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Can you please help me writing the weaknesses of free shipping and celebrity appeal? I am in company B, and my competitor is company D.

Can you please help me writing the weaknesses of free shipping and celebrity appeal? I am in company B, and my competitor is company D. You don't have to compare to other companies. Just including some data and compare it with company D. Please make it a paragraph for half of the page. Thank you so much. Note: I only need two weaknesses ( Free Shipping and celebrity appeal)

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Europe -Africa - COMPARATIVE COMPETITIVE EFFORTS Company B - Industry 5 Year 18 - Help Year 18 Print Europe-Africa - Competitive Efforts by Company . A B C Industry D E F G vs Ind. H I J K L Average Average Avg. INTERNET SEGMENT Retail Price per unit) 108.00 89.29 99.00 106.46 106.00 Search Engine Advertising s000 15,500 20.000 12.000 18.250 7,500 101.75 -12.2% Free Shipping No 14,650 +36.5% No Yes Yes No Some Below Avg S/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 8.57 6.86 7.4* 8.5* 8.5* Model Availability 497 7.9% -13.9% 450 50 500 500 399 +12.9% Brand Advertising (5000s) 22,500 20,500 17.000 27.000 23,000 22.000 -6.8% Celebrity Appeal 0 0 295 115 99 -100.0% Brand Reputation prior your image 81 659582 84 -3.6% Online Orders (000s of pairs) 698 867 326 1,196 583 734 +18.1% Pairs Sold (5000s of pairs) 867 326 1,196 583 734 +18.1% Market Share (9) 19.0% 23.6% 8.9% 32.6% 15.9% 20.0% +3.6 pts WHOLESALE SEGMENT Wholesale Price (5 per pair 76.35 64.00 55.00 69.99 76.00 68.27 -6.3% S/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 8.5* 6.8* 7.4 8.5 8.5* 7.9* -13.9% Model Availability 497 450 50 500 500 399 +12.9% Brand Advertising (5000s) 22,500 20,500 17,000 27,000 23,000 22,000 -6.8% Rebate Offer (per pair 5.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 4.20 -28.6% Delivery Time (weeks) 4 wks 2 wks 3 wks 2 wks 2 wks 2.6 wis -23.1% Retailer Support (per outlet 6,500 1,500 5,500 6.000 7.000 5,300 -71.75 Retailer Outlets 4,328 535 1,271 3,370 2.209 2,343 -77.2% 850 Celebrity Appeal 0 295 115 99 -100.0% 98 Brand Reputation prioryear image 81 65 95 82 84 -3.6% Pairs Demanded (poos of pairs) 2,936 1,775 1,174 4,236 2,184 2,461 -27.9% Gained / Lost (due to stockouts 2,936 1,775 1,174 4,236 2,184 2,461 Pairs Sold (000s of pars) -27.9 23.9% 14.4% Market Share (196) 9.5% 34.4% 17.8% 20.0% -5.6pts. Total PRIVATE-LABEL SEGMENT Offer Price (maximum = $58.27) 45.00 0.00 45.00 45.990.00 Private Label S/Q Rating (minimum 5.0 stars) 5.5 * Pairs 2008 0.0 * 5.2 5.6* 0.0* Pairs Offered / Available (000s) 870 Demand = 2,175 0 823538 0 823 4820 Offered = 2.231 Pairs Sold (000s) 8700 Sold = 2,175 40.0% 0.0% 37.8% Market Share (96) 22.2% 0.0% Note: A market share limitation of 40.096 was imposed by chain retailers to help reduce market domination by a few private label suppliers and promote competition among more suppliers 0 Company B - Print North America - COMPARATIVE COMPETITIVE EFFORTS Year 18 - Help Year 18 Industry 5 - Competitive Efforts by Company - D E F G H I North America Co.B Vs Ind. Industry A B C J K L INTERNET SEGMENT