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Company will be one of the following 3: Dick's Sporting Goods, Nike or Lowe's, Etc. If you have a good company like these just let

Company will be one of the following 3: Dick's Sporting Goods, Nike or Lowe's, Etc. If you have a good company like these just let me know to approve it.

The attached file is a guideline doesn't have to be the same. Please provide ratios and charts please.

Answer the following questions about the company chosen above:

(There are guidelines in the VSBDC article regarding the analysis tools you should use to answer the questions stated below)

1. How well is the company doing as an investment?

2. How well has management employed the company's assets?

3. Are profits high enough, given the level of sales?

4. How well are the company's assets being employed to generate sales revenue?

5. Are receivables coming in too slowly?

6. Is too much cash tied up in inventories?

7. Does this customer have sufficient cash or other liquid assets to cover its short-term obligations?

8. How quickly does the prospective credit customer pay its bills?

9. As a potential or present long-term borrower, is the company's debt load excessive?

10. Are earnings and cash flow sufficient to cover interest payments and provide for some principal repayment?

B. Identify three situations in your company that demonstrate strengths or weaknesses in the management of the affairs of the company. Elaborate what kinds of analyses you used in order to identify these strengths or weaknesses and the manner in which they can be addressed or improved (in case of weaknesses) or maintained (in case of strengths) Refer the three case studies provided in the VSBDC article as an example.

C. Review the cash flow statements of the company and correlate it to the financial statements to identify if the company is in a sound financial position and whether their cash management strategy is adequate.

D. Perform a trend analysis of the comparative financial statements and identify any significant trends in the company?s growth or any other factor that you may observe as significant.Please cite any sources that you may use to substantiate your analysis.

