Click Submit to complete this assessment Question Question 2 50 point As a financial analyst at Deutsche Bank, you are analyzing the after tax returns for your client Suppose your dont bought a share of sled AMD 500 stock Oracle at $70, and a share of IBM at $80. A year later after your client received a 5 dividend from AMD, 54 dividend from Orade and home stock AMD at 565 per share sold Oracle at $75 and sold IBM at 80 What are the expected after tax returns for your entil your data (a) a church investment fund (tax exempt status) 10.40 Sample answer 10.55%) (b) u corporation paying tax at 21% (remember that corporations may exclude 70% of dividends received from domestic corporate taxable income) Sample awer 10.55%) (c) an individual paying tax st 215 on capital gains and dividend income at 35% Samples 10 (d) a security dealer paying fox at 20% on both dividend income and capital gain? Sample Click Submit to combiete this assessment L O Click Submit to complete this assessment Question Question 2 50 points As a financial analyst at Deutsche Bank you are analyzing the after tax returns for your client Suppose your client bought a share of stock of AMD 500, that stock Oracle at $70, and a share of IBM at 580 A year later, after your client received a $3 dividend from AMD 54 dividend from Dracle and 55 Goh so the stock AMD at 565 per share, sold Oracle at $75, and sold IBM at 80. What are the expected attor tax returns for your diant it your dentis (a) a church investment fund (tax-exempt status) 10.48% (Sample answer 10.55%) (b) a corporation paying tax at 21 (remember that corporations may exclude 70% of dividends received from domestic corporations in the computation of their taxable income (Sample answer 1055) (c) an individual paying tax at 21% on capital gains and dividend income at 3997 (Sample answer 15.665 (d) a security dealer paying tax at 289 on both dividend income and capital gains? Sample answer 18 55% Click Submit to complete this assessment