code in c
Concepts to Practice e Pointers .Simulated "pass by reference" via pointers Strings Relationship of pointers to arrays . Description For the prelab assignment, you need to implement a program that issues prompts and takes in data from the user inside various functions. You may not call scanf) from your main() function. The main) function in your program should: 1. Print a message welcoming the user to Prelab 6. 2. Call a function to get an integer from the user 3. Call a function to get a float from the user 4. Call a function to get a string from the user 5. Call a function to get an array from the user Print out all of the values that the user entered. 6. Functions You Must Write You may write any functions you wish to implement this program, in addition to the following functions. However, you must implement the following functions, and they must be prototyped as shown: with with e void PromptAndGetinteger(char prompt, int *output) This function prompts the user with the specified message and then reads an integer into the memory location specified by output. . void PromptAndGetFloat(char prompt, float output) This function prompts the user with the specified message and then reads an integer into the memory location specified by output .void PromptAndGetString(char prompt, char output)-This function prompts the user with the specified message and then reads an integer into the memory location specified by output. (char prompt, int output)-This function prompts the user with the vold PrompAndGetFloat(char. prmn nteger ito thememory locationtomts vold PromplAndGetstringichar . pcosan nteger into the memory locatis specified message and then reads an integer into the memory location specified by output. e void PrintArray(int all, int size)-This function prints a tab and then "Array location "followed by the index of the array location, a colon, and the value of the array at that location. It does this for each element in the array for size elements (so if size is 3, it will print array locations 0,1, and 2). int main(void)-Of course, you need to write a main)