CEO of an airline company wants to identify characteristics that distinguish frequent flyers from casual flyers. This is because the company is planning to promote frequent flying postcovid. Relevant data was collected and analysed using SPSS and outputs are given below. Based on the given the tables above, answer the following questions: a. Estimate the discriminant function. b. Test if predictor variables are significant in distinguising between the two types of flyers. c. Test if the estimated discriminant function is significant. d. Using the discriminant function estimated in your analysis. determine whetherthis person is likely to be a frequent flyer or a casual flyer. A 40 years old, married female in fulltime employment and earns an annual income of $58,000. e. Validate ifthe model predicts out of sample data well. Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients Function 1 Age in years 102 Annual income in SK -.053 Marital -.502 Job 204 Gender -. 128 Constant) -.789 Unstandardized coefficients Functions at Group Centroids Flyers Function 1 Casual flyers 1.332 Frequent flyers -1.073 Unstandardized canonical discriminant functions evaluated at group means Classification Results3,b Predicted Group Membership Flyer Casual Flyer Frequent Flyer Total Cases Selected Original Count Casual Flyer 46 12 58 Frequent Flyer 5 67 96 Casual Flyer 79.3 20.7 100.0 Frequent Flyer 6.9 93.1 100.0 Cases Not Selected Original Count Casual Flyer 17 11 28 Frequent Flyer 5 37 42 9% Casual Flyer 80.7 30.3 100. Frequent Flyer 11.9 88.1 100.0 a. 86.0% of selected original grouped cases correctly classified. b. 77.1% of unselected original grouped cases correctly classified.Wilks' Lambda Test of Function(s) Wilks' Lambda Chi-square df Sig. 408 112.519 5 000 Classification Resultsa,b Predicted Group Membership Flyer Casual Flyer Frequent Flyer Total Cases Selected Original Count Casual Flyer 46 12 58 Frequent Flyer 5 67 72 96 Casual Flyer 79.3 20.7 100.0 Frequent Flyer 6.9 93.1 100.0 Cases Not Selected Original Count Casual Flyer 17 11 28 Frequent Flyer 5 37 42 96 Casual Flyer 60.7 39.3 100.0 Frequent Flyer 11.9 88.1 100.0 a. 86.9% of selected original grouped cases correctly classified. b. 77.1% of unselected original grouped cases correctly classified. Show transcribed image text