Retail Price $ per unit Search Engine Advertising Socou Free Shipping S/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) Model Availability Brand Advertising (5000s) Celebrity Appeal Brand Reputation prior your image Online Orders (000s of pairs) Pairs Sold (5000s of pairs) Market Share () 105.00 83.20 85.00 105.28 103.00 16.750 20,000 12,000 18,500 16,750 Yes No Yes Yes Yes 8.3* 6.8* 7.0+ 8.5* 8.2* 487 458 64 500 500 22,500 25,000 20,500 27,000 23,500 400 0 305 145 98 81 65 9582 774 1,031 437 1,168 889 774 1.031 437 1.168 889 18.0% 24.0% 10.2% 27.2% 20.796 96.30 - 13.6% 16,800 +19.0% Most Below Avg 7.8 -12.8% 402 +13.9% 23,700 +5.5% 98 -100.0% -3.6% 860 +19.9% 860 +19.9% 20.0% +4.0pts. 84 Efforts WHOLESALE SEGMENT Wholesale Price per pain 74.27 56.91 55.00 70.99 74.00 S/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 8.3* 6.8* 7.0* 8.5* 8.2* Model Availability 487 458 64 500 500 Brand Advertising 5000 22,500 25,000 20,500 27.000 23,500 Rebate Offer per pain 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Delivery Time (weeks 2 wks 2 wks 3 wks 2 wks 2 wks Retailer Support per outlet 6,750 1.750 5,000 6,500 7,500 Retailer Outlets 2,671 607 1,306 4,350 2,268 Celebrity Appeal 400 0305 145 Brand Reputation prior year mage 98 81 65 9 5 8 2 Pairs Demanded poos of pairs 2,489 2,788 1,470 4,559 2,458 Gained/Lost due to stockout 0 0 0 0 0 Pairs Sold (000s of pairs) 2,489 2,788 1,470 4,559 2,458 Market Share 18.1% 20.3% 10.7% 33.1% 17.9% PRIVATE-LABEL SEGMENT Offer Price (maximum = $56.23) 42.00 0.00 55.00 40.80 41.00 S/Q Rating minimum = 5.0 stars) 5.56 0.01 5.1 5.7* 6.1* Pairs Offered / Available (0001) 870 0 634 261 7,390 Pairs Sold (000) 870 0 174 261 870 Market Share 40.0% 0.0% 8.0% 12.0% 40.0% 66.23 7.8% 402 23,700 4.80 2.2 wks 5,500 2.240 98 84 2,753 -14.1% -12.8% +13.9% +5.5% -16.7% -9.1% -68.2% -72.9% -100.0% -3.6% +1.3% 0 2,753 20.0% +1.34 +0.3pts. 20 Total Private Label Pairs poos Demand = 2,175 Offered = 9,155 Sold = 2.175 Note Ameshare Asia-Pacic company Industry 5 COMPARATIVE COMPETITIVE EFFORTS Year 18 Asia-Pacific AB - Competitive Efforts by Company D E F G H I Co. B vs Ind. Avg. C J K Industry Average L INTERNET SEGMENT Retail Price $ per unit) Search Engine Advertising soos Free Shipping S/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) Model Availability Brand Advertising (5000s) Celebrity Appeal Brand Reputation prior year image Online Orders (000s of pairs) Pairs Sold ($000s of pairs) Market Share (96) 102.00 82.45 80.00 96.99 99.00 15,000 19,500 10,000 18.750 15,000 No No Yes Yes Yes 8.5* 7.7* 5.7* 8.41 8.5* 500 500 494 499 495 21,500 30,000 15,500 27,000 23,000 0 330 120 98 81 65 95 82 472 958 530 1.164 696 472 958 530 1.164 696 12.4% 25.1% 13.9% 30.5% 18.2% 92.09 -10.5% 15,650 +24.6% Some Below Avg 7.8* -1.3% 498 +0.4% 23,400 +28.2% 102 -100.0% -3.6% 764 +25.4% 764 +25.4% 20.0% +5.1pts. 84 Efforts WHOLESALE SEGMENT Wholesale Price per pair 70.17 55.35 53.00 63.99 71.00 S/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 8.5 7.7* 5.7* 8.4 8.5* Model Availability 500 500 494 499495 Brand Advertising (5000) 21,500 30,000 15,500 27,000 23,000 Rebate Offer $ per pair 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Delivery