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can you please review and update the paper where I have made notes. thanks Running head: EASTMAN KODAK 1 Eastman Kodak Student's Name, Instructor Course,

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can you please review and update the paper where I have made notes.


image text in transcribed Running head: EASTMAN KODAK 1 Eastman Kodak Student's Name, Instructor Course, Date EASTMAN KODAK 2 Eastman Kodak Introduction to the Organization Eastman Kodak has been one of the best performing photography companies in the world for a relatively long period of time. Kodak transformed photography from an alchemy-like activity that was dominated by professionals into a highly popular, company that became an integral part many people's lives (, 2017). However, the company's recent declaration of bankruptcy provides a wakening call of the issues and turmoil that has been facing the company recently that have threatened the successful operation and existence of the company. Generally, Eastman Kodak provides hardware, software, consumables as well as various services to customers across the world. The company operates various segments including Micro 3D Printing and Packaging, Pint Systems, Consumer and Film, intellectual property solutions, software and solutions. The company also offers flexographic printing equipment and plates as well as the related consumables and service. Ideally, the The current organizational issue that has affected the productivity at Eastman Kodak is theinvolves their organizational irresponsiveness to change given the changes in technology in the industry. As Ta task Lleader, my focus will be examining the reason for the slow process of adopting change at Eastman Kodak, as well as various solutions that may be put in place to address the challenge. The analysis shall also focus on the main systematic weaknesses of within Eastman Kodak and the tech industry as a whole that has have played a role incontributed to the current issues that it is facingaffecting in their operational environment. Current Corporate Culture Then and Now EASTMAN KODAK 3 Indeed, the current organizational culture of Eastman culture seems to have played a great role in the current issue facing the organization. Historically, Eastman Kodak was known as a company that built its success around a culture of innovationmodernization and change (Kotter, 2012). The company was full of passionate innovators who helped to drive the success of the company. HoweverHowever, as the company grew and conquered markets, the management grew quite complacent probably inbelieving the belief that the company hads grown to a level that it would be regarded as 'too big to fail.' The management of Kodak did not keep an eye on the digital revolution when the competitor companies such as Fuji, were doing a better job with the roll-film business. This culture of complacency affected the ability of the company to remain a competitive firm and started to affect its productivity. Actually Wwith the spirit of complacency culture so solid at the topsaturating upper management, the culture waslack of productivity further cascadedtrickled down to the employees. Those who dared to question the oncoming problems and offer solutions for the company problems were ignored by their bosses and silenced by peers. The result was an absence since they did not create aof need for urgency over to address the problems that were facing the company (Kotter, 2012). The historical organizational culture of Eastman Kodak seems to have played a great role in the current issue facing the organization. The current culture ofWe now see, that Eastman Kodak contributed to the current issue of in that the company did notfailed to be innovative enough to adapt compete in to the changing technological operating environment (Munir, 2012). Kodak's management thought that people will never part with the hard prints and did not see the digital transformation that was occurring in the industry. As such, the company took little or no initiative to change. In the end, digital cameras and other digital transformations that were EASTMAN KODAK 4 occurring across the industry caught with the company that contributed to the failure of the company. Areas of Weakness The main areas of weaknesses that contributed to the problems facing Eastman Kodak include leadership, slow response to change and low motivation of the staffs. The management at Eastman Kodak was so captive of its core business that it failed to imagine an innovative way of doing things. With the digital transformation which was occurring, Eastman Kodak's major strengths as a reputable and trusted brand became a weakness as the customers were migrating to the competitor brands, a factor which contributed to the failure of the company (Kotter, 2012). Kodak dDefinitely, the company had the right resources and brand cachet to become among the leading providers of digital cameras, but the weaknesses of the leadership contributed to its slow decline. The second weakness which was theKodak's slow adaption resistance to change dealt the last fatal blow to the growth of the company. When Eastman Kodak foresaw the end of its film profit, it tried to leverage its chemical and imaging technology into other businesses such as copiers, computer hardware, pharmaceuticals and medical diagnostics. However, it was too late since the customers had migrated to other more innovative brands already. Despite In an attempt at drastic organization shift, the company hireding two new CEOs from different industries to inject fresh ideas into, the strategy. The executives were unable to get an understanding of the company and its operations, and did not work since they did not get an understanding of the company and its operations.they failed to carry Kodak's vision forward. EASTMAN KODAK 5 The third weakness that affected the productivity of Eastman Kodak is poor morale of the Kodak employees impeded the company's responsiveness to the internal and external factors affecting