cef4. . capital hat o lugulceneater aa of 1231/20 c)d on theohe Itafentints, at of 12/11/20 Dpt . L lazance theet, an of 12 y 31/29 Bank BankExec TM Report Review and Evaluation The purpose of the evaluation is to introduce you to the bank you will be menaging. The "Bank Beginning Finanoial Heports" above represent the beg nning condtion of your bank. In a soperate Word dooument, answer aach question to the best of your abilly. If you have questions about the data in these reports, see Appentix A of ghe Decisisn Mansal, 1. Looking at the bank's balance sheet (Raport BD1), what is your assessrtent of ts overall stuetion? Do you sberve any trends that abpear espeelally favorabie or unfavoratle? 2. Examine the bark's income statement (feport e02). What are the trends in ogerating eamings and not income? What are tho zeturn on assess asd retum on equity of ne benk lar the yeat to dale? What is your eveluston of these facts? 3. Ropors fpgs and bab centain a bet of information. What seams to te the purpose of tha information? frou wir nted sorre practce ta vee these reforts.) 4. Foports 810 and B12 peovide itformation on the socurtios porthio of the bank What is your assassment of the condition of the portiolo? What doen "Gsintess" ment? 5. Reparts 020 and 822 ptevize information on the lokn portfolo of the benk. What is your assessmant of the benk's loan partfoio? 6. Examine the cument loas decisisns of the bank as shown cn Fieport B24. Campare the interest rates being charged with those prevaling in the ecconomy that are also shown tere. Do you heve ary recommendations foc clangas in loari decisions? 7. Repot 640 provides information on deposits of the bank. What is your asseasment of this area? recormmend? 1. Regon A64 proubes intomation on purchased funds and capital Does the bark soam oo have sificiont furids avaiabia fram these sources? How do the interest rates fompare with thi ralet on cusemar tme dapesits? diclean? 11. Examine Roperts ces and C96. What typa of indormubon is provided here? higheat priarity for acton? cef4. . capital hat o lugulceneater aa of 1231/20 c)d on theohe Itafentints, at of 12/11/20 Dpt . L lazance theet, an of 12 y 31/29 Bank BankExec TM Report Review and Evaluation The purpose of the evaluation is to introduce you to the bank you will be menaging. The "Bank Beginning Finanoial Heports" above represent the beg nning condtion of your bank. In a soperate Word dooument, answer aach question to the best of your abilly. If you have questions about the data in these reports, see Appentix A of ghe Decisisn Mansal, 1. Looking at the bank's balance sheet (Raport BD1), what is your assessrtent of ts overall stuetion? Do you sberve any trends that abpear espeelally favorabie or unfavoratle? 2. Examine the bark's income statement (feport e02). What are the trends in ogerating eamings and not income? What are tho zeturn on assess asd retum on equity of ne benk lar the yeat to dale? What is your eveluston of these facts? 3. Ropors fpgs and bab centain a bet of information. What seams to te the purpose of tha information? frou wir nted sorre practce ta vee these reforts.) 4. Foports 810 and B12 peovide itformation on the socurtios porthio of the bank What is your assassment of the condition of the portiolo? What doen "Gsintess" ment? 5. Reparts 020 and 822 ptevize information on the lokn portfolo of the benk. What is your assessmant of the benk's loan partfoio? 6. Examine the cument loas decisisns of the bank as shown cn Fieport B24. Campare the interest rates being charged with those prevaling in the ecconomy that are also shown tere. Do you heve ary recommendations foc clangas in loari decisions? 7. Repot 640 provides information on deposits of the bank. What is your asseasment of this area? recormmend? 1. Regon A64 proubes intomation on purchased funds and capital Does the bark soam oo have sificiont furids avaiabia fram these sources? How do the interest rates fompare with thi ralet on cusemar tme dapesits? diclean? 11. Examine Roperts ces and C96. What typa of indormubon is provided here? higheat priarity for acton