image text in transcribed Financial Statement Analysis For Small Businesses A Resource Guide Provided By Virginia Small Business Development Center Network (Revised for the VSBDC by Henry Reeves 3/22/2011) Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 1 Contents Topic Page Introduction 3 Importance of Financial Statements 4 Collecting and Managing Data 5 The Income Statement 7 The Balance Sheet 9 Reconciliation of Equity or Statement of Changes in Stockholder Equity 12 Statement of Cash Flows 12 Notes to Financial Statements 13 Financial Ratios - Explanation 13 Key Terms and Concepts 20 Financial Statements as a Management Tool 24 Three Case Studies 32 Figure 1: Summary Table of Financial Ratios 36 Figure 2: K-L Fashions, Inc. Financial Statements 38 Figure 3: Breakeven Analysis 46 Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 2 Figure 4. - Sample Cash Flow Statement (without numbers): 47 Conclusion 48 Sources of Financial Analysis Information 49 Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 3 Introduction Financial statements provide small business owners with the basic tools for determining how well their operations perform at all times. Many entrepreneurs do not realize that financial statements have a value that goes beyond their use as supporting documents to loan applications and tax returns. These statements are concise reports designed to summarize financial activities for specific periods. Owners and managers can use financial statement analysis to evaluate the past and current financial condition of their business, diagnose any existing financial problems, and forecast future trends in the firm's financial position. Evaluation pinpoints, in financial terms, where the firm has been and where it is today. Diagnosis determines the causes of the financial problems that statement analysis uncovers and suggests solutions for them. Forecasts are valuable in statement analysis for two reasons: You can prepare forecasts that assume that the basic financial facts about a company will remain the same for a specified period in the future. These forecasts will illustrate where you're likely to stand if the status quo is maintained. Or, you can gain insights into the impact of certain business decisions by calculating the answers to \"what if\" questions. When you test the consequences of changes you're contemplating, or that may occur because of changing market conditions or customer tastes, for example, you achieve a greater understanding about the financial interrelationships at work in a business. The two key reports for all sizes and categories of business are the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement. The Balance Sheet is an itemized statement that lists the total assets and the total liabilities of a business, and gives its net worth on a certain date (such as the end of a month, quarter, or year). The Income Statement records revenue versus expenses for a given period of time. Regular preparation and analysis of financial statement information helps business managers and owners detect the problems that experts continue to see as the chief causes of small business failure -- such as high, operating expenses, sluggish sales, poor cash management, excessive fixed assets, and inventory mismanagement. By comparing statements from different periods, you can more easily spot trends and make necessary management decisions and budget revisions before small problems become large ones. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 4 This Resource Guide is intended to provide you with a basic understanding of the components and purposes of financial statements. The Balance Sheet and Income Statement formats are designed as general models and are not complete for every business operation. Computation of income for financial accounting purposes is done according to the rules of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (known as GAAP). Be aware that income and losses computed using GAAP rules will not necessarily be the same as those calculated to comply with the Internal Revenue Code. In addition to this Resource Guide, business owners and managers should take advantage of the other free or low cost sources of marketing information. Free business counseling services provided by Certified Business Analysts and many low-cost seminars and workshops are offered by the Virginia Small Business Development Centers throughout the state. For the location of the Small Business Development Center nearest to you call visit Universities, community colleges, and public libraries have other books and publications on this topic. A tremendous amount of information is available on the Internet, using a search tool such as Google. Importance of Financial Statements Many business experts and accountants recommend that you prepare financial statements monthly; quarterly at a minimum. Some companies prepare them at least once a week, sometimes daily, to stay abreast of results. The more frequently a company prepares their financial statements, the sooner timely decisions can be made. There are four types of financial statements; compiled, reviewed, audited, and unaudited: A compiled statement contains financial data from a company reported in a financial statement format by a certified public accountant (CPA); it does not include any analysis of the statement. The reviewed statement includes an analysis of the statement by a CPA in which unusual items or trends in the financial statement are explained. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 5 An audited statement (also prepared by a CPA) contains any analysis which includes confirmation with outside parties, physical inspection and observation, and transactions traced to supporting documents. An audited statement offers the highest level of accuracy. An unaudited statement applies to a financial statement prepared by the company which has not been compiled, reviewed, or audited by a outside CPA.. Small business owners must be aware that they may be required to submit financial statements in nine circumstances: 1. Virtually all suppliers of capital, such as banks, finance companies, and venture capitalists, require these reports with each loan request, regardless of previous successful loan history. Banks may need CPA compiled or reviewed statements and, in some cases, audited statements. They may not accept company or individually prepared financial statements, unless they are backed by personal or corporate income. Typically, as a condition of granting a loan, a creditor may request periodic financial statements in order to monitor the success of the business and spot any possible repayment problems. 2. Information from financial statements is necessary to prepare federal and state income tax returns. Statements themselves need not be filed. 3. Prospective buyers of a business will ask to inspect financial statements and the financial/operational trends they reveal before they will negotiate a sale price and commit to the purchase. 4. In the event that claims for losses are submitted to insurance companies, accounting records (particularly the Balance Sheet) are necessary to substantiate the original value of fixed assets. 5. If business disputes develop, financial statements may be valuable to prove the nature and extent of any loss. Should litigation occur, lack of such statements may hamper preparation of the case. 6. Whenever an audit is required--for example by owners or creditors-four statements must be prepared: a Balance Sheet (or Statement of Financial Position), Reconcilement of Equity (or Statement of Stockholder's Equity for corporations), Income Statement (or Statement of Earnings), and Statement of Cash Flows. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 6 7. A number of states require corporations to furnish shareholders with annual statements. Certain corporations, whose stock is closely held, that is, owned by a small number of shareholders, are exempt. 8. In instances where the sale of stock or other securities must be approved by a state corporation or securities agency, the agency usually requires financial statements. 9. