can you please traslate it into javascript and html
Instructions: . Using JavaScript and HTML, write statements that satisfy the requirements / output the specific results Be careful with all words in your code, take care with capital and small letters, syntax punctuations, end of statement semicolon etc. Comment where possible to explain what you are doing The program you are designing will help to calculate determine the average number of putts at a 3 hole putting green competition. Your job is to use JavaScript to convert the following pseudocode into a working program. The contest prize is awarded to the golfer who has the lowest average total of putts for three holes. The program will ask the user to enter the name of the golfer and the number of putts for each hole and then it will display the average number of putts and the person with the lowest number of putts wins. Your program will display the results to look like this: Midterm_V30... 119% le Welcome to the MIT153 - Putting Calculator! Golfer: Happy Gilmore Average number of putts was 5.00 for the 3 holes. Thank you for using the Putting Calculator. The above example is example information. It shows that the golfer name entered was Happy Gilmore and the average putts came to 5.00. Your name and numbers will be completely different and be based on what the user entered Download the blank HTML document located in the content folder to use as a starting point for your project. When you have completed the task, save this file as yourFirstName YourLastname_Puttc.html Zip your files and submit using the test submission point as a single zip file You MUST submit the file in this manner and verify that the files have been properly received Do only what is asked for using what we have learned. //Pseudocode //Program Name: //Program Purpose: //Created by: //Date Last Modified: Start //Declare variables and constants Declare Numeric putti, putt2, putt3 Declare String golfer Declare Numeric total Declare Numeric avg Declare Constant NUM_PUTT = 3 //Display a welcome message Dienla "MIT153 . ifting Cleotor" //Calculate the total cost // Calculate the average cost and average cost //Display results Display "Golfer:"+ golfer Display "Average number of putts was "+avg+" for "+NUM_PUTT+" holes." //Display end of program message Display "Thank you for using the Putting Calculator" Stop