their growth. Employee concerns feedback relating to the current problems that were facing the company were ignored by the management (Kotter, 2012). By the time the company was tryingattempted to diversify its business and save itself from the turmoil it was facing, the workforce had shrunk from 70,000 to fewer than 20,000. The Without manpower, the company struggled to keep up with the smaller much nimbler competitors that were taking a hit in the market. Poor employee morale affected their innovativeness and ability to develop creative solutions for the company from within.. Proposed Solutions As the leader of the task force, I would propose a number of solutions to the problems facing Eastman Kodak. First, there is need to uphold innovation as an ongoing process for the organization given that reflect the changes in the technological sector. IdeallyEssentially, Eastman Kodak failed to innovate to which lead to their inability to keep in pace with the changing trends in the technological sector and also counter the advanced among increasing competition. For example, the company management should have recognized the growing transformations that were occurring in the industry with the introduction of digital media. Building and promoting a strong research and development team can help the company to come up with innovative solutions that could help it keep in pace with the changing trends. The other solution that could have helped Eastman Kodak to handle the issues it was facing, is to create an EASTMAN KODAK 6 organization culture that supports employee creativity and innovationideation. Ideally Kodak, the company was operating in an industry which was prone to new changes and customer preferences. As a result, there is need to ensure that employees are motivated to come up with innovative ideas that could transform to innovative products and that the company is healthy enough to remain flexible and mobilized for modernization. The current situation in which the management ignored innovative solutions of the employees contributed to the failure of the company. Consequently, ensuring that the company innovatorshuman resources have a loud enough voice to be heard and listed to could create a favorable organizational culture to spur the productivity of the company. Further, there is need for effective top down communication to enable the management provide the necessary insights to the staffs on innovation. Getting the employees to work in innovative groups can be facilitated by the management to ensure effective response to the current challenges facing the organization. EASTMAN KODAK 7 Executive Summary In relation to the current scenario, it is clear that thethe problems facing Eastman Kodak relates to its morale, slow innovative model, and irresponsiveness to change. The company's management missed opportunities to innovative and keep in pace with the changing trends in the technology industry. The management also failed to instill the necessary organization culture that would spur innovation and enable the employees to be innovative. This contributed to low morale of the employees and consequently, the decline of the company. Despite all the signs showing the digital transformation that was occurring in the industry, the company's management still kept a beliefpursued investment in the print media market, and failed to capture opportunities to innovate and keep in pace with the competition. This led to the decline of the company as the customers migrated to the competitor firms. EASTMAN KODAK 8 In this regard, it is important that the management puts in place various measures to improve the operations and productivity of the company. The first solution is to create an innovative culture at the organizationopen and welcoming organizational culture by instilling encouraging creativity among the employees as well as support for their feedback and respect for their experience. Keeping in pace with the technological trends is important to ensure that the company remains competitive and offers products and services that reflect the changing customer preferences. Also, there is need to create a research and development team can help to develop innovative solutions that take into account the changes in the external environment. Ensuring that there is effective top down communication between the management and staffs of the company could help create a motivated workforce that can help to spur motivation. References Eastman Kodak Company: Private Company Information - Bloomberg." N.p., 2017. Web. 11 July 2017. Munir, K. (2012). The Demise of Kodak: Five Reasons. Kotter, J. (2012). Barriers to Change: The Real Reason Behind the Kodak Downfall. Retrieved at: EASTMAN KODAK 9 ASSIGNMENT 1 TASK FORCE COMMITTEE REPORT: ISSUE AND SOLUTIONS Due Week 4, worth 150 points Leaders address issues and propose solutions. As a leader, you'll need to stay on top of events that may facilitate or hinder productivity. You must create and implement solutions to address these issues. This assignment exposes you to complex modern organizational challenges. The solutions you devise should reflect your learning and research of organizational and individual influences in the workplace. PREPARATION 1. Select an organization Select an organization in which current events have adversely affected productivity, requiring management to resolve an issue related to: corporate culture, managing diversity, leading teamwork, and developing motivational strategies. The organization should be one with which you are familiar where you work now or have worked previously (business, nonprofit, government, or military). You may also consider other organizations in the news, such as Macy's for the retail industry, United for the airline industry, Wells Fargo for the banking industry, etc. The focus is on finding solutions, but you should be somewhat familiar with the organization or industry. 