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires most publicly held corporations (such as those whose stock is traded on public exchanges) to file annual and interim quarterly financial reports. . Collecting and Managing Data The language and principles of modern accounting have evolved from the centuries-old need for accurate record keeping. Today, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the SEC, and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) continue to refine and revise concepts and practices. Regardless of how complex a financial statement may seem, it is based on logic and practicality. Collecting information for financial statements begins with the daily arithmetic of business and follows a continuing process called the audit trail. First, figures from original documents such as invoices are journalized, or recorded, daily in the book of original entry, which is called the journal. Today, these journals are maintained in electronic format. Items that are not normally recorded in the daily operations, such as those for depreciation and amortization, are called end-of-the-period adjustments and are calculated and journalized periodically. All of these detailed transactions are then posted to the general ledger. Amounts are balanced (credits must equal debits) and then used to prepare financial statements. In most computerized accounting systems the balancing is maintained in real-time, behind the scenes, allowing financial statements to be prepared at any time. In a number of small businesses, bookkeepers or owners themselves prepare these reports. Frequently, they use textbook samples as models or standard bank forms provided by loan officers. But a growing number of small operations retain accountants on at least an occasional basis. Accountants Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 7 typically tailor statements to a specific enterprise, so statement formats vary somewhat. Micro businesses can use a very simple and basic system to collect the information that will ultimately be used to construct the financial statements. The business owner should put all receipts, cancelled checks, and credit card slips into a large envelope. Have one envelope for each month. The owner can then deliver these receipts to his or her bookkeeper, who will construct the financial statements. The envelopes can then be filed away. For business travel using your personal vehicle, keep track of the odometer reading before the trip begins, and at the conclusion of the trip. When purchasing meals for customers, note on the receipt the name of the customer and the reason for the meeting. The Internal Revenue Service specifies the length of time different types of business records must be kept. As the business grows, owners begin to find time to become more sophisticated and may adopt computer software to replace the bookkeeper. Computer technology plays a major role in small business today. It significantly cuts the time it takes to manage a business' finances and, in turn, might produce higher sales and better profit margins because of improvements in analysis and information. A lot of the time, tedium, and human error in financial accounting has disappeared as computers become more powerful and affordable to smaller companies. Software that automates the accounting function, records the audit trail, and feeds financial statements and other management reports is readily available. Accountants use computers and may have the knowledge to assist their small business clients with a conversion to computerized accounting. Some software firms, as well as SBDC's, now offer seminars and workshops designed to help small business owners learn all of the functions their programs can perform. Popular accounting software packages include QuickBooks, QuickBooks Pro, Quicken, and Peachtree, although standard office software such as MicroSoft Excel can be used for basic accounting. Computers simplify and streamline financial analysis. For instance, a \"what if\" forecast with just one set of simple variables may take an entire day or longer to figure manually. Today, with an electronic spreadsheet, complex calculations with many variables can be produced quickly to test the effects of certain decisions. The potential benefits of accounting software include the following: Produce more accurate accounting information faster. Improve timeliness and accuracy of financial status reports. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 8 Identify potential business or budget problems sooner. Implement better management controls. Reduce labor costs and outside consultants' fees. Speed collection of receivables. Reduce interest expense and improve cash flow. Reduce lost sales (as result of fewer stock outs). Reduce inventory (and inventory carrying costs). Realize higher return on investment. Regardless of whether the entrepreneur chooses to manually maintain his or her bookkeeping or implements accounting software, it is still wise to consult with an accountant for advice on our ever changing tax laws. The Income Statement Business revenue, expenses, and the resulting profit or loss over a given period of time are detailed in the Income Statement. It is also called the Statement of Income and Expense, Statement of Earnings, or the Profit and Loss Statement. This report reflects the company's chosen fiscal year. For tax purposes, the owner may need to prepare a second Income Statement based on the calendar year, if the fiscal year is different. Check with a tax advisor about Internal Revenue Code requirements. The following terms are commonly found on an income statement: 1. Heading The first facts to appear on any statement are the legal name of the business, the type of statement, and the period of time reported, e.g., month, quarter, or year. 2. Column Headings If you include both current month and year-to-date columns on the Income Statement you can review trends from accounting period to accounting period and compare previous similar periods. Also, it is often helpful to show the dollar amounts as percentages of net sales. This helps you analyze performance and compare your company to similar businesses. Remember, you can choose any period of time to analyze. 3. Revenue All income flowing into a business for services rendered or goods sold comes under this category. In addition to actual cash transactions, the revenue figure reflects amounts due from customers on accounts Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 9 receivable as well as equivalent cash values for merchandise or other tangible items used as payment. 4. Less Sales Returns and Allowances The value of returned merchandise and allowances made for defective goods must be subtracted from gross sales to determine net sales. 5. Cost of Goods Sold Cost of goods sold equals the amount of goods available for sale minus the inventory remaining at the end of the accounting period. (Total goods available = beginning inventory + cost of purchasing or manufacturing new merchandise during the accounting period). Cost of goods sold includes all costs directly related to the production of the product invoiced during the accounting period. Service businesses generally have no cost of goods sold. 6. Gross Profit Also called gross margin, this figure is the difference between the cost of goods sold and net sales (Net Sales - Cost of Goods Sold = Gross Profit). It is the business's profit before operating expenses and taxes. 7. Operating Expenses The expenses of conducting business operations generally fall into two broad categories: selling and general administrative. Manufacturers normally include some operating expenses, such as machinery and labor depreciation, as part of cost of sales (Item 5). 8. Total (Net) Operating Income Total operating expenses are subtracted from gross profit to show what the business earned before financial revenue and expenses, taxes, and extraordinary items. 9. Other Revenue and Expenses Income and expenses that are not generated by the usual operations of a business and that are not considered extraordinary (see Item 11) are recorded here. Typically included in this category are financial revenue, such as interest from investments, and financial expenses, such as interest on borrowed capital. (Loan principal is not considered an expense. It is a liability and is listed as such on the Balance Sheet). 10. Pretax Income To derive this figure, also called pretax profit, total financial revenue (minus total financial expenses) is added to total operating income. Taxes are subtracted from pretax income if the business is a 'C' Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 10 corporation. Proprietorships, limited liability companies, and 'S' corporations do not pay business taxes on income; the income is reported on the owners' personal returns. (For tax planning purposes, accountants estimate the annual taxes due, then project the monthly portion.) 