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can you answer questions from 12 to 13. Subject- Humanity 109] In which circumstances not to speak of many others apprehensions and imaginations were engen

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can you answer questions from 12 to 13.
Subject- Humanity
109] In which circumstances not to speak of many others apprehensions and imaginations were engen the same harsh resolution, to wit, to shun and abhor all contact win thereby to make each his own health secure banded together, and, dissociating them and lived a separate and sedluded life, wh eating and drinking very moderately of to speak of many others of a similar or even graver complexion, diverse tions were engendered in the minds of such as were left alive, Inclining almost all of them to un and abhor all contact with the sick and all that belonged to them, thinking is own health secure. L020 Among whom there were those who thought that to live perately and avoid all excess would run for much as a preservative against seizures of th would count for much as a preservative against seizures of this kind. Wherefore they and, dissociating themselves from all others, formed communities in houses where there were no si, separate and sedluded life, which they regulated with the utmost care, avoiding every kind of luxury, but anking very moderately of the most delicate viands and the finest wines, holding converse with none but one another, lest tidings of sickness or death should reach them and divertine their minds with music and such other delights as they could devise 1021 Other the hiss of whose minds was in the opposite direction, maintained, that to arink freely, frequent places of public resort and take their pleasure with song and revel, sparing to satisfy no appetite, and to laugh and mock at no event was the sovereien remedy for so great an evil: and that which they affirmed they so put in practice, so far as they were able resortine day and night now to this tavern, now to that, drinking with an entire disregard of rule or measure, and by preference making the houses of others, as it were, their Inns, if they but saw in them aught that was particularly to their taste or liking: 1022 which they were readily able to do, because the owners, seeing death imminent, had become as reckless of their property as of their lives; so that most of the houses were open to all comers, and no distinction was observed between the stranger who presented himself and the rightful lord. Thus, adhering ever to their inhuman determination to shun the sick, as far as possible, they ordered their life. 023. In this extremity of our city's suffering and tribulation the venerable authority of laws, human and divine, was abased and all but totally dissolved, for lack of those who should have administered and enforced them, most of whom, like the rest of the citizens, were either dead or sick, or so hard bested for servants that they were unable to execute any office; whereby every man was free to do what was right in his own eyes. 9. Explain the main two attitudes people take in the face of the disease. Which group do you think you would join under these circumstances? 10. What consequences does the Plague have on the following? (Provide examples from the text to illustrate your answers): a. Interest on material wealth and preservation of property b. Respect for social hierarchy Respect for established morals and laws 11. What problems do city official have to face? What are they in need of? L024 Not a few there were who belonged to neither of the two said parties, but kept a middle course between them, neither laying the same restraint upon their diet as the former, nor allowing themselves the same license in drinking and other dissipations as the latter, but living with a degree of freedom sufficient to satisfy their appetites, and not as reduses. They therefore walked abroad, carrying in their hands flowers or fragrant herbs or divers sorts of spices, which they frequently raised to their noses, deeming it an excellent thing thus to comfort the brain with such perfumes because the air seemed to be everywhere laden and reeking with the stench emitted by the dead and the dying and the odours of drugs 1 025 Some again, the most sound, perhaps, in judgment, as they were also the most harsh in temper, of all, affirmed that there was no medicine for the disease superior or equal in efficacy to flight; following which prescription a multitude of men and women, negligent of all but themselves, deserted their city, their houses, their estates, their kinsfolk, their goods, and went into voluntary exile, or migrated to the country parts, as if God in visiting men with this silence in reguital of their iniquities would not pursue them with His wrath wherever they might be, but intended the destruction of such alone as remained within the circuit of the walls of the city, or deeming, perchance that it was now time for all to flee from it, and that its last hour was come. of the adherents of these diverse opinions not all died, neither did all escape; but rather there were of each sort in every place, many that sickened, and by those who retained their health were treated after the example which hemselves, while whole, had set, being everywhere left to languish in almost total neglect. 