2. Plan your research Use research from the course textbook, company website, business websites (CNBC, Bloomberg, etc.), resources from the Strayer Library, or outside resources to develop solutions to the following questions as they relate to corporate culture, managing diversity, leading teamwork, and developing motivational strategies to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. Your recommendations must be fully articulated and supported with appropriate detail and sources. Note: Wikipedia and web-based blogs do not qualify as credible resources. INSTRUCTIONS Imagine yourself as the task force committee leader at this organization. You have been tasked with analyzing hindrances to organizational efficiency. You must propose strategic solutions. Create a full report in which you do the following: 1. Describe the Organization and the Issue to Resolve Provide a brief description of the organization you selected. Present the organizational issue that adversely affected productivity and that you, the task force leader, will review and resolve. 2. Analyze Current Corporate Culture How has the current corporate culture facilitated the development of the current issue? Research the organization, dig into the culture, and analyze how it contributed to this issue. Hint: Review the mission and vision statements as well as the corporate website. 3. Identify Areas of Weakness What are the organization's areas of weakness? Using your research on organizational behavior approaches to corporate culture, diversity, teamwork, and motivational strategies, identify areas of weakness. 4. Propose Solutions What organizational practices would you modify? What solutions should your task force recommend to management? As the leader of the task force, identify the suggestions you would present to the organization's leadership with regard to modifying current organizational practices to resolve the issue. 5. Prepare an Executive Summary Summarize your recommendations and research findings in a one-page executive summary that you will present to the CEO in an upcoming executive meeting. Note: An executive summary is a condensed version of your full report. It should summarize briefly all the main points in concise paragraphs. It should be written clearly and should use language appropriate for the audience. PROFESSIONAL AND APA FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS Your assignment must follow these general APA formatting requirements: Be typed (five to seven pages recommended, excluding cover and reference pages), double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12) with one-inch margins on all sides Include a References List Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date Include in-text citations following APA style, using attributive tags and signal verbs Cite at least two credible sources POINTS: 150 Criteria 1. Describe the Organization and the Issue to Resolve Weight: 20% ASSIGNMENT 1: TASK FORCE COMMITTEE REPORT: ISSUE AND SOLUTIONS Unacceptable Below 70% F Does not describe the organization or provide details about the company. The issue and its impact on the company are not provided. Fair 70-79% C Partially describes the organization and provides some details about the company, but additional details would improve the description. The issue and its impact on the company are not clearly articulated. Proficient 80-89% B Sufficiently describes the organization and provides details about the company. The issue is identified and the author sufficiently describes what he/she knows about it and its impact on the company. Exemplary 90-100% A Fully describes the organization by providing a relevant and robust but concise overview of the company (e.g. when they were established, what service(s) or products they provide, and other relevant information). Additionally, the author fully describes the issue he/she has identified; what he/she knows about it and how it has impacted the company. 2. Analyze Current Corporate Culture Weight: 20% 3. Identify Areas of Weakness Weight: 20% The culture is not described or the company is not differentiated completely from others. Poses unsupported connections or connections are not included. Partially describes the company's culture. Lacks details and/or multiple sources are not utilized to provide a well-rounded perspective. Makes loose connections that were not supported by sources or that were not fully articulated Satisfactorily describes the company culture by drawing on and synthesizing corporate information about the company. Makes logical and realistic connections that are supported by source material. Completely describes the company's culture by detailing how the company positions itself from internal and external perspectives. Draws strong, logical connections about how the culture did or could have supported/facilitated the challenge. Makes direct connections and supports points with source material. Does not identify areas of weakness or does not provide supporting source material Partially identifies areas of weakness and makes loose connections between the weaknesses and supporting material. Satisfactorily identifies areas of weakness and provides valid details supported by source material. Completely identifies areas of weakness and provides strong details with logical connections and supporting source material. 4. Propose Solutions Weight: 20% 5. Prepare an Executive Summary Weight: 10% Does not describe modifications to organizational practices, or does not identify solutions that would resolve the issue. No source material is provided. Partially describes modifications to organizational practices and solutions to resolve the issues. Lacks supporting details and source material Satisfactorily describes modifications to organizational practices. Provides solutions that make some connections with supporting source material to indicate how the solutions will resolve the issue Completely describes modifications to organizational practices and provides solutions with strong connections and supporting source material. Logically details how the solutions will resolve issue. Did not prepare a one-page executive summary. Prepares a partial executive summary. The issue and problem are not clearly stated and the main points are not summarized. Paragraphs are not short or concise. Language could be more appropriate for the audience. Satisfactorily prepares an executive summary. The issue and problem are stated and most of the main points are summarized. Paragraphs could be more concise. Language is appropriate for the audience. Prepares an exemplary executive summary. The issue and problem are clearly stated. All of the main points are summarized. Paragraphs are short and concise, providing the right amount of detail. Language is ideal for the audience. 