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Complete the following activities: Carefully read the following: This project requires you to develop and manage a Project Schedule (PS) on two separate occasions. You

Complete the following activities:

  1. Carefully read the following:

This project requires you to develop and manage a Project Schedule (PS) on two separate occasions.

You can do it for two real projects at your workplace, for two projects associated with a start-up business you are working on yourself or you can use the Simulation Pack provided.

Vocational education and training is all about gaining and developing practical skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career. For this reason, basing your project on real relationships with classmates or work colleagues will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, practical and meaningful way!

If you use your own business or workplace, you should have sufficient numerical information to determine timing, cost and resource requirements for each PS. Also make sure that once your PSs have been implemented, at least one change early on in the project lifecycle is required (see steps 8 and 9 for more details). Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on your own business.

If you are basing this assessment on the case study business, read through the Simulation Pack in preparation for this assessment. All the information needed to complete the assessment is contained in the Simulation pack.

You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project Portfolio. You must describe the organisation you are basing this assessment on and provide a short description of two projects for which you'll manage the time.

Start working on Section 1Determine Project Schedule of your Project Portfolio. Steps 2 to 4 form part of Section 1.

If you are basing this assessment on the case study (Manager Networks), further information to complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack.

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, you will need sufficient numerical information to estimate time management, resource requirements and costs.

2. Review information and examples related to Project Schedules.

Summarise the information contained in the following links.

Your summary may be in appropriate format (e.g. mind map, bullet points, written paragraph). You will use the information contained in the articles to help you complete the assessment.

3. For each project, create the draft Project Schedule (PS).

4. For each project, establish the PS's requirements and potential impact.

Identify the PS's:

  • resource requirements (at least three)
  • costs
  • project time management activities (e.g. scheduled meeting etc.)
  • risks, including:
    • a description of at least three risks associated with the PS
    • potential responses to the risks associated with schedule changes.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 1.

  1. You are required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence - review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 1of the Project Portfolio.
  2. Submit Section 1 to your assessor.
Start working on Section 2Implement agreed Project Schedule of your project portfolio. Steps 5 and 6 form part of Section 2.

5. For each project, meet with the project team to agree on the project schedule baseline.

Use the work done in steps 3 and 4 to help you prepare for the meeting. Make sure you have a copy of your PS available to refer to at the meeting.

Meet with at least two project team members. The meeting's objective is to establish an agreed schedule baseline using contributions from your team members.

At your meeting:

  • summarise the contents of your proposed PS as well as the associated time management, resource requirements, cost and risks.
  • seek feedback from stakeholders on your estimates of each task's duration and effort, sequencing and the dependencies.
  • ask each team member to estimate the risks involved with them completing their tasks on time, and what provisions should be made to allow for this (e.g. finding alternative activities, or sequencing changes)
  • agree on a baseline schedule.

Meet separately with the project team for each project.

Take notes at the meeting, as you will be required to adjust your PS to include the input from the other team members.

Each meeting should take 20 minutes. This will either be attended in person by your assessor or they will attend online. If you are in the workplace, you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later (attach proof to Section 2 of your portfolio). Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated.

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

  • speaking clearly and concisely
  • using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding (e.g. nodding)
  • asking questions to identify required information
  • responding to questions as required
  • using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.

6. For each project, implement the agreed PS and communicate the project monitoring requirements to the project team.

Update your draft PS to incorporate the input provided by the project team during your meeting.

Highlight any changes you've made to your draft PS (e.g. using a different colour text or a highlighting tool). Make sure you have at least one change.

Change the version number of the PS.

Develop the mechanisms you will use to measure, record and report on the progress of project activities (e.g. list of dates for regular project team meetings, draft due date reminder emails, PS versioning etc.).
You have already outlined time management activities in Section 1. Develop at least one mechanism.

Draft an email to the project team to:

  • confirm the agreed project baseline
  • explain the mechanism(s) that will be used to measure, record and report on the progress of project activities.

Separate emails are required for each project.

Assume that your PS is attached to the email.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

If you are basing this assessment on Manager Networks, the email should be addressed to Donna Chisholm, Dan Streep, Edith Partridge and Erin O'Donnell.

Make sure you have answered all questions in Section 2.

  1. You are required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence - review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 2of the Project Portfolio.
  2. Submit Section 2 to your assessor.

Start working on Section 3 Monitor and review Project Schedule of your Project Portfolio. Steps 7 to 9 form part of Section 3.

If you are basing this assessment on Manager Networks, further information to complete the next steps is available in the Simulation Pack.

If you are basing this assessment on your own business or workplace, your projects should require at least one change to the PS during the first progress review.

7. Review information and examples related to project reporting and review.

Summarise the information contained in the following links.

Your summary may be in appropriate format (e.g. mind map, bullet points, written paragraph). You will use the information contained in the articles to help you complete the remainder of this assessment.

