Celestial Senoelngs CVP Analyals This project is to help you staet to identify how finaheial statementr can be oied io detentine a company's taetable and fired costs, calculate an operating leverage, and begin doing coit volume profit analysis. L.e's look at the footnoter to Celestial Seasoning Financial wnements, which can be found on the Secunities \& Hixchange Commissioss webile EDGAR. The focenote proviler quattely data for the; (i) the number of cases of sea were iold, (2) the ne sales (3) enos profic and (4) eperating income. Your job is to ese this data to detenmino tho pieces to their eperating leverage and CVP uning the high-low method. Whing the facts you know, what ia Celestial Seasuing Etrak-Iives ales vibmet What aro some cobchains we con mike dout Celetial Saweing ale of ies a eath quarten Pick one period & determine the total cost A detemine die total variable costs Subuitute the resule in the equation wheve and solve for beal ficed cout moeds ou byenally have loww Meit? Celestial Senoelngs CVP Analyals This project is to help you staet to identify how finaheial statementr can be oied io detentine a company's taetable and fired costs, calculate an operating leverage, and begin doing coit volume profit analysis. L.e's look at the footnoter to Celestial Seasoning Financial wnements, which can be found on the Secunities \& Hixchange Commissioss webile EDGAR. The focenote proviler quattely data for the; (i) the number of cases of sea were iold, (2) the ne sales (3) enos profic and (4) eperating income. Your job is to ese this data to detenmino tho pieces to their eperating leverage and CVP uning the high-low method. Whing the facts you know, what ia Celestial Seasuing Etrak-Iives ales vibmet What aro some cobchains we con mike dout Celetial Saweing ale of ies a eath quarten Pick one period & determine the total cost A detemine die total variable costs Subuitute the resule in the equation wheve and solve for beal ficed cout moeds ou byenally have loww Meit