Changelopportunity Resources 10 11 12 13 14 Use an appropriate method to conduct a cost-benet analysis for the changeiopportunity that was assigned the highest priority. Use the work you've done in this section so far to develop a written change management project plan. In your plan, include: ' a description of the required changeslopportunities (including their priority and costlbenefit analysis of the highest priority changelopportunity) ' resource requirements . . risk management ' recommendations for timelines. Note: Attach proof of your written change management project plan to this section of your portfolio. As you write your change management project plan, use clear and precise language to suit the audience and purpose. Obtain approval of your change management project plan from any relevant managers. 12.1 Who will you seek approval from? 12.2 How will you obtain approval (e.g. email to CEO with plan attached, verbally at an executive team meeting etc)? Note: Attach proof of how you sought approval to this section of your portfolio. Consult with relevant personnel to seek their input for a communication or education plan to communicate the required changes and opportunities (e.g. you may wish to seek input about personnel's learning preferences and intrinsiciextrinsic motivation factors or you may wish to seek the executive management's preference for how change is communicated). Note: You may use any communication tool (other than verbal communication) to receive input from personnel (e.g. email, online survey etc). Attach proof of how you consulted with personnel to this section of your portfolio. Develop a communication or education plan that: ' communicatesleducates relevant stakeholders about the changes ' promotes the benefits of organisational change