For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the back of the Payment Voucher. Name (not your trade name) Criar Company has gathered the information reeded to comphete its form 941 for the eurter ended September so, 201 Using the iricormation pretented below, complete Part 1 of form 941 . - H of empioyees for pay period that included September 12=14 employees - Wages paid third quarter =$79,750,17 - Federal income tak rithheld in the thind quarter =59,570.60 - Toxasle soclel securty and Medicare wages =479,750.17 - Total tax depots for the quarter =421, 771.83 calcuiged each pay peried. This difference is reocrted en ine 7 as a deduction if an ascien as Tractions of Ceets." Form 941 and the anseurts whiheia from employed's eaning blus the embioper's percell tax amiourts each par. If an input bex dees net require an entry, leave it blank. When required, round amewnts to the nearest cent, van 941 for 20m Employer"s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return thes march eat Employer identification number (reth) Name (not your tracke name) Trade name (if any) CRUZ coupsery. Address o0t Kerisoye Sile e roon muntie For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the back of the Payment Voucher. Name (not your trade name) Criar Company has gathered the information reeded to comphete its form 941 for the eurter ended September so, 201 Using the iricormation pretented below, complete Part 1 of form 941 . - H of empioyees for pay period that included September 12=14 employees - Wages paid third quarter =$79,750,17 - Federal income tak rithheld in the thind quarter =59,570.60 - Toxasle soclel securty and Medicare wages =479,750.17 - Total tax depots for the quarter =421, 771.83 calcuiged each pay peried. This difference is reocrted en ine 7 as a deduction if an ascien as Tractions of Ceets." Form 941 and the anseurts whiheia from employed's eaning blus the embioper's percell tax amiourts each par. If an input bex dees net require an entry, leave it blank. When required, round amewnts to the nearest cent, van 941 for 20m Employer"s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return thes march eat Employer identification number (reth) Name (not your tracke name) Trade name (if any) CRUZ coupsery. Address o0t Kerisoye Sile e roon muntie