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Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. 1. Why are laws necessary in Canadian Society? What is an example of law you consider to be unjust, and what would have to be changed before you would consider the law to be just? 2. How do laws increase an individual's freedom in a society? 3. Is increased government intervention in the lives of Canadians taking away some of the individual freedoms? What are some examples of increasing government intervention? 4. Do you agree with the statement that "any situation involving more than one person needs rules and rules necessarily restrict the freedom of individuals"? Give an example to support your answer.What Is the Law For? the wishes of most Canadians. This Struations involving more than one pir- When Churge was by himself, be curtain- could result In the destruction of son usually require rules to regulate and ly did not have to obey the man-made lawn and restrictions that had been im- Canada's democratic society. control them, and such is the function of But the question of the overall pur- how's in relation to members of any socie- posed upon him in England, but be mill poses of law must also be raised. Is order ty. A law, however, is not just an had to obey rules: the rule of nature, In the only overall purpose or are there ordinary rule. Ordinary rule are a part order to survive be had to hunt, cook, and build shelter for himself. When other goals for the law? Canadian news of our everyday lives in Canada, whether papers and magazines are constantly they are made by institutions, organiza- Crusoe's companion, Friday, came on filled with reports, articles, discussions, tions, schools, or parents. On the other the scene, Crusoe had to make rules to hand, a law in a legal rule. Law apply to regulate their activitin. In one respect. and opinions about the fairness or just- Crusoe wils low free to do as be wished Deal of our present lawt. all member of the community, and because be had to consider the wither Justice is a very hard concept to usually are made and enforced by the define. Certainly it is a sense of what is government and its supporting special. and feelings of Friday; however, be also In Canada, we have a democratic system will freer because now the chores could right or fair but societies and cultures of government, with member elected by be divided between them and Crusoe differ in what they consider is fair or the people to make or change the laws to and more time for other thing. Just. Do people in Canada have a reflect the opinions of the majority of With the expanding population in monopoly on justice, and are our ideas Canadians, In some countries, people Canada today, it seems that more and and value superior to those of people live under a dictatorship and ure re- more rules are needed to keep order in living In other countries and societies? quired to obey laws made by one person our society. Rules limit an individual's The laws of other societies differ from or by a small group of people who have freedom and, in some way, Canadians ours because they reflect those societin" not been elected to office. are lew from than they were in the past. different ideas of right and wrong. It is Laws are needed in every society or In other ways, though, the individual natural to feel that one's own society is country to promote and keep order. Canadian is free today than ever in the superior to other societies and that one's Without order, anarchy choos part. This increased freedom is a result own sense of right is far more right than develop and the society fall span "division of labour", which means that of anyone else. because nothing can be accomplished. that the work that has to be done i Laws made without a sense of fairness Some people in our society are always divided up among the people who can do would merely create order. In dictator- demanding that government should give the Job. The result is that moil Cana ships, order is much more highly prized them more rights and freedoms. They diana are required to work only eight than it is in democracies. However, think that the ideal situation would be hour days, with the rest of each day free when Canndians judge that the laws in for them to have "complete freedom". to do as they please. dictatorships are unfair to the majority However, there is no such thing as com- One way to maintain freedom in of people in that country, they are judg plete freedom in a society. Any situation Canada is to ensure that only necessary ing the situation by the value of a involving more than one peron needs rules are made, and that the existing democracy. There is no absolute sense of some kind of rules, and rules necessarily rules and laws reflect the wishes of the justice, but in most societies laws strive restrict the freedom of the Individual. majority of Canadian. If the majority to be "jun" as well as to create and Some people think of Robinson of Canadians do not exercise their right maintain order. Crusoe stranded on a desert island as to vote, a minority of Canadians could classic example of complete freedom. elect a government that did not represent Digest of News Coverage