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Check n Congratulations. You've just been appointed chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in Textland. You must rely on your research assistant for the

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Check n Congratulations. You've just been appointed chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers in Textland. You must rely on your research assistant for the specific numbers. He says income is $52,000, mpe is 0.8, and the president wants to raise output by $2,080. Instructions: Enter your responses rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount. a. You should advise the president to: Increase v government spending by $ or decrease taxes by $ 520 b. Your research assistant comes in and says "Sorry, I meant that the mpe is 0.6." You redo your calculations. Increase government spending by $ or decrease |taxes by $ 1387 c. You're just about to see the president when your research assistant comes running in, saying, "Sorry, sorry, I meant that the mpe is 0.5." Redo your calculations. Increase government spending by $ 1040 or decrease taxes by $ 2080

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