6. Write Professionally Using Quality Resources Weight: 10% Writing does not meet minimum standards. Tone is not professional. Communication is wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling, mechanical, formatting, citation, and/or grammatical errors. References are not provided. Writing is satisfactory. Professional tone is developing. Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. May contain more than a few spelling, grammar, mechanical, formatting, or citation errors. Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references are of poor quality. Writing could be improved, but meets acceptable standards. Tone is professional. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. May contain few or no spelling, mechanical, and/or grammatical errors. There may be minor formatting or citation errors. Meets the number of required references; all references are high-quality choices Writing is excellent. Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting. Contains no spelling, mechanical, or grammatical errors. Is free of formatting and citation errors. Exceeds number of required references; all references are high-quality choices Running head: EASTMAN KODAK 1 Eastman Kodak Student's Name, Instructor Course, Date EASTMAN KODAK 2 Eastman Kodak Introduction to the Organization Eastman Kodak was established in _____Eastman Kodak has been one of the best performing photography companies in the world. By the year 1976, Eastman Kodak accounted for approximately 85 percent of camera sales in America and 90% of film (The Economist, 2012). Until the 1990s, the company was rated as one of the global five valuable brands. Kodak transformed photography from an alchemy-like activity that was dominated by professionals into a highly popular, company that became an integral part many people's lives (, 2017). However, the company's recent declaration of bankruptcy provides a wakening call of the issues and turmoil that has been facing the company recently that have threatened the successful operation and existence of the company. Generally, Eastman Kodak provides hardware, software, consumables as well as various services to customers across the world. The company operates various segments including Micro 3D Printing and Packaging, Pint Systems, Consumer and Film, intellectual property solutions, software and solutions. The company also offers flexographic printing equipment and plates as well as the related consumables and service. The current organizational issue that has affected the productivity at Eastman Kodak involves their organizational irresponsiveness the changes in technology. As task leader, my focus will be examining the reason for the slow process of adopting change at Eastman Kodak as well as various solutions that may be put in place to address the challenge. The analysis shall also focus systematic weaknesses within Eastman Kodak and the tech industry as a whole, that have contributed to current issues affecting their operational environment. Corporate Culture EASTMAN KODAK 3 Historically, Eastman Kodak was known as a company that built its success around a culture of modernization and change (Kotter, 2012). However, as the company grew and conquered markets, the management grew quite complacent believing that the company had grown to a level that it would be regarded as 'too big to fail.' The management of Kodak did not keep an eye on the digital revolution when the competitor companies such as Fuji were doing a better job with the roll-film business since they wereevidenced by their ablilitye to acquire more the largest market share (, 2012). This culture of complacency affected the ability of the company to remain a competitive firm since the company was losing a market share to the competitors who had more innovative products and started to affect its productivity. With the spirit of complacency saturating upper management, lack of productivity tricked down to the employees. Those who dared to question the oncoming problems and offer solutions for the company problems were ignored and silenced by peers. The result was an absence of need for urgency to address the problems that were facing the company (Kotter, 2012). The historical organizational culture of Eastman Kodak seems to have played a great role in the current issue facing the organization. We now see that Eastman Kodak failed to be innovative enough to compete in the changing technological operating environment (Munir, 2012). Kodak's management thought that people will never part with the hard prints and did not see the digital transformation that was occurring in the industry (Anthony, 2016). For instance, Fuji Film was creating digital products that were adjacent to its film business, including the magnetic tape optics and branching into office automation, copiers and tape optics (Anthony, 2016). As suchMeanwhile Kodak failed to diversify;, the company took little or no initiative to change. In the end, Kodak's disinterest in digital cameras and other digital transformations that EASTMAN KODAK 4 were occurring across the industry directly caught with the company that contributeded to the failure of the company. Areas of Weakness The main areas of weaknesses that contributed to the problems facing Eastman Kodak include leadership, slow response to change and low motivation of the staffs (Kotter, 2012). The management at Eastman Kodak was so captive of its core business that it failed to enter the digital world