1022 Tedious were it to recount, how citizen avoided now citizen avoided citizen, how amone nelabhours was scarce found any that showed fellow feeling for another, how kinsfolk held aloof, and never met. or but rarely enough that this sore affliction entered so deep into the men and women, that in the horror thereof brother was forsaken by brother, nephew by unde, brother by Sister, and oftentimes husband by wife whole scarcely to be believed, fathers and mothers were found o abandon their own children, untended visited to their fate as they had been strangers. L028Wherefore the Se of both sexes, whose number could not be estimated were left without resource but in the charity of friends and Tew such there werel, or the interest of servants who were herdly to be had at Nigh rates and on unseemly terms, and being, moreover, one and all, men and women of gross understanding and for the most part unused to such offices, concerned themselves no further than to supply the immediate and expressed wants of the sick, and to watch them die in which service they themselves not seldom perished with their gains. [029] In consequence of which dearth of servants and dereliction of the sick by neighbours, kinsfolk and friends, it came to pass a thing perhaps, never before heard of that no woman, however dainty, fair or well-born she might be shrank, when stricken with the disease, from the ministrations of a man, no matter whether he were young or no, or scrupled to expose to him every part of her body, with no more shame than if he had been a woman, submitting of necessity to that which her malady required: wherefrom, perchance, there resulted in after time some loss of modesty in such as recovered. L030. Besides which many succumbed, who with proper attendance, would, perhaps, have escaped death, so that, what with the virulence of the plague and the lack of due tendance of the sick, the multitude of the deaths, that daily and nightly took place in the city, was such that those who heard the tale-not to say witnessed the fact--were struck dumb with amazement. 1031 Whereby, practices contrary to the former habits of the citizens could hardly fail to grow up among the survivors. - 12. Were family values affected at all by the disease? Where they reinforced by it or abandoned because of it? 13. What effect did the disease have on the modesty of women according to the author? 14. How did the disease create opportunities for upward social mobility according to the paragraph above? [032] It had been, as to-day it still is, the custom for the women that were neighbours and of kin to the deceased to gather in his house with the women that were most dosely connected with him, to wail with them in common, while on the other hand his male kinsfolk and neighbours, with not a few of the other citizens, and a due proportion of the dergy according to his quality, assembled without, in front of the house, to receive the corpse; and so the dead man was borne on the shoulders of his peers, with funeral pomp of taper and dirge, to the church selected by him before his death. 033 / Which rites, as the pestilence waxed in fury, were either in whole or in great part disused, and gave way to others of a novel order. [034] For not only did no crowd of women surround the bed of the dying, but many passed from this life unregarded, and few indeed were they to whom were accorded the lamentations and bitter tears of sorrowing relations; nay, for the most part, their place was taken by the laugh, the jest, the festal gathering: observances which the women, domestic piety in large measure set aside, had adopted with very great advantage to their health. [035] Few also there were whose bodies were attended to the church by more than ten or twelve of their neighbours, and those not the honourable and respected citizens; but a sort of corpse-carriers drawn from the baser ranks, who called themselves becchini and performed such offices for hire, would shoulder the bier, and with hurried steps carry it not to the church of the dead man's choice, but to that which was nearest at hand, with four or six priests in front and a candle or two, or, perhaps, none; nor did the priests distress themselves with too long and solemn an office, but with the aid of the becchini hastily consigned the corpse to the first tomb which they found untenanted. [036] The condition of the lower, and, perhaps, in great measure of the middle ranks, of the people showed even worse and more deplorable: for. deluded by hope or constrained by poverty, they stayed in their quarters, in their houses, where they sickened by thousands a day, and, being without service or help of any kind, were, so to speak, irredeemably devoted to the death which overtook them. [037] Many died daily or nightly in the public streets; of many others, who died at home, the departure was hardly observed by their neighbours, until the stench of their putrefying bodies carried the tidings and what with their corpses and the corpses of others who died on every hand the whole place was a sepulchre. at OB It was the common practice of most of the neighbours, moved no less by fear of contamination by the pure hues than by charity towards the deceased, L039 to drag the corpses out of the houses with their own hande na hans, by a porter, if a porter was to be had, and to lay them in front of the