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CASESTUDYTheowneroftherestauranthasgivenherpermissiontodothis.Malikafeelsthattheteamshemanagesintherestaurantcouldimprovetheirperformanceandshefeelsthatsuchanimprovementinperformancewouldleadtoanenhancedcustomerexperience.MalikasactionresearchprojectMalikahasapart-timejobworkingasaweekendingstaft.Theyhaveallagreedtoparticipateinthemanagerinarestaurant.Shehasdecidedthatsheisresearch.goingtosituateherresearchprojectintherestaurant.Malikasteamintherestaurantconsistsoftenwait- Before comvencing the work of developing this Following the work of Katzenbach and Smith feucrin mosearch proposal, Malika discussed her ides for her this

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CASESTUDYTheowneroftherestauranthasgivenherpermissiontodothis.Malikafeelsthattheteamshemanagesintherestaurantcouldimprovetheirperformanceandshefeelsthatsuchanimprovementinperformancewouldleadtoanenhancedcustomerexperience.MalikasactionresearchprojectMalikahasapart-timejobworkingasaweekendingstaft.Theyhaveallagreedtoparticipateinthemanagerinarestaurant.Shehasdecidedthatsheisresearch.goingtosituateherresearchprojectintherestaurant.Malikasteamintherestaurantconsistsoftenwait- Before comvencing the work of developing this Following the work of Katzenbach and Smith feucrin mosearch proposal, Malika discussed her ides for her this research project will provide a model for the insearch projoct with her thesis supensor. Her supenisor development of small teams in business. According aprosd that this was an interesting and usetul research to Katzenbach and Smith, team performance is one of propot and she accepted this mesearch as approprate in the single largest untapped resources of most orgaterma of the programme of study Malka s undertaring. nzzations. Katzenbach and Smith state that 'commitWhich is for a BS in Business Management. I ment to goals' and 'shared purpose' is critical to team Hoving secured this approwal, Malka developed the success, leadership, they write, is key. Yuki (2010) following minearch proposal. She submitted this to her holds that leadership is in part about the organization theiss supervis who formaly endorsed it. of work activities and the motivation of people (the teaml to meet objectives. A research proposal The use of teams has incraased in organizations, Perearch staternent. This resparch project is an action as shown by Morgeson ot al. (2010, soe also MoClerectuch proiect desgned to improve the perlomance shey 2014). They outine how research in manageof a fram of wating statt at the Bco Vveur Restaurant, ment has begun to focus on the role of leadership in developing tearns and in team success. Vasilagos. Aim and objectives Polychroniou and Maroudas (2017) highlight the The aim of the rescarch is to improve the perfomance importance of emotional intelligence, the supervisors of a tearn of watupg garf at the Bon kiseur Pestaurant. The ocjectives of the reseduch ive as folows. Ship capabify. Transformational leadership is a key. - To mieasure curfers perforrince of the team of concept in this study. Waiting stall. The filerature review for this research project will - To establiah which inpects of the peflormance warrint improwement. - To considar the coritnbution of the niperviory tearn to the performaricf of the team of waning staft - To design a process by which pediommances of explore: both teamn might be imorored - the nature of teams in business organizations. - the critical issues in team success - the nature of tearn leadership in relation to Research methodology following impiementation - To evaluate tie eflicacy of the mprovement methodolony designed in particular to bring about. Procss Charge and developinent. As the focus of this resourch - To develiop a modiat for the chiveropment of smal project is on developing the performance of a team, toms a business entimproes. The population of the study The poputation of the afudy consias of the ten then linece propros whereby the researcher fris plans suporyiges in her work as weefiend managor at the parse rits action When the action has been oompleted. feenc ten members of the costaurants manogement toam: and 40 of the restavratifs movis customars. accompitaned by the action. Finaily. the moearcher ovaluates the adion, Having evaluated the wation, the researcher may begin the cyclical process Sample literature review agan, by ourining two neot atage of the research implo-. This research preject is focused on learn pertors. Herting the gin, minecing on the inpiomentation and The data collection methods to be used in the study implemented and on two Saturday nights after the are as lollows. focus group changes have been implemented. In all, 40 regular customers will participate in the study. The question. - observation - questionnaire. naire will alse be administered to all ten members of group with the ten members of the comene a focus Scientists is a computerized statistical analysis pack. purpose of the focus group is to explore the vews of the age, used for the analysis of social science data, The purpose of the focus group is to explore the views of responses to the 'before' and 'atter' questionnaires will the team in relation to the improvements in perfor-_ be compared and conclusions will be drawn regarding mance needed and the improvements in performance the impact of the research on the customer experience. possible. The focus group will be audio recorded. The researcher will transcribe the audio recording and, from the transcript, develop a plan for the implementation of Context for the research the improwiments decided on by the members of the The research is being undertaken for a BSc in Business focus group. The rasearcher will then convene a focus group training and development exercise with the team of ten with the six mernbers of the supervisory team. The waiting staff the researcher supervises, and the team of researcher will prepare a focus group schectule, based in six supervisors the researcher works with, in her role as pert on tha data gathered in the focus group conducted weekend manager at the Bon Viveur festaurant in the With the Waiting statf. The purpose of the focus group vilage of Martens, in Upper Lakelands. is to exclore the views of the team in relation to the improvements in perfomance needed and the improve- Rationale for the research ments in periomance possible. The focus group will in undertaking the research, the researcher hopes be audio recorded. The researcher will transcribe the audio recording and, from the transcript, dovalop a pian to contribute to the development of her team and. for the implemeritation of the inprovements decided on her workplace. Through the research, she hopes to. by the members of the locus group. During the implementation phase of the research, of action research in training and development. Finally. the researcher and both of the teams will observe the she hopes through the research to make a cantribution impact of the changes in performence. Two observa. to knowledge in relation to small team management. tion schedules will be developed for this purpose. The . The researcher plans to publish an account of the frrst observation schedule will be used to record the research in the trade magazine Restaurants Tociay: A implementation of the proposed changes in perior- copy of the thesis, the formal account of the research, mance. The second observation sohedule will be used wil be placed in the university library. to measure the impaist of the changes. Finally, the researchor will develop a questionraire Question: What do you think of Malika's research designed to measure the impact of the changes in proposar? Do you think the project is researchable, porformance on the customer experience. This quits-_ using the test of researchability outlined in Chapter 1? tionnaire will be administered to ten regular custom-. Explain your answer. Does Malika's research proposal ers on two Saturday nights betore the changes are give you ary indas for your own research propect

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