Case: Does This Milkshake Taste Funny? George Stein is a member of the night crew at Eastern Dairy. They mixed up product for milkshakes in giant vats to be packaged and shipped to various business's and restaurants. One night when he was working he discovered maggots clogging up all the pipes that the mix ran through. His boss originally told him to clean the filters and restart production but they just kept re-clogging. Then his boss decides to have George just remove the filters so the maggots can just run through with mix and the machines won't stop running so they can finish on time and go home. He says no one will know. George must decide whether he will go along with this and aid in putting contaminated mix out to all the unsuspecting businesses who will in turn sell it to their unsuspecting customers. The unethical reasons George might just go along with what his boss tells him are, he doesn't want to make his boss mad. He doesn't want to upset the company by having to dump so much mix and cost them money. He doesn't want his co-workers to be mad or think he is a wimp or over-reacting. He might behave unethically because it is an easier choice than arguing with his supervisor. The reasons George might choose to behave ethically and do the right thing are he is very bothered by the thought of all the unknowing, innocent children and people that will be drinking the contaminated mix. He would have to live with himself knowing he made this choice and that know that he did have a choice to do the right thing. If someone gets sick, he would know it was partly his fault and he could have done the right thing and changed it. If he told the higher management, they might be upset but they also might appreciate his honesty and take note that