11. 12. 13. Extraordinary Gain [Loss] Net of Income Tax [Benefit] Within the framework of an individual business type and location, any occurrence that is highly unusual in nature, could not be foreseen, is not expected to recur, and that generates income or causes a loss is considered an extraordinary item. The extraordinary gain or loss is shown after calculating tax liability (or tax benefit, as would be the case with an extraordinary loss) on the Income Statement. Examples: A court award to a business not previously involved in lawsuits would be an extraordinary gain; a major casualty would be an extraordinary loss. Net Income Also called net profit, this figure represents the sum of all expenses (including taxes, if applicable). Net income or profit is commonly referred to as the bottom line. Earnings per Share Total outstanding common stock (the number of shares currently owned by stockholders) is divided into net income to derive this figure. It is not applicable to proprietorships and limited liability companies, but must be shown on the Income Statements of all publicly held corporations. The Balance Sheet A Balance Sheet records the total assets, liabilities, and equity (net worth) of a business as of a specific day. This statement is divided to provide two views of the same business: what resources the business owns, and the creditor and owner investments that supplied these resources. These divisions are generally set up in the two-column account form, with assets on the left, liabilities and equity on the right. An alternative -- the one column statement form or report form -- lists assets on top, liabilities and equity below. The backbone of the Balance Sheet is the fundamental accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Equity (transposed: Assets - Liabilities = Equity. This Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 11 equation is based on the accounting principle that every business transaction, such as selling merchandise or borrowing capital, has a dual effect. Any increase or decrease on one side of the equation always requires a corresponding change to the other side of the equation. If the sides don't balance, faulty arithmetic or inaccurate or incomplete records may be the cause. The following is an example of the principle of balance: If a business owner purchases $2,000 worth of new merchandise on credit, assets are increased by the value of new inventory. Liabilities are increased $2,000 at the same time because the company has an accounts payable (liability) obligation to the suppliers of the merchandise. To further illustrate the principle: If the same business had $2,000 cash and used it to buy new merchandise, assets would be increased by the inventory value, but decreased by the cash outlay. Thus, total assets would be unchanged, and liabilities and equity would not be affected. The following terms are commonly found on a balance sheet: 1. Heading The legal name of the business, the type of statement, and the day, month, and year must be shown at the top of the report. 2. Assets Anything of value that is owned or legally due the business is included under this heading. Total assets include all net realizable and net book (also called net carrying) values. Net realizable and net book values are amounts derived by subtracting from the acquisition price of assets any estimated allowances for doubtful accounts, depreciation, and amortization, such as amortization of a premium during the term of an insurance policy. Appreciated values are not usually considered on Balance Sheets, except, for example, when you are recording stock portfolio values. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 12 3. Current Assets Cash and resources that can be converted into cash within 12 months of the date of the Balance Sheet (or during one established cycle of operations) are considered current. Besides cash (money on hand and demand deposits in the bank, such as regular savings accounts and checking accounts), these resources include the items listed below. They are ranked in a generally accepted order of decreasing liquidity-that is, the ease with which the items could be converted to cash. Accounts Receivable: The amounts due from customers in payment for merchandise or services. Inventory: Includes raw materials on hand, work in process, and all finished goods either manufactured or purchased for resale. Inventory value is based on unit cost and is calculated by any of several methods (see Inventory Valuation below). Temporary Investments: Interest- yielding or dividend-yielding holdings expected to be converted into cash within a year. Also called marketable securities or short-term investments, they include certificates of deposit, stocks and bonds, and time deposit savings accounts. According to accounting principles, they must be listed on the Balance Sheet at either their original cost or their market value, whichever is less. Prepaid Expenses: Goods, benefits, or services a business pays for in advance of use. Examples are insurance protection, floor space and office supplies. 4. Long-Term Investments Also called long-term assets, these resources are holdings that the business intends to keep for a year or longer and that typically yield interest or dividends. Included are stocks, bonds and savings accounts earmarked for special purposes. 5. Fixed Assets Fixed assets, frequently called plant and equipment, are the resources a business owns or acquires for use in operations and does not intend to resell. Regardless of current market value, land is listed at its original purchase price, with no allowance for appreciation or depreciation. Other fixed assets are listed at cost, minus depreciation. Fixed assets may be leased rather than owned. Depending on the leasing arrangement, both the value and liability of the leased property may need to be listed on the Balance Sheet. 6. Other Assets Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 13 Resources not listed with any of the above assets are grouped here. Examples include tangibles, such as outdated equipment which can be sold to the scrap yard, and intangibles, such as goodwill, trademarks and patents. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 14 7. Liabilities This term covers all monetary obligations of a business and all claims creditors have on its assets. 8. Current Liabilities All debts and obligations payable within 12 months or within one cycle of operations are detailed here. Typically, they include the following, which generally are listed in the order due. Accounts Payable: Amounts owed to suppliers for goods and service purchased in connection with business operations. Short-Term Debt: The balances of principal due to pay off shortterm debt for borrowed funds. Current Portion of Long-Term Debt: Current amount due of total balance on notes whose terms exceed 12 months. Interest Payable: Any accrued amounts due for use of both short-and long-term borrowed capital and credit extended to the business. Taxes Payable: Amounts estimated by an accountant to have been incurred during the accounting period. For accounting purposes, this total may differ from the actual tax total required by the Internal Revenue Codes, since taxes payable are based on accounting income and not taxable income. (Note: Income taxes are business obligations for corporations; proprietorships and partnerships do not pay income taxes; the income is reported on the owners' personal returns.) Accrued Payroll: Salaries and wages currently owed but not yet paid. 9. Long Term Liabilities Long-term liabilities are notes, payments, or mortgage payments due over a period exceeding 12 months or one cycle of operations. They are listed by outstanding balance (minus the Current Portion due). 10. Equity Also called net worth, equity is the claim of the owner(s) on the assets of the business. In a proprietorship or limited liability company, equity is each owner's original investment, plus any earnings after withdrawals. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 15 In a corporation, the owners are the shareholders--those who have invested capital (cash or other assets) in exchange for shares of stock. The corporation's equity is the sum of contributions plus earnings retained after paying dividends. It is detailed as follows: 11. Capital Stock: The total amount invested in the business in exchange for shares of stock at value up to the par value. Par is the per-share price assigned to the original issue of stock, regardless of subsequent selling prices. Capital Paid-In in Excess of Par: The amount in excess of par value that a business receives from shares of stock sold at a value above par. Treasury Stock: When a company buys back its own stock or when a closely held business buys out other owners. The value of the stock is recorded here and ordinarily does not receive dividends. Retained Earnings: The total accumulated net income minus the total accumulated dividends declared since the corporation's founding. These earnings are part of the total equity for any business. However, the figure is usually listed separately from owner investments only on corporate Balance Sheets which are done for the benefit of shareholders. Total Liabilities and Equity The sum of these two amounts must always equal Total Assets. Reconciliation of Equity This statement reconciles the equity shown on the current Balance Sheet. For corporations this statement is referred to as the Statement of Retained Earnings or Statement of Shareholder Equity. For limited liability companies it is referred to as the Statement of Members Equity, and for Proprietorships as the Statement of Owner's Equity. It records equity at the beginning of the accounting period and details additions to, or subtractions from, this amount made during the period. Additions and subtractions typically are net income or loss and owner contributions and/or deductions. Figures used to compile this statement are derived from previous and current Balance Sheets and from the current Income Statement. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 16 Statement of Cash Flows The fourth main document of financial reporting is the Statement of Cash Flows. Many small business owners and managers find that the cash flow statement is perhaps the most useful of all the financial statements for planning purposes. Cash is the life blood of a small business - if the business runs out of cash chances are good that the business is out of business. This is because most small businesses do not have the ability to borrow money as easily as larger business can. The statement can be prepared frequently (monthly, quarterly) and is a valuable tool that summarizes the relationship between the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement and traces the In financial accounting, a cash flow statement, also known as statement of cash flows or funds flow statement, is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents, and breaks the analysis down to operating, investing, and financing activities. Essentially, the cash flow statement is concerned with the flow of cash in and cash out of the business. The statement captures both the current operating results and the accompanying changes in the balance sheet. As an analytical tool, the statement of cash flows is useful in determining the short-term viability of a company, particularly its ability to pay bills. By understanding the amounts and causes of changes in cash balances, the entrepreneur can realistically budget for continued business operations and growth. For example, the Statement of Cash Flows helps answer such questions as: Will present working capital allow the business to acquire new equipment, or will financing be necessary? Many small businesses may not need to prepare the Statement of Cash Flows. However, according to GAAP, it should be prepared whenever an operation's financial statements are compiled, reviewed, or audited by a CPA. In addition, creditors, investors, new owners or partners, and the Internal Revenue Service may require the information it provides. This statement can usually be produced by most accounting software applications. Notes to Financial Statements If an important factor does not fit into the regular categories of a financial statement, it should be included as a note. Also, anything that might affect Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 17 the financial position of a business must be documented. Three major types of notes include: 1. Methodology Discussion of the accounting principles used by the company. For example, accrual basis of accounting vs. cash basis of accounting. 2. Contingent Liabilities Circumstances that have occurred as of the statement date and which represent potential financial obligations must be recorded by type and estimated amount. Example: A business owner cosigns a bank note. If the primary borrower should default, the business owner who cosigned would become liable. 3. Required Disclosures It is necessary that all significant information about the company be described in a disclosure statement. Example: If the business has changed accounting procedures since the last accounting period, the change must be described. Financial Ratios Financial ratios are a valuable and easy way to interpret the numbers found in statements. Ratio analysis provides the ability to understand the relationship between figures on spreadsheets. It can help you to answer critical questions such as whether the business is carrying excess debt or inventory, whether customers are paying according to terms, and whether the operating expenses are too high. When computing financial relationships, a good indication of the company's financial strengths and weaknesses becomes clear. Examining these ratios over time provides some insight as to how effectively the business is being operated. Many industries compile average (or standard) industry ratios each year. Standard or average industry ratios offer the small business owner a means of comparing his or her company with others within the same industry. In this manner they provide yet another measurement of an individual company's strengths or weaknesses. RMA (Risk Management Association, formerly named Robert Morris & Associates) is a good source of comparative financial ratios. It can be found on the Internet at Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 18 Following are the most critical ratios for most businesses, though there are others that may be computed. 1. Liquidity Measures a company's capacity to pay its debts as they come due. There are two ratios for evaluation liquidity. Current Ratio - Gauges how able a business is to pay current liabilities by using current assets only. Also called the working capital ratio. A general rule of thumb for the current ratio is 2 to 1 (or 2:1, or 2/1). However, an industry average may be a better standard than this rule of thumb. The actual quality and management of assets must also be considered. The formula is: Total Current Assets Total Current Liabilities Quick Ratio - Focuses on immediate liquidity (i.e., cash, accounts receivable, etc.) but specifically ignores inventory. Also called the acid test ratio, it indicates the extent to which you could pay current liabilities without relying on the sale of inventory. Quick assets, are highly liquid--those immediately convertible to cash. A rule of thumb states that, generally, your ratio should be 1 to 1 (or 1:1, or 1/1). The formula is: Cash + Accounts Receivable (+ any other quick assets) Current Liabilities 2. Safety Indicates a company's vulnerability to risk--that is, the degree of protection provided for the business' debt. Three ratios help you evaluate safety: Debt to Worth - Also called debt to net worth. Quantifies the relationship between the capital invested by owners and investors and the funds provided by creditors. The higher the ratio, the greater the risk to a current or future creditor. A lower ratio means your company is more financially stable and is probably in a better position to borrow now and in the future. However, an extremely low ratio may indicate that you are too conservative and are not letting the business realize its potential. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 19 The formula is: Total Liabilities (or Debt) Net Worth (or Total Equity) Times Interest Earned - Assesses the company's ability to meet interest payments. It also evaluates the capacity to take on more debt. The higher the ratio, the greater the company's ability to make its interest payments or perhaps take on more debt. The formula is: Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Interest Charges Cash Flow to Current Maturity of Long-Term Debt - Indicates how well traditional cash flow (net profit plus depreciation) covers the company's debt principal payments due in the next 12 months. It also indicates if the company's cash flow can support additional debt. The formula is: Net Profit + Non-Cash Expenses* Current Portion of Long-Term Debt *Such as depreciation, amortization, and depletion. 3. Profitability Measures the company's ability to generate a return on its resources. Use the following four ratios to help you answer the question, \"Is my company as profitable as it should be?\" An increase in the ratios is viewed as a positive trend. Gross Profit Margin - Indicates how well the company can generate a return at the gross profit level. It addresses three areas: inventory control, pricing, and production efficiency. The formula is: Gross Profit Total Sales Net Profit Margin - Shows how much net profit is derived from every dollar of total sales. It indicates how well the business has managed Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 20 its operating expenses. It also can indicate whether the business is generating enough sales volume to cover minimum fixed costs and still leave an acceptable profit. The formula is: Net Profit Total Sales Return on Assets - Evaluates how effectively the company employs its assets to generate a return. It measures efficiency. The formula is: Net Profit Total Assets Return on Net Worth - Also called return on investment (ROI). Determines the rate of return on the invested capital. It is used to compare investment in the company against other investment opportunities, such as stocks, real estate, savings, etc. There should be a direct relationship between ROI and risk (i.e., the greater the risk, the higher the return). The formula is: Net Profit Net Worth 4. Efficiency Evaluates how well the company manages its assets. Besides determining the value of the company's assets, you should also analyze how effectively the company employs its assets. You can use the following ratios: Accounts Receivable Turnover - Shows the number of times accounts receivable are paid and reestablished during the accounting period. The higher the turnover, the faster the business is collecting its receivables and the more cash the company generally has on hand. The formula is: Total Net Sales Average Accounts Receivable Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 21 Accounts Receivable Collection Period - Reveals how many days it takes to collect all accounts receivable. As with accounts receivable turnover (above), fewer days means the company is collecting more quickly on its accounts. The formula is: 365 Days Accounts Receivable Turnover Accounts Payable Turnover - Shows how many times in one accounting period the company turns over (repays) its accounts payable to creditors. A higher number indicates either that the business has decided to hold on to its money longer, or that it is having greater difficulty paying creditors. The formula is: Cost of Goods Sold Average Accounts Payable Payable Period - Shows how many days it takes to pay accounts payable. This ratio is similar to accounts payable turnover (above.) The business may be losing valuable creditor discounts by not paying promptly. The formula is: 365 Days Accounts Payable Turnover Inventory Turnover - Shows how many times in one accounting period the company turns over (sells) its inventory. This ratio is valuable for spotting understocking, overstocking, obsolescence, and the need for merchandising improvement. Faster turnovers are generally viewed as a positive trend; they increase cash flow and reduce warehousing and other related costs. Average inventory can be calculated by averaging the inventory figure from the monthly Balance Sheets. In a cyclical business, this is especially important since there can be wide swings in asset levels during the year. For example, many retailers might have extra stock in October and November in preparation for the Thanksgiving and winter holiday sales. The formula is: Cost of Goods Sold Average Inventory Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 22 Inventory Turnover in Days - Identifies the average length of time in days it takes the inventory to turn over. As with inventory turnover (above), fewer days mean that inventory is being sold more quickly. The formula is: 365 Days Inventory Turnover Sales to Net Worth - Indicates how many sales dollars are generated with each dollar of investment (net worth). This is a volume ratio. The formula is: Total Sales Average Net Worth Sales to Total Assets - Indicates how efficiently the company generates sales on each dollar of assets. A volume indicator, this ratio measures the ability of the company's assets to generate sales. The formula is: Total Sales Average Total Assets Debt Coverage Ratio - An indication of the company's ability to satisfy its debt obligations, and its capacity to take on additional debt without impairing its survival. The formula is: Net Profit + Any Non-Cash Expenses Principal on Debt Key Terms and Concepts The following are brief descriptions and explanations of terms and concepts related to financial statements. (Items defined elsewhere in the text are not listed here.) Accrual Basis of Accounting By this long-established and widely used principle, revenue and expenses are recognized when a service is performed or goods are delivered, regardless of Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 23 when payment is received or made. This method allows what accountants call the matching of revenues and associated expenses. Revenue example - If a store sells $500 worth of radios in a day, $500 of revenue is earned and entered in the books even though the proceeds of the sale may not be collected for a month or longer. Expense example - If the store clerk earns a $10 commission on the day of the radio sale, this expense to the business is recorded that day even though it may not actually be paid until the next payroll day. Receivables Aging This report lists a customer's name, credit limit, total balance, and any amounts 30, 60, 90 or more than 90 days past due. By preparing this report once a month, an owner can spot trends and plan next month's collection efforts. Amortization The gradual reduction of debt by means of equal periodic payments sufficient to meet current interest and liquidate the debt at maturity; also, the process of writing off against expenses the cost of a prepaid, intangible asset over a fixed period. Appreciation Any increase from the acquisition price of a fixed asset or investment to current appraised market value. However, for financial statement purposes, appreciation is not considered because of four accounting concepts: (1) (2) (3) (4) the objectivity principle - which would necessitate an appraisal of each asset's market value per accounting period--a costly and highly variable endeavor. the continuity assumption - that fixed assets are acquired for continuing business operations and not for resale the principle of conservatism - which states that, given a choice of values, an accountant always chooses the more conservative that financial statements reflect the original costs. Cash Basis of Accounting Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 24 As its name implies, this method recognizes revenue and expenses only when cash payment is actually received or made. Because it does not properly match income and expenses (see Accrual Basis of Accounting in this section), the cash basis does not always provide an accurate picture of profitability and is less commonly used than the accrual basis. The Internal Revenue Code places certain restrictions on the use of cash basis accounting for computing income tax liability. For further information, contact a tax advisor. Cash Flow Cash flows fall into two categories: inflows and outflows. Inflows include revenues from sales, proceeds from loans, and capital injections by owners. Outflows include costs of sales, operating expenses, income taxes, repayment of loans and distribution to owners. Cash is used to purchase materials, to pay for overhead expenses, to pay labor, and to market merchandise. By studying a business's individual cash flow cycle, the owner can determine the working cash needs of the company. These will include day-to-day needs, as well as possible increases in the costs for materials, labor, and overhead. By being aware of these cash needs, the owner can achieve a balance between cash use and profits. Common-Size A term applied to financial statements that use 100 percent of one category as the basis for determining the proportion that other statement items represent. Net sales is used as the basis figure for Income Statements, total assets for Balance Sheets. Since the total always sums to 100 percent, the statements prepared in this manner are referred to as \"common-size.