Code the ICD 10 CM & PCS CODES
Scenario #4- Lung Disease OPERATIVE REPORT Procedure Performed: Bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsies of the left lower lobe Indication: Interstitial lung disease Findings: Normal airway anatomy Anesthesia: Lidocaine 500mg applied topically to the oropharyngeal and endobronchial mucosa. Fentanyl 100 mcg IV given in small aliquots throughout the procedure. Versed 3 mg IV total. Procedure Detail: Informed consent was obtained from the patient. The 45 year old diabetic patient was brought to the endoscopy room. Anesthesia was applied. The bronchoscope was passed through the left nasal cavity into the trachea. Using fluoroscopy, transbronchial biopsies were obtained in the left lower lobe and in the inferior segment of the lingual. The trachea, carina, left and right-sided airways were all within normal limits and they were inspected to the level of the segmental bronchi. Some white to yellow secretions were noted in both dependent lower lobes. The patient tolerated the procedure well. His oxygen saturation remained above 93 percent throughout the procedure. He was hemodynamically stable throughout. He was maintained on O2 by nasal cannula. There were no complications. Transbronchial biopsies were sent for pathology. Code this scenario with ICD-10-CM and PCS codes. Scenario #4- Lung Disease OPERATIVE REPORT Procedure Performed: Bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsies of the left lower lobe Indication: Interstitial lung disease Findings: Normal airway anatomy Anesthesia: Lidocaine 500mg applied topically to the oropharyngeal and endobronchial mucosa. Fentanyl 100 mcg IV given in small aliquots throughout the procedure. Versed 3 mg IV total. Procedure Detail: Informed consent was obtained from the patient. The 45 year old diabetic patient was brought to the endoscopy room. Anesthesia was applied. The bronchoscope was passed through the left nasal cavity into the trachea. Using fluoroscopy, transbronchial biopsies were obtained in the left lower lobe and in the inferior segment of the lingual. The trachea, carina, left and right-sided airways were all within normal limits and they were inspected to the level of the segmental bronchi. Some white to yellow secretions were noted in both dependent lower lobes. The patient tolerated the procedure well. His oxygen saturation remained above 93 percent throughout the procedure. He was hemodynamically stable throughout. He was maintained on O2 by nasal cannula. There were no complications. Transbronchial biopsies were sent for pathology. Code this scenario with ICD-10-CM and PCS codes