8. For each project, review the initial project progress and make required changes.

Assume that a short period of time has passed and that project activities have commenced (but the project has not yet been completed).

If you are basing this assessment on the case study, this is one month.

Write the report on the project's initial progress. In your report, include:

  • a review of how the progress of activities measures up to the agreed schedule.
  • a summary of any changes required to the project schedule (at least one change).
  • a forecast of the impact of any changes to the baseline PS.
  • any baseline PS variance(s).
  • your proposed responses to the changes, and how these will maintain the project objectives

Separate reports are required for each project.

You may use the Progress Report Template (in the Simulation Pack) for this task, or any other template used, recommended or prescribed by your business.

The text of the report should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

If you are basing this assessment on the case study, the report is for the CEO.

Meet with a relevant stakeholder who can approve changes to the PS. In your discussion, summarise the contents of your Progress Report and seek their feedback and approval to move forward with the project.

Assume that your Progress Report has already been viewed by the stakeholder you are speaking to.

The meeting should take 10 minutes. This will either be attended in person by your assessor or they will attend online. If you are in the workplace, you may like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later (attach proof to Section 2 of your portfolio). Your assessor can provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and meet the timeframes allocated.

During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

  • speaking clearly and concisely
  • using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding (e.g. nodding)
  • asking questions to identify required information
  • responding to questions as required
  • using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.

If you are basing this assessment on Manager Networks, you should interact with the CEO of the business.

Make the approved changes to the project schedule.

Highlight any changes you've made to your PS (e.g. using a different colour text or a highlighting tool). Make sure you have at least one change.

Change the version number of the PS.

Draft an email to the project team to implement the changes. In your email, include specific information about the response to the changes.

Separate emails are required for each project.

Assume that your revised PS is attached to the email.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

9. For each project, review further project progress and the PS baseline.

Assume that a further period of time has passed but the project has not yet been completed. Assume that no changes to the PS are required and no baseline variances.

Review the progress of the project further along the project's lifecycle. As part of your review, summarise:

  • how the progress of activities measures up to the agreed PS.
  • an analysis of the PS's baseline.

10. Review project time management activities.

Assume that the project has been completed.

If you are basing this assessment on the case study, the conference took place four weeks ago, and it was a great success. All tickets were sold out three weeks prior to the conference beginning, and it generated a profit for Manager Networks of 25% of income through ticket sales, as projected.

Due to your early intervention, new speakers were identified and contacted within days, and the marketing material could be delivered only one week later than the baseline project schedule.

If you are basing this assessment on your own business or workplace, make sure you have sufficient information available to evaluate the time management activities associated with your project.

Review any relevant time management performance records (e.g. various project schedule versions, emails or minutes of meetings) to identify and any time management issues related to the project and make recommendations for future improvements.

11. Submit your completed Project Portfolio.

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary.

Submit to your assessor for marking.

Case Study

Manager Networks is an organisation that provides networking events for business people across Australia. The company runs regular networking events but has now decided to expand its core services to include:

  • start an annual conference event focussing on an area of business considered to be of key importance
  • consultancy services to individuals and small businesses.

It is hoped that the conference will provide information on cutting edge leadership topics that focus on leadership skills, knowledge and trends It should also promote Management Networks, as well as providing professional development for its clients.

It is hoped that the consultancy services will provide support and personalised assistance to customers attending the conferences and networking events.

As the Administration Manager for Manager Networks, you have been asked by the CEO to take on the role of Project Manager for both the conference and investigating the feasibility of establishing consultancy services.

You are required to develop and implement a project schedule for:

  • the conference.
  • an investigation on the feasibility of setting up a consultancy service.

The CEO has provided the following additional guidance:

  • A variety of communication options may be considered, such as:
    • A monthly update for staff of Manager Networks
    • Weekly or fortnightly meetings for the project team.
    • A written report on the project's progress will be sent to the CEO by the Administration Manager each month.
  • Changes to the project schedule should only be made with the agreement of the CEO (this may take place at a meeting with the CEO after he has seen a Progress Report).

Specific information relevant to Project 1: Conference (Section 1 and 2 of the Project Portfolio)

Although the CEO has ultimate responsibility for the conference, you will be responsible for the ongoing development of the conference in cooperation with several other staff members, who will use their expertise in different areas to support your project management.

Donna Chisholm, who is the co-ordinator of the Manager Networks' trainers, will help with contacting and lining up the speakers. She has already drafted a Conference Program, which can be used until the speakers have been finalised. The program is as follows:

Leadership Conference 2021: Leading in the twentieth century

4 October 20189.00 am - 5.00 pm

9 - 9.30 am: Conference welcome

Welcome to Country - Traditional Custodian

General Welcome - CEO,Manager Networks

9.30 - 10.30 am:Keynote Speaker-Alfred Jersey,CEO ofLeadership International

Effective leadership - what sets great leaders apart.