Time (weeks) 2 wiss 2 wks 3 wks 2 wks 2 wks Retailer Support (s per outlet) 6,000 1,250 5,250 6,500 6,250 Retailer Outlets 3,085 768 1.206 3,623 1,830 Celebrity Appeal 0 330 120 Brand Reputation prior your image 98 81 65 95 82 Pairs Demanded (poos of pairs) 2,352 2,651 1,573 4,151 1,754 Gained / Lost (due to stockouts -553 +381 +225 +227 -280 Pairs Sold oos of pairs) 1,799 3,032 1.798 4,378 1,474 Market Share (9) 14.4% 24.3% 14.4% 35.1% 11.8% PRIVATE-LABEL SEGMENT Offer Price maximum = $52.70) 44.00 44.00 0.00 0.00 39.00 43.990.00 S/Q Rating (minimum = 5.0 stars 5.5* 0.0 * 5.2 5.8* 0.0* Pairs Offered / Available (000) 1,005 0 868 4 74 0 Pairs Sold 1000 1,005 0 868 474 0 Market Share (%) 40.0% 0.0% 34.6% 18.9% 0.0% 62.70 7.8% 498 23,400 5.00 2.2 wks 5,050 2,102 102 84 2,496 -11.7% -1.3% +0.4% +28.2% 0.0% -9.1% -75.2% -63.5% -100.0% -3.6% +6.2% 2,496 20.0% +21.5% Total Private Label Pairs (000) Demand =2,510 Offered - 2.247 Prin Latin America - COMPARATIVE COMPETITIVE EFFORTS Company B - Year 18 - Help Year 18 Industry 5 Latin America A B - Competitive Efforts by Company - D E F G H I C Co. B vs Ind. Avg. J Industry Avere ge K L INTERNET SEGMENT Retail Price (per unit) Search Engine Advertising 6000 Free Shipping S/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) Model Availability Brand Advertising (5000s) Celebrity Appeal Brand Reputation prior year Image Online Orders (000s of pairs) Pairs Sold ($000s of pairs) Market Share (%) 105.00 85.45 82.00 100.99 103.00 6,000 14,500 10,250 18,750 750 Yes No Yes Yes Yes 6.4* 7.7* 6.9* 8.4* 5.9* 482 500 50 500 497 8,000 22,000 13,500 27,000 10,000 1000 0 255 135 98 81 65 9582 496 1,004 556 1,185 500 496 1,004 556 1,185 500 13.3% 26.8% 14.9% 31.7% 13.4% 95.29 -10.3% 10,050 +44.3% Most Below Avg 7.1* +8.5% 406 +23.2% 16,100 +36.6% 98 -100.0% 84 -3.6% 748 +34.2% 748 +34.2% 20.0% +6.8 pts rts WHOLESALE SEGMENT Wholesale Price ( per pain 75.00 61.25 57.00 67.99 74.00 S/Q Rating (1 to 10 stars) 6.4* 7.7* 6.9* 8.4* 5.9* Model Availability 482 500 50 500 497 Brand Advertising (5000) 8,000 22,000 13,500 27,000 10,000 Rebate Offer is per pair 4.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 Delivery Time weeks) 1 wiss 2 wks 3 wks 2 wks 2 wks Retailer Support (s per outlet 5,500 1,250 5,750 5.750 6,000 Retailer Outlets 1.767 1.120 1,273 4.472 1.200 Celebrity Appeal 100 0 0 255 135 Brand Reputation (prior your image 98 81 65 95 82 Pairs Demanded oos of pairs) 1,653 2,772 1,331 4,717 1,567 Gained/Lost due to stockouts -156 +276 +132 +197 -449 Pairs Sold (ooos of pairs) 1,497 3,048 1,463 4,914 1,118 Market Share () 12.4% 25.3% 12.2% 40.8% 9.3% PRIVATE-LABEL SEGMENT Offer Price maximum - $57.05) 48.00 0.00 42.00 47.990.00 S/Q Rating minimum - 50 stars) 5.5* 0.0* 5.3* 5.7* 0.0* Pairs Offered / Available (0001) 1,005 0 679 537 0 Pairs Sold (000s) 1,005 0 679 537 0 Market Share (9) 40.0% 0.0% 27.1% 21.4% 0.0% 67.05 7.15 406 16,100 4.60 2.0 wks 4,850 1,966 98 84 2,408 -8.7% +8.5% +23.2% +36.6% +8.7% 0.0% -74.29 -43.0% -100.0% -3.6% +15.1% 2,408 20.0% +26.6% +5.3pts. Total Private-Label Pairs 000 Demand =2,510 Offered - 2.221

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