can you please provide the steps for add an inpit message to a data validation rule and add an error alert to a data validation rule
1. Justin Dougias is the director of professional development at the Georgia Medical Center. In addition to training courses offered to employees, the Georgia Medical Center also hosts continuing education seminars for medical professionals around the country. Justin has been tracking both fypes of courses in an Excel workbook and asks for your help in managing and analyzing the data. Go to the Training worksheet. Justin wants to sort and fiter the data on the worksheet, which lists the employees and the training courses they have requested. Format the range A3:G 43 as a table with headers using the Lime, Table Style Light 9 table style. Format a range as a table. Apply a table style. 2. The training courses are offered in two sessions. Justin wants to make sure that employees who enter training course data enter only "1" or " 2 " in the Session column. Create a data validation rule for the Session column as follows: a. For all cells in the Session column, create an in-cell drop-down data validation rule that accepts only entries from a list. b. Use 1, 2 as the Source values. c. Provide an input message that uses Sessions as the title and the following sentence as the input message: Enter the number of sessions. d. Apply a Stop style error alert that uses Number of sessions as the title and the following sentence os the error message: Enter 1 or 2. Add a data validation rule to a range. Add an input message to a data validation rule. In the Training worksheet, the data validation rule in the range E4:E43 should have an input message titled "Sessions" with the input message "Enter the number of sessions." Add an error alert to a data validation rule. In the Training worksheet, the data validation rule in the range E4:E43 should have an ertor alert that uses the Stop style with the title Number of sessions" and the error message "Enter 1 or 2