10.30 - 11.00 am: Morning Teaand networking opportunity

11.00 - 12.30 pm:Mindful Leadership - Becoming a Mindful Leader by the Application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Principles

Presenter:Tony Solomon

12.30 to 1.30 pm: Lunch

1.30 - 3.00 pm: Understanding Leadership Styles

Presenter:Mark Henry

3.00 - 3.30 pm: Afternoon Tea and Networking opportunity

3.30 -5.00pm:Managing Virtual Teams:

Presenter:Beverley Farah

Conference price: $500 plus GST.

Dan Streep, the Administration Assistant has had experience with the ground level work required for a conference, and he will help to determine and prepare the venue.

Edith Partridge, the Chief Financial Officer will be in control of the finances of the congress.

Erin O'Donnell, the Manager Networks Marketing Manager, will co-ordinate the marketing material.

The conference will be conducted on 04 October 2021. It will be a one-day event, from 9 am to 4 pm.

The conference style will be formal, with a balance of conference elements to ensure that outcomes are achieved.

Participant target group is managers in all industries. This group will be targeted by email using the Manager Networks data base and publicised through social media such as LinkedIn.

Conference facilities require a centrally located venue that has a conference room that can accommodate up to 150 people. Invited speakers will want to be accommodated nearby, so there will need to be an appropriate hotel in the vicinity.

The venue will also need to be able to provide on-site catering for the meeting attendees.

Budget: projected attendee numbers will be 150 people, and the suggested conference price for participants is $500 plus GST.

Speakers are to receive $400 each for their participation.

For the purposes of this assessment task, assume that the date of the project team meeting is 05 April 2021.

Specific information relevant to Project 1: Conference (Section 3 of the Project Portfolio)

Initial review:

It is now May 10th, just over one month since the initial project team meeting.

As the project team members are busy on other projects, some of them interstate, meetings have been sporadic rather than regular. Regular email exchanges with the team members, however, have shown that all of the activities have been progressing as scheduled. Today was the first time that the group has met all together. As you asked each team member to give their progress, you were told the following:

  • Donna Chisholm reported that she has only received confirmation from two of the speakers. She has tried telephoning them but hasn't been able to speak to the other two yet. Donna asked for another two weeks, by when she assures you, she will have speaker confirmations and topics finalised.
  • Dan Streep booked the Park Royal yesterday after assessing the quotes received and discussing the choice with Edith Partridge. Unfortunately, he received a most apologetic telephone call this morning to tell him that the Park Royal's Managing Director had already assured a pharmaceutical company that they could book the venue for the whole week-end, including the Friday. Dan will go back to the list of quotes and discuss a new choice with Edith Partridge later that day.

Erin O'Donnell, the Manager Networks Marketing Manager, is still waiting on the speakers, topics and venue before he can put the promotional material together. He has spoken to the printers, and they are still expecting to receive the brochure soon, so they can be printed in time.

Further review:

After another three months has passed, another team meeting is held. Once again, the busy schedules of the team members have prevented more regular meetings. However, at the meeting, all team members can confirm that their scheduled activities are up to date. Everything is on track for a successful conference.

Specific information relevant to Project 2: Feasibility investigation on consultancy service potential (Section 1 and 2 of the Project Portfolio)

The CEO would like to launch the consultancy service at the conference and has requested that the feasibility investigation is completed by 21 June 2021 to allow sufficient time to further develop the idea if it's found to be feasible. He has approved a budget of $1500 for the investigation.

He has set up a preliminary list of questions to help you focus your efforts:

  • Are quality consultants available and looking for employment?
  • What salary expectations do consultants have?
  • Does the market require consultancy services?
  • What type of consultancy services are needed?
  • What is the expected income/fee structure for the services offered?
  • What support is required to make sure the consultancy services provided are professional and consistent?

Dan Streep, the Administration Assistant has previously worked at a consultancy firm and is familiar with the administration relating to recruitment, quotes and invoicing. He also has experience in developing templates.

Edith Partridge, the Chief Financial Officer will be in control of the finances of the consultancy services and will make decisions regarding the fee schedule and marketing expenses.

Erin O'Donnell, the Manager Networks Marketing Manager, will co-ordinate the market research starting with surveys.

For the purposes of this assessment task, assume that the date of the project team meeting is 5 April 2021.

Specific information relevant to Project 2: Feasibility investigation on consultancy service potential (Section 3 of the Project Portfolio)

It is now 19th April 2021, two weeks since the initial project team meeting.

All the team members are excited about this project as they themselves have an interest in consulting. They feel committed to making the project successful.

Today was the first time that the group has met all together. As you asked each team member to give their progress, everything was on track, as planned except for some challenges faced by Dan Streep. Dan Streep had contacted an employment agency to understand more about the availability of consultants. The employment agencies didn't want to provide information without a formal recruitment agreement. Dan has requested an extension of one more week to find information from alternative sources.

Further review:

On 7 June, another team meeting is held. At the meeting, all