doors, where any one who round might have seen, especially in the morning more of them than he could count, afterwards they would have HAH 109] In which circumstances not to speak of many others apprehensions and imaginations were engen the same harsh resolution, to wit, to shun and abhor all contact win thereby to make each his own health secure banded together, and, dissociating them and lived a separate and sedluded life, wh eating and drinking very moderately of to speak of many others of a similar or even graver complexion, diverse tions were engendered in the minds of such as were left alive, Inclining almost all of them to un and abhor all contact with the sick and all that belonged to them, thinking is own health secure. L020 Among whom there were those who thought that to live perately and avoid all excess would run for much as a preservative against seizures of th would count for much as a preservative against seizures of this kind. Wherefore they and, dissociating themselves from all others, formed communities in houses where there were no si, separate and sedluded life, which they regulated with the utmost care, avoiding every kind of luxury, but anking very moderately of the most delicate viands and the finest wines, holding converse with none but one another, lest tidings of sickness or death should reach them and divertine their minds with music and such other delights as they could devise 1021 Other the hiss of whose minds was in the opposite direction, maintained, that to arink freely, frequent places of public resort and take their pleasure with song and revel, sparing to satisfy no appetite, and to laugh and mock at no event was the sovereien remedy for so great an evil: and that which they affirmed they so put in practice, so far as they were able resortine day and night now to this tavern, now to that, drinking with an entire disregard of rule or measure, and by preference making the houses of others, as it were, their Inns, if they but saw in them aught that was particularly to their taste or liking: 1022 which they were readily able to do, because the owners, seeing death imminent, had become as reckless of their property as of their lives; so that most of the houses were open to all comers, and no distinction was observed between the stranger who presented himself and the rightful lord. Thus, adhering ever to their inhuman determination to shun the sick, as far as possible, they ordered their life. 023. In this extremity of our city's suffering and tribulation the venerable authority of laws, human and divine, was abased and all but totally dissolved, for lack of those who should have administered and enforced them, most of whom, like the rest of the citizens, were either dead or sick, or so hard bested for servants that they were unable to execute any office; whereby every man was free to do what was right in his own eyes. 9. Explain the main two attitudes people take in the face of the disease. Which group do you think you would join under these circumstances? 10. What consequences does the Plague have on the following? (Provide examples from the text to illustrate your answers): a. Interest on material wealth and preservation of property b. Respect for social hierarchy Respect for established morals and laws 11. What problems do city official have to face? What are they in need of? L024 Not a few there were who belonged to neither of the two said parties, but kept a middle course between them, neither laying the same restraint upon their diet as the former, nor allowing themselves the same license in drinking and other dissipations as the latter, but living with a degree of freedom sufficient to satisfy their appetites, and not as reduses. They therefore walked abroad, carrying in their hands flowers or fragrant herbs or divers sorts of spices, which they frequently raised to their noses, deeming it an excellent thing thus to comfort the brain with such perfumes because the air seemed to be everywhere laden and reeking with the stench emitted by the dead and the dying and the odours of drugs 1 025 Some again, the most sound, perhaps, in judgment, as they were also the most harsh in temper, of all, affirmed that there was no medicine for the disease superior or equal in efficacy to flight; following which prescription a multitude of men and women, negligent of all but themselves, deserted their city, their houses, their estates, their kinsfolk, their goods, and went into voluntary exile, or migrated to the country parts, as if God in visiting men with this silence in reguital of their iniquities would not pursue them with His wrath wherever they might be, but intended the destruction of such alone as remained within the circuit of the walls of the city, or deeming, perchance that it was now time for all to flee from it, and that its last hour was come. of the adherents of these diverse opinions not all died, neither did all escape; but rather there were of each sort in every place, many that sickened, and by those who retained their health were treated after the example which hemselves, while whole, had set, being everywhere left to languish in almost total neglect. 