CASE 25 CASEASSIGNMENTQUESTIONS Southwest Airlines in 2014: Culture, Values, and Operating Practices Assignment Questions 1 ls there anything uhat you rind panicularly impro eive abosa suahwa4 Airlins? 2. Whai grake would you give Southwcst mamagumens for the job i has done in craling the ompany's arataty? Wh al 'su uhat you like or dislike about uhe aratay? Dees Scuahwou hav e al winnmg was g! 3. What are the kay policic pcodures, oncrating practioos, and core valucs undrlying Southwod's elforts to implement and execute its low-costo frills strategy? 4. What are the key elements of Southwest's culrure? Is Soutdaiest a strong culture company?Why or w nor? What problems do you foresee that Gary Kelly has in sustaining the culrure now that lerb Kelleber, the company's apinitual leader, has dupurtod? S. Whai grade would you give Scnthwcal management for the job it has domc in implamanuing and csccudling the oumpany's aralcgy7 Which olf Soushwea's straiagy cxccution approachcs and epurating practioos de you believe have been most erucial in accounting for the success that Southwest has enjoved in esecuting its siralcgy7 Are there any policis, procodurus, and oparating approachcs at Souwhwesl that you disappruve of or that are not working well? 6. Whai wcakncsus or problems da you sac at Sohwcsa Airlincs as ofmid-2014 7. Ds you approva of tho Airlran acquisition and the way that Southwost has gonc about inicgraing AirTran into rs operations? Is the .ntegration taking too long? Whw go so slow? the integration o AirTan's operations into Southwest's operations and migrate AirTran's employees io the Southwext onganiatiunal and ways of doing uhings? 9. What recommendatioms would to (ary Kelly and Souhwest cxcoutives as the comgumy hads owands the nd of i114 and on inus 201 5 CASE 25 CASEASSIGNMENTQUESTIONS Southwest Airlines in 2014: Culture, Values, and Operating Practices Assignment Questions 1 ls there anything uhat you rind panicularly impro eive abosa suahwa4 Airlins? 2. Whai grake would you give Southwcst mamagumens for the job i has done in craling the ompany's arataty? Wh al 'su uhat you like or dislike about uhe aratay? Dees Scuahwou hav e al winnmg was g! 3. What are the kay policic pcodures, oncrating practioos, and core valucs undrlying Southwod's elforts to implement and execute its low-costo frills strategy? 4. What are the key elements of Southwest's culrure? Is Soutdaiest a strong culture company?Why or w nor? What problems do you foresee that Gary Kelly has in sustaining the culrure now that lerb Kelleber, the company's apinitual leader, has dupurtod? S. Whai grade would you give Scnthwcal management for the job it has domc in implamanuing and csccudling the oumpany's aralcgy7 Which olf Soushwea's straiagy cxccution approachcs and epurating practioos de you believe have been most erucial in accounting for the success that Southwest has enjoved in esecuting its siralcgy7 Are there any policis, procodurus, and oparating approachcs at Souwhwesl that you disappruve of or that are not working well? 6. Whai wcakncsus or problems da you sac at Sohwcsa Airlincs as ofmid-2014 7. Ds you approva of tho Airlran acquisition and the way that Southwost has gonc about inicgraing AirTran into rs operations? Is the .ntegration taking too long? Whw go so slow? the integration o AirTan's operations into Southwest's operations and migrate AirTran's employees io the Southwext onganiatiunal and ways of doing uhings? 9. What recommendatioms would to (ary Kelly and Souhwest cxcoutives as the comgumy hads owands the nd of i114 and on inus 201 5