COMP 2404-Assignment #2 Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 12:00 pm (noon) vu", ,uur event management program, from either Assignment #1 or from the base code to separate the architecture into control, view, and entity objects. Learning Outcomes With this assignment, you will: . practice the correct design of an object-oriented program use UML to document the design Instructions 1. Draw a UML diagram Using a drawing package of your choice, draw a UML class diagram for your code from Assignment #1. Remember, functions are not classes, so main) is not a class! Now add a Control class that will be responsible for all control flow, and a view class to deal with all user I/O Think about what functions will be required in each class. You must keep adding to your diagram as you modify the code in each of the steps below. Your UML diagram should reflect the design of the entire program for this assignment 2. Implement the Control class You will create a new Control class that implements the control flow from the main) function. The Control class will contain: - a data member for the calendar object that used to be declared in main . a data member for a new View object that will be responsible for user VO . a launch) member function that implements the program control flow and does the following: o use the view object to display the main menu and read the user's selection, until the user chooses to exit if required by the user, create a new dynamically allocated Event object and add it to the calendar using existing functions o use the view object to print the content of the calendar to the screen at the end of the program The control class will perform all user VO using the View class. It will not interact with the user directly You will change the main(1 function so that its only responsibility is to declare a Control object and call its Launch) function. 3. Implement the View class You will create a new view class that is responsible for interacting with the user. The view class wil contain: . a member function for displaying the main menu and reading the user's selection . a member function for reading all the information from the user about one event . a member function for printing out the calendar; this function will take the calendar as a parameter and it will use delegation, as seen in Tutorial 3, to ask the Calendar class to print to the screen COMP 2404--Fall 2018 Assignment 2 1A4 Except for printing the calendar at the end of the program, only the view class will interact with the user. You must change the program so that user VO goes through this class After the Control and view classes are correctly implemented, your code should have no global functions other than maino COMP 2404-Assignment #2 Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 12:00 pm (noon) vu", ,uur event management program, from either Assignment #1 or from the base code to separate the architecture into control, view, and entity objects. Learning Outcomes With this assignment, you will: . practice the correct design of an object-oriented program use UML to document the design Instructions 1. Draw a UML diagram Using a drawing package of your choice, draw a UML class diagram for your code from Assignment #1. Remember, functions are not classes, so main) is not a class! Now add a Control class that will be responsible for all control flow, and a view class to deal with all user I/O Think about what functions will be required in each class. You must keep adding to your diagram as you modify the code in each of the steps below. Your UML diagram should reflect the design of the entire program for this assignment 2. Implement the Control class You will create a new Control class that implements the control flow from the main) function. The Control class will contain: - a data member for the calendar object that used to be declared in main . a data member for a new View object that will be responsible for user VO . a launch) member function that implements the program control flow and does the following: o use the view object to display the main menu and read the user's selection, until the user chooses to exit if required by the user, create a new dynamically allocated Event object and add it to the calendar using existing functions o use the view object to print the content of the calendar to the screen at the end of the program The control class will perform all user VO using the View class. It will not interact with the user directly You will change the main(1 function so that its only responsibility is to declare a Control object and call its Launch) function. 3. Implement the View class You will create a new view class that is responsible for interacting with the user. The view class wil contain: . a member function for displaying the main menu and reading the user's selection . a member function for reading all the information from the user about one event . a member function for printing out the calendar; this function will take the calendar as a parameter and it will use delegation, as seen in Tutorial 3, to ask the Calendar class to print to the screen COMP 2404--Fall 2018 Assignment 2 1A4 Except for printing the calendar at the end of the program, only the view class will interact with the user. You must change the program so that user VO goes through this class After the Control and view classes are correctly implemented, your code should have no global functions other than maino