(Cilck the icon to vew the data?) (Click the icon fo vew additional data.) Road the reaureatents Requiremen 1. Prepare a sthedule of cash colloctione for January. Fetriary, and March, and for the quater in total. Darley Manufactuting a preparing ita master budget for the fitst quarier of the cqcoming year. The following data pertain bo Darley Manufacturing's operatons: (Cick the licon fo view the datar) (1) (Gick the icon to view addional dma.) Read the tequrements Fequirement 3. Prepare a dicect materais budget. (fiound your anewers to the rearest whole dofiw) paryment in January.) (Round your anvwers to the nearest whole doliar) Dartey Manufacturing Cash Payments for Direet Materials Budgat Recuirement 5. Prepare a cash paytwents budget for direct labor: Darlay Manufacturing Cash Payments for Manufacturing Overhead Budgot For the Quarter Ended March 31 Requirament 7. Prepare a cash payments budget for operating expenses. (Round yeur answors to the nearest whole dolar) Darley Manufacturing Cash Payments for Operating Expenses Budget Dariey Manulacturing Combined Cash Budget For the Quarter Inded March a1 Darley Manslactaring Dartey Marufactaring Busgesed lincome Statement Gross prits test: Oserating exientas ters. Dupresiatitn exsense: Ooerative nidere Lest inciest exmse Lossi mcone lax exportse Het roctere (Cilck the icon to vew the data?) (Click the icon fo vew additional data.) Road the reaureatents Requiremen 1. Prepare a sthedule of cash colloctione for January. Fetriary, and March, and for the quater in total. Darley Manufactuting a preparing ita master budget for the fitst quarier of the cqcoming year. The following data pertain bo Darley Manufacturing's operatons: (Cick the licon fo view the datar) (1) (Gick the icon to view addional dma.) Read the tequrements Fequirement 3. Prepare a dicect materais budget. (fiound your anewers to the rearest whole dofiw) paryment in January.) (Round your anvwers to the nearest whole doliar) Dartey Manufacturing Cash Payments for Direet Materials Budgat Recuirement 5. Prepare a cash paytwents budget for direct labor: Darlay Manufacturing Cash Payments for Manufacturing Overhead Budgot For the Quarter Ended March 31 Requirament 7. Prepare a cash payments budget for operating expenses. (Round yeur answors to the nearest whole dolar) Darley Manufacturing Cash Payments for Operating Expenses Budget Dariey Manulacturing Combined Cash Budget For the Quarter Inded March a1 Darley Manslactaring Dartey Marufactaring Busgesed lincome Statement Gross prits test: Oserating exientas ters. Dupresiatitn exsense: Ooerative nidere Lest inciest exmse Lossi mcone lax exportse Het roctere