\" This form of comparative statement enables the analyst to see at a glance the Balance Sheet trends and the proportionate changes taking place in the individual accounts form one statement period to the next. Depreciation A universal accounting assumption holds that all fixed assets--with the exception of land--deteriorate, wear out, or become obsolete. This process represents a decline in value that is called depreciation. It is calculated by apportioning an asset's original acquisition price, minus any expected salvage value, over the asset's expected years of useful life. (For accounting purposes, land is always valued at its original purchase price.) Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 25 On the Income Statement, depreciation incurred during the accounting period is detailed as an expense. On the Balance Sheet, depreciation is reflected by an asset's listed net book or net carrying value (cost less accumulated depreciation). The simplest and most common means of calculating depreciation is by the straight-line method. Using it, accountants divide the estimated useful life of an asset into its purchase price minus any applicable salvage value. Example: An $11,000 machine has a $1,000 salvage value and an expected useful life of 10 years. Annual depreciation = ($11,000 - $1,000) 10 = $1,000. In five years, straight-line accumulated depreciation would be $5,000. There are other common calculation methods that allow more accelerated depreciation of fixed assets. These methods distribute the original acquisition cost more heavily during an asset's early years. Accountants can show owners the various means to determine this depreciation, which is more complex than straight-line. Depreciation computed according to the GAAP rules is not necessarily the same as that computed to comply with the Internal Revenue Code. For further information, consult a tax advisor. Inventory Valuation Because inventory units are usually purchased at varying prices, methods have been established to calculate the cost of goods sold and the value of remaining inventory. Three widely used methods are: Average Cost - The total number of units of goods available is divided into the total manufacturing or acquisition cost (including freight charges to get the raw materials to the manufacturer's or supplier's location.) FIFO - An acronym for \"first in, first out.\" This method is based on the assumption that the inventory acquired first is sold first. Consequently, the ending (remaining) inventory consists of the most recently purchased items. An advantage of this method of valuation is that it reflects recent costs of inventory on the Balance Sheet. LIFO - An acronym for \"last in, first out.\" This method of valuation assumes that those items of inventory most recently acquired are sold before the older acquisitions. As a result, the ending inventory figure consists of the older purchases. Proponents of this valuation method argue that by Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 26 representing current prices in the cost of goods sold, matching is more accurately accomplished. Example: The first item in costs $100, the second costs $300, and the third costs $500. Two of these units are sold. Calculated by average cost: $100 + $300 + $500 = $900 3 = $300. Therefore, the cost of goods sold = $600 (2 units x $300); the remaining inventory is valued at $300. Calculated by FIFO, the cost of goods sold is $100 + $300 = $400; the remaining inventory is valued at $500. Calculated by LIFO, the cost of goods sold is $500 + $300 = $800; the remaining inventory is valued at $100. Leverage The concept of borrowing heavily for financing needs in order to minimize the capital investment and maximize the return on investment. Liquidate To convert non-cash assets into cash; also, to close the business by selling all assets and paying all debts. Liquidity The ease with which items can be converted into cash without loss. Negative Cash Flow Cash receipts that are insufficient to meet ongoing costs and other cash needs, such as necessary investment in fixed assets or expanded inventory. Working Capital The difference between total current assets and total current liabilities; the resulting pool of resources readily available to maintain normal business operations. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 27 Acknowledgement: The foregoing information was used with permission from Bank of America NT&SA 1980, 1987. Financial Statements as a Management Tool Kenneth M. Macur and Lyal Gustafson Reprinted with permission from the Small Business Forum, the journal of the Association of Small Business Development Centers, which was published by the University of Wisconsin-Extension Small Business Development Center. This article shows you how to use your financial statements to answer ten important questions. In addition, three case studies provide examples of how financial statement analysis works. Figure 1, Summary Table of Financial Ratios, shows several ratios that are commonly used for analyzing financial statements. Keep in mind that the ratios shown in Figure 1 are only a sample of dozens of widely-used ratios in financial statement analysis. Many of the ratios overlap. To illustrate financial statement analysis, we will use the financial statements of K-L Fashions, Inc. K-L Fashions is a direct mail order company for quality \"cut and sewn\" products. Their financial statements are presented in Figure 2. Like most small businesses, they have a relatively simple capital structure and their income statement reflects typical revenues and expenses. Inventory consists primarily of merchandise obtained under contract from approved garment makers and held for resale. K-L Fashions uses trade credit for purchases, but its sales consist almost entirely of credit card sales. Consequently, we see a very low accounts receivable balance compared with accounts payable. Some of the items that would normally be seen on financial statements have been consolidated to simplify the presentations. Financial statement analysis can be applied from two different directions. Vertical analysis is the application of financial statement analysis to one set of financial statements. Here, we look \"up and down\" the statements for signs of strengths and weaknesses. Horizontal analysis looks at financial statements and ratios over time. In horizontal analysis, we look for trends -- whether the numbers are increasing or decreasing; whether particular components of the company's financial position are getting better or worse. We will look at the financials from the perspectives of four different groups: owners, managers, short-term creditors and long-term creditors. Owners Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 28 Although owners of small businesses often are also the managers, the initial concern is with owners as investors in the business. Owners use financial statement data as a way to measure whether their money is working as hard in the business as it would be in an alternative investment. The data can also tell how well you or your managers have managed the firm's assets. Thus, the ratios that are of greatest interest to you as owner/investor are those that measure profitability relative to (1) your own investment in the firm and (2) the total amount invested in the firm from both your capital and borrowed funds. 