1022 Tedious were it to recount, how citizen avoided now citizen avoided citizen, how amone nelabhours was scarce found any that showed fellow feeling for another, how kinsfolk held aloof, and never met. or but rarely enough that this sore affliction entered so deep into the men and women, that in the horror thereof brother was forsaken by brother, nephew by unde, brother by Sister, and oftentimes husband by wife whole scarcely to be believed, fathers and mothers were found o abandon their own children, untended visited to their fate as they had been strangers. L028Wherefore the Se of both sexes, whose number could not be estimated were left without resource but in the charity of friends and Tew such there werel, or the interest of servants who were herdly to be had at Nigh rates and on unseemly terms, and being, moreover, one and all, men and women of gross understanding and for the most part unused to such offices, concerned themselves no further than to supply the immediate and expressed wants of the sick, and to watch them die in which service they themselves not seldom perished with their gains. [029] In consequence of which dearth of servants and dereliction of the sick by neighbours, kinsfolk and friends, it came to pass a thing perhaps, never before heard of that no woman, however dainty, fair or well-born she might be shrank, when stricken with the disease, from the ministrations of a man, no matter whether he were young or no, or scrupled to expose to him every part of her body, with no more shame than if he had been a woman, submitting of necessity to that which her malady required: wherefrom, perchance, there resulted in after time some loss of modesty in such as recovered. L030. Besides which many succumbed, who with proper attendance, would, perhaps, have escaped death, so that, what with the virulence of the plague and the lack of due tendance of the sick, the multitude of the deaths, that daily and nightly took place in the city, was such that those who heard the tale-not to say witnessed the fact--were struck dumb with amazement. 1031 Whereby, practices contrary to the former habits of the citizens could hardly fail to grow up among the survivors. - 12. Were family values affected at all by the disease? Where they reinforced by it or abandoned because of it? 13. What effect did the disease have on the modesty of women according to the author? 14. How did the disease create opportunities for upward social mobility according to the paragraph above? [032] It had been, as to-day it still is, the custom for the women that were neighbours and of kin to the deceased to gather in his house with the women that were most dosely connected with him, to wail with them in common, while on the other hand his male kinsfolk and neighbours, with not a few of the other citizens, and a due proportion of the dergy according to his quality, assembled without, in front of the house, to receive the corpse; and so the dead man was borne on the shoulders of his peers, with funeral pomp of taper and dirge, to the church selected by him before his death. 033 / Which rites, as the pestilence waxed in fury, were either in whole or in great part disused, and gave way to others of a novel order. [034] For not only did no crowd of women surround the bed of the dying, but many passed from this life unregarded, and few indeed were they to whom were accorded the lamentations and bitter tears of sorrowing relations; nay, for the most part, their place was taken by the laugh, the jest, the festal gathering: observances which the women, domestic piety in large measure set aside, had adopted with very great advantage to their health. [035] Few also there were whose bodies were attended to the church by more than ten or twelve of their neighbours, and those not the honourable and respected citizens; but a sort of corpse-carriers drawn from the baser ranks, who called themselves becchini and performed such offices for hire, would shoulder the bier, and with hurried steps carry it not to the church of the dead man's choice, but to that which was nearest at hand, with four or six priests in front and a candle or two, or, perhaps, none; nor did the priests distress themselves with too long and solemn an office, but with the aid of the becchini hastily consigned the corpse to the first tomb which they found untenanted. [036] The condition of the lower, and, perhaps, in great measure of the middle ranks, of the people showed even worse and more deplorable: for. deluded by hope or constrained by poverty, they stayed in their quarters, in their houses, where they sickened by thousands a day, and, being without service or help of any kind, were, so to speak, irredeemably devoted to the death which overtook them. [037] Many died daily or nightly in the public streets; of many others, who died at home, the departure was hardly observed by their neighbours, until the stench of their putrefying bodies carried the tidings and what with their corpses and the corpses of others who died on every hand the whole place was a sepulchre. at OB It was the common practice of most of the neighbours, moved no less by fear of contamination by the pure hues than by charity towards the deceased, L039 to drag the corpses out of the houses with their own hande na hans, by a porter, if a porter was to be had, and to lay them in front of the doors, where any one who round might have seen, especially in the morning more of them than he could count, afterwards they would have HAH

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