that its competitors such as Fuji film had ventured very wellinto successfully. With the digital transformation which was occurring, Eastman Kodak's major strengths as a reputable and trusted brand became a weakness as the customers were migrating to the digital competitor brands, a factor which contributed to the failure of the company (Kotter, 2012). Kodak definitely hadhad the right resources and brand cachet to become among the leading providers of digital cameras, but the weaknesses of the leadership contributed to its slow decline. Kodak's resistance to change dealt the fatal blow to the growth of the company. When Eastman Kodak foresaw the end of its film profit, it tried to leverage its chemical and imaging technology into other businesses such as copiers, computer hardware, pharmaceuticals and medical diagnostics. However, it was too late since the customers had migrated to other more innovative brands already. In an attempt at drastic organization shift, the company hired two new CEOs from different industries to inject fresh ideas into the strategy. The executives were unable to get an understanding of the company and its operations; they failed to carry Kodak's vision forward. Poor morale of Kodak employees impeded the company's responsiveness to the internal and external factors affecting their growth. Employee feedback relating to the current problems EASTMAN KODAK 5 that were facing the company were ignored by the management (Kotter, 2012). By the time the company attempted to diversify its business and save itself from the turmoil it was facing, the workforce had shrunk from 70,000 to fewer than 20,000. Without manpower, the company struggled to keep up with the smaller much nimbler competitors that were taking a hit in the market. Poor employee morale affected their innovativeness and ability to develop creative solutions for the company from within. Proposed Solutions As the leader of the task force, I would propose a number of solutions to the problems facing Eastman Kodak. First, there is need to uphold innovation as an ongoing process for the organization that reflect the changes in the technological sector. Essentially, Eastman Kodak failed to innovate which led to their inability to keep in pace with the changing trends in the technological sector and also counter the increasing competition. For example, the company management should have recognized the growing transformations that were occurring in the industry with the introduction of digital media. Building and promoting a strong research and development team can help the company to come up with innovative solutions that could help it keep in pace with the changing trends. The other solution that could have helped Eastman Kodak to handle the issues it was facing is to create an organization culture that supports employee creativity and ideation. Kodak was operating in an industry which was prone to new changes and customer preferences. As a result, there is need to ensure that employees are motivated to come up with innovative ideas that could transform to innovative products and that the company is EASTMAN KODAK 6 healthy enough to remain flexible and mobilized for modernization. The current situation in which the management ignored innovative solutions of the employees contributed to the failure of the company. Consequently, ensuring that the human resources have a loud enough voice to be heard and listed to could create a favorable organizational culture to spur the productivity of the company. Further, there is need for effective top down communication to enable the management provide the necessary insights to the staffs on innovation. Getting the employees to work in innovative groups can be facilitated by the management to ensure effective response to the current challenges facing the organization. Executive Summary In relation to the current scenario, the problems facing Eastman Kodak relates to its morale, slow innovative model, and irresponsiveness to change. The company's management missed opportunities to innovative and keep in pace with the changing trends in the technology industry. The management also failed to instill the necessary organization culture that would spur innovation and enable the employees to be innovative. This contributed to low morale of the employees and consequently, the decline of the company. Despite all the signs showing the digital transformation that was occurring in the industry, the company's management pursued investment in the print media market, and failed to capture opportunities to innovate and keep in pace with the competition. This led to the decline of the company as the customers migrated to the competitor firms. In this regard, it is important that the management puts in place various measures to improve the operations and productivity of the company. The first solution is to create open and EASTMAN KODAK 7 welcoming culture by encouraging creativity among the employees as well as support for their feedback and respect for their experience. Keeping in pace with the technological trends is important to ensure that the company remains competitive and offers products and services that reflect the changing customer preferences. Also, there is need to create a research and development team can help to develop innovative solutions that take into account the changes in the external environment. Ensuring that there is effective top down communication between the management and staffs of the company could help create a motivated workforce that can help to spur motivation. EASTMAN KODAK 8 References "The Last Kodak Moment?." The Economist. N.p., 2012. Web. 13 July 2017. Anthony, S. (2016). Kodak's Downfall Wasn't About Technology Eastman Kodak Company: Private Company Information - Bloomberg." N.p., 2017. Web. 11 July 2017. N.p., 2012. How Fujifilm survived. Retrieved at: Kotter, J. (2012). Barriers to Change: The Real Reason Behind the Kodak Downfall. Retrieved at: Munir, K. (2012). The Demise of Kodak: Five Reasons.

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