1. How well is the company doing as an investment? - The Return on Investment (ROI) [Net Income Owners' Equity (Average)] measures the profitability of the firm on owner-invested dollars. Net income is the after-tax return. The owners' equity (or capital) account is the investment. It is the amount you have contributed directly to the business and amounts that you have reinvested via undistributed profits. ROI gives an indication of the past earning power of your investment and can be used to compare the company's performance in this regard to other companies in the industry. It should also be compared with other investment opportunities open to you. If your company typically generates a return of 10 percent and you can invest elsewhere at 15 percent, it doesn't make sense from a purely economic standpoint to keep your funds tied up in the company. K-L Fashions' ROI for fiscal 2005 was about 12.7 percent [$147,430 $1,157,150]. Average owners' equity is used as the denominator to approximate the amount available for use in generating net income over the course of the entire year. Taken by itself, this figure is neither impressive not disturbing. The median \"return on net worth\" calculated by Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) for catalog and mail-order houses was 22.3 percent. The trend established over the last three years is more important. Comparing the 2005 return with the two preceding years, there is a sharp drop from 43.4 percent in 2003, to 28.2 percent in 2004, to 12.7 percent in 2005. 2. How well has management employed the company's assets? - The Return on Assets (ROA) [Net Income Average Total Assets] measures the profitability of the firm on all invested dollars. That is, it measures how well the firm's assets have been employed in generating income. This measure is somewhat broader than the return on equity because it compares the returns on total capital. This includes the capital that you and the creditors have provided. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 29 What constitutes a satisfactory ROA? It depends on the type of assets and their end use. Once again, since companies within a given industry tend to employ similar assets, your ROA should be measured against industry norms. K-L Fashions' ROA for fiscal 2005 was 8.4 percent [$147,430 $1,761,660] compared with a median of 10 percent for the industry for the most recent period. Again, K-L Fashions falls short. We also see a declining ROA over a three year period: 25 percent for 2003, 18.3 percent for 2004, and 8.4 percent for 2005. Managers Managers, too, are interested in measuring the operating performance in terms of profitability and return on invested capital. If they are not owners, managers must still satisfy the owners' expectations in this regard. As managers, they are interested in measures of operating efficiency, asset turnover, and liquidity or solvency. These will help them manage day-to-day activities and evaluate potential credit customers and key suppliers. Manager ratios serve as cash management tools by focusing on the management of inventory, receivables and payables. Accordingly, these ratios tend to focus on operating data reflected on the profit and loss statement and on the current sections of the balance sheet. 3. Are profits high enough, given the level of sales? - In other words, how efficiently is management conducting operations? The Net Profit Margin [Net Income Sales (or Return on Sales) is a measure of the relative efficiency of the company's operations after deducting all expenses and income taxes. It measures the proportion of each sales dollar that results in net income. The average for this ratio varies widely from industry to industry. To serve as an aid in management, the company's net profit margin should be compared with that of similar companies in the same industry, and with the company's past figures. The manager should monitor this ratio and investigate potential problems when the ratio begins to fall below the industry average or has shown continued deterioration during the most recent quarter or two. If both conditions exist, management is likely facing a problem that requires immediate attention. Incidentally, most bank loan officers use the return on sales ratio as a key indicator in making term loan decisions. A deteriorating ratio is often seen as an indication of impending business distress. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 30 The fiscal 2005 net profit margin for K-L Fashions was 2.4 percent [147,430/6,039,750]. By comparison, the median return on sales for the industry, as reported by D&B, was 4.0 percent, meaning that another of the company's profitability measures is below the industry norm. Equally troubling is the downward trend in the net profit margin since 2003. In fiscal year 2004, the net profit margin was 5.3 percent, down from 7.1 percent for 2003. Over this period, profits declined 54.3 percent, despite a 32.5 percent increase in sales. If the company were maintaining operating efficiency, increases in sales would result in increases in profits (This scenario is generally an indication that some operating expenses are getting out of hand.) An examination of K-L Fashions' income statement suggests that selling, general and administrative expenses, which grew by 55 percent over the past two years, could be the cause of the decreased profitability. Because the financials for K-L Fashions only provide general categories, it is difficult to assess the cause of the increase in this expense category. 4. How well are the company's assets being employed to generate sales revenue? - The Asset Turnover ratio [Sales Average Total Assets] indicates the relative efficiency with which managers have used the firm's assets to generate output, and thus, it helps answer this question. Here again, what is acceptable or appropriate varies from industry to industry. Usually, however, a higher ratio is better. A very high turnover rate could signal an opportunity for expansion or the need for early replacement of assets. It could also mean that the company is in a highvolume, low-margin industry. K-L Fashions' asset turnover ratio was 3.4 times [$6,039,750 $1,761,660] for fiscal 2005 and, despite a decrease from fiscal 2004, remains at a level comparable with fiscal year 2003. This means little by itself; but compared with the industry average of 3.1 times, we might conclude that sales performance is probably satisfactory for the amount of resources available. Neither the profit margin nor the asset turnover by itself provides an adequate measure of operating efficiency or profitability. But multiplying the profit margin by the asset turnover ratio gives us the \"Return on Assets\" ratio or earnings power on total assets. This ratio is the same as the ROA computed for the owners but is presented in a form that managers often find more useful. It blends, in one number, all the major ingredients of profitability; yet it allows the manager to see how the individual components contribute. Thus, there are two basic ingredients to profitability; asset turnover and profit margin. An improvement in either -- without changing the other -- will increase the return on assets. Copyright 2004 Florida Small Business Development Center Network Florida SBDC Network grants permission for use and modification of this manual to the Virginia SBDC July 16, 2008. 31 What can managers do to increase the returns on assets and owners' investments? The return on assets will increase by either an increase in the asset turnover or an increase in the profit margin. Three separate items are involved in the calculation: sales, net income, and assets. However, since net income is simply sales minus expenses, the three individual items subject to management control are sales, expenses and assets. Either increasing sales, decreasing expenses, or decreasing assets, while holding the others constant, will improve the ROA and with it the ROI. Given K-L Fashions' most recent financial statement, it appears the most fruitful efforts would consist of controlling costs to increase both profits and the profit margin. Notice that it doesn't require sophisticated analysis to come to this conclusion. This illustrates, however, one role of financial statement analysis: to highlight areas that need management attention. Once problem areas are highlighted, solutions can be obvious. This is why a common-sense approach of increasing sales and lowering expenses works to improve profitability. 5. Are receivables coming in too slowly? - The Average Collection Period [(Average A/R Annual Credit Sales) x 365] of receivables tells how many days, on average, customers' trade accounts (A/R) are outstanding. The average collection period is a measure of both liquidity and performance. As a measure of liquidity, it tells how long it takes to convert accounts receivable into cash. As a measure of performance, it indicates how well the compa

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