( ballY 180 ) && ( ballDirection 270 ) ballDirection = ballDirection + 2 * ( 360 - ballDirection ); else ballDirection = ballDirection - 2 * ( ballDirection - 180 ); end end % check for collisions with the paddles if ( ballDirection > 90 && ballDirection leftX + 5)... && (ballY + 10 > leftY)... && (ballY 180 ) ballDirection = 180 - ballDirection; end end else rightPaddlePos = get( hRightPaddle, 'position' ); rightX = rightPaddlePos(1,1); rightY = rightPaddlePos(1,2); if( (ballX + 10 > rightX)... && (ballX + 10 rightY)... && (ballY 270 ) ballDirection = 180 - ballDirection; end end end MoveObject( hBall, ballSpeed, ballDirection ); end
function UpdateRightPaddle()
speed = 5; pos = get( hRightPaddle, 'position' ); rightY = pos(1,2); if( rightY + 5 targetY - 50 && rightY > 50 ) MoveObject( hRightPaddle, speed, 270 ) end pos = get( hRightPaddle, 'position' ); rightY = pos( 1,2); if( rightY > 400 - 50 ) rightY = 350; elseif( rightY
function UpdateRightPaddleAI( ob, data ) % calculate where the ball will colide. tempBallDirection = NormalizeAngle( ballDirection ); if( tempBallDirection 270 && ballSpeed > 0 ) ballPos = get( hBall, 'position' ); set( hTempBall, 'position', ballPos ); ballX = ballPos(1,1); while( ballX
% check for temp ball collision with walls. if ( ballY > 450 - 10 ) if ( tempBallDirection > 0 ) if ( tempBallDirection 180 ) if( tempBallDirection
% line( 0, 0, 'marker', '*', 'parent', hTempBall ) % pause( 0.0005 ) end
pos = get( hTempBall, 'position' ); ballY = pos(1,2); targetY = ballY + ( rand * 150 ) - 75; end end
function UpdateLeftPaddle() scr = get( hMainWindow, 'position' ); screenX = scr(1,1); screenY = scr(1,2); screenH = scr(1,4); mouse = get(0, 'PointerLocation' ); y = mouse(1,2) - screenY; if( y > 100 && y 400 ) paddlePos = get( hLeftPaddle, 'position' ); paddlePos(1,2) = 400 - 50; set( hLeftPaddle, 'position', paddlePos ); elseif( y
function CheckForScore() pos = get( hBall, 'position' ); xpos = pos(1,1); ypos = pos(1,2); if ( xpos 695 ) set( hBallImage, 'visible', 'off' ) leftScore = leftScore + 1; set ( hLeftScoreText, 'string', num2str( leftScore ) ) pause( .5 ) ResetBall() end end function ResetBall pos = get( hBall, 'position' ); pos(1,1) = 345; pos(1,2) = 255 + floor( rand*100 ) - 50; set( hBall, 'position', pos ) ballSpeed = 4; ballDirection = ( (rand(1)
function MoveObject( hInstance, speed, direction )
p = get( hInstance, 'position' );
x = p( 1, 1 ); y = p( 1, 2 ); x = x + cosd( direction ) * speed; y = y + sind( direction ) * speed;
p( 1, 1 ) = x; p( 1, 2 ) = y;
set( hInstance, 'position', p )
function SetObjectPosition( hObject, x, y ) pos = get( hObject, 'position' ); pos(1,1) = x; pos(1,2) = y; set( hObject, 'position', pos ) end
function a = NormalizeAngle( angle ) while angle > 360 angle = angle - 360; end while angle
end global playing; function QuitButton_CallBack( hObject, eventData ) playing = false; end
function StartButton_CallBack( hObject, eventData ) set( hObject, 'visible', 'off' ); set( hLeftPaddleImage, 'visible', 'on' ) set( hRightPaddleImage, 'visible', 'on' ) ResetBall(); playing = true; end
while playing == true UpdateBall() UpdateLeftPaddle() UpdateRightPaddle() CheckForScore() pause( 0.01 ) end
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