can you please review my work
Assignment 2: Finding the Exact Score at Selected Perce Due: September 21st 5:00pm In the table below you have "% of total population ever tested positive for covid-19," as reported on 8/26/2021, for U.S. states and District of Columbia. Thus, N=51. We have grouped the percentages (shown in the X column) into unequal sized class intervals (see Chapter 3 of our textbook) and calculated the necessary distributions to do this assignment. You must add the "real lower limit" scores (we set the ru for the 4.00-4.99 class interval to 4.00). In the future you may be responsible for calculating all of these distributions from the frequency distribution, so don't forget how to do this! Using the method described in our Percentiles and Quantiles slides (Week 4 folder) and the formulae in our Formula Part 1 document, calculate and report the exact score at the 50th percentile and at the 75th percentile (you received the actual percentiles for your assignment in an email sent to you on September 13th). Remember to follow our rounding rules and you must report your answers to two places to the right of the decimal or to two significant digits. X % of C% 4.00 4.00 - 4.99 2 3.92 2 3.92 4.9 95 5.00 - 6.99 2 3.92 4 7.84 6. 995 7.00 - 8.99 5 9.80 9 17.64 8. 995 9.00 -10.99 9 17.65 18 35.29 10. 995 11.00 -11.99 6 11.76 24 47.050 * 11.995 12.00 -12.49 9 V 17.65 33 64.70 12,495 12.50 -12.99 5 9.80 38 74.50 12995 13.00 -13.99 4 7.84 42 82.34 13. 995 14.00 -14.99 7 13.73 49 96.070 12.90 14.995 15.00 -15.99 2 3.92 51 100.00 12.4 11.99 1 75 th S 50th 12.497 "1 + (n( 0 5 ) - cfb)* $ 50 r, + (n (075) -c-fb) an f f 12.995+51(75)-38) * 1:50 11.995 ( 51 (65)- 24) + 510 9 4 11.995 + 1.5 +. 50 12.995 + 38.25- 38 / 1:50 4 9 11995 + 0. 17:50 = 12.019 12.995 $ 25 4 12.995 + 06 x, 10 (13. 06 ac Teal Tower limit ofOur formulae . For median (50th percentile) . For any score at a selected percentile 'N(.50) - cfb) N(p) - cfb Md = ru+ Scorepercentile = rut * where ru is "real lower limit" of class interval of the selected percentile, N is sample size (total), p is the selected percentile written as a proportion (so, since median is 50th percentile, p = .50), cfb is the "cumulative frequency below" the class interval of the selected percentile, f is the frequency of the selected percentile, and i is the width of the class interval of the selected percentile (the width is the difference of the real lower limit of the class interval of the selected percentile and the real lower limit o the next class interval above)