Chapler 11 picblem 6 . Deveiop a chasie plan that matches the forecast where regular productioa can be less than rogurar copocity. What is the reguar oulput in month 3 ? QUESTIONZ Chaples 11 prtatiem 6 . Dereicp a chass plan that matehes the trecast where regutar production can be less fhan fegular capacty. What is the regular output in menth 5 ? QUESTION 3 Chapler th probiem 6 . bevelop il chate ilan that matches the forecest where reguar procuction can be west thim reguiar cagocity. What is the regdar outout in month 71 qutstion 4 Chaiper 11 pioteome. 6. Manager Chris Channing of Fabric Mills, Inc., has developed the forecast shown in the table for bolts of cloth. The figures are in hundreds of bolts. The department has a regular output capacity of 275(00) bolts per month, except for the seventh month, when capacity will be 250(00) bolts. Regular output has a cost of $40 per hundred bolts. Workers can be assigned to other jobs if production is less than regular. The beginning inventory is zero bolts. a. Develop a chase plan that matches the forecast and compute the total cost of your plan. Overtime is $60 per hundred bolts. Regular production can be less than regular capacity. b. Would the total cost be less with regular production with no overtime, but using a subcontractor to handle the excess above regular capacity at a cost of $50 per hundred bolts? Backlogs are not allowed. The inventory carrying cost is $2 per hundred bolts. Chapter 11 problem 6 . Develop a chase plan that matches the forecast where regular production can be iess than repular capacity. Overtime will be used to make the shortage at a cost of Se0 per hundreats bolts. What is the total cost of the plan? QUESTION 6 Chagter 11 problem 8 . If With no erersme ia atgeed, but you can camy imentory at cost of 12 per hundred botis per menti. You can also use a subcontracioc to handie tre ascess above reouly copacity at a coet of tse per thundred bota. llacdogs ase not allowed. What will be the minimum possible cost for the plan