CHCBa in 2020 and the expected costa in 2024 telck the icen to vew the coaha.) CMCEe in 2020 and the expected ceets in 2021 Requirements Peequirement 1. Calealate the tolai Drest materax incremaral revetumes and cotts bom cets Direct raputactutiog lacer Waristion batch meritacturrg cost twe1 mandasliting toth Rodil munifacturng ostis Checlis in 2023 and the exceted poste in 2021: [It] ticich the icen io yiew the colta. More info Swarson manthacturod 5,000 CWC84 in 2000 n 30 takches of 200 each in 2921, Swareon artiopaled eeedirg 5,000 CMCes. The CMCEs would te prodiced in 50 palctes of 100 each. Tha Mariey Conpontition has approached Zwansan ahial asspleted CMCBs to twansot in 2021 ad t440 ger CliCe on whataver deliviny 4heove Emaroon wanth, The 5 warson Corporiton manifachuses celus (C)CSj, an imootas part of the colula mege cMSPE is 2023 and the eqectid conts in o Data table CHCBa in 2020 and the expected costa in 2024 telck the icen to vew the coaha.) CMCEe in 2020 and the expected ceets in 2021 Requirements Peequirement 1. Calealate the tolai Drest materax incremaral revetumes and cotts bom cets Direct raputactutiog lacer Waristion batch meritacturrg cost twe1 mandasliting toth Rodil munifacturng ostis Checlis in 2023 and the exceted poste in 2021: [It] ticich the icen io yiew the colta. More info Swarson manthacturod 5,000 CWC84 in 2000 n 30 takches of 200 each in 2921, Swareon artiopaled eeedirg 5,000 CMCes. The CMCEs would te prodiced in 50 palctes of 100 each. Tha Mariey Conpontition has approached Zwansan ahial asspleted CMCBs to twansot in 2021 ad t440 ger CliCe on whataver deliviny 4heove Emaroon wanth, The 5 warson Corporiton manifachuses celus (C)CSj, an imootas part of the colula mege cMSPE is 2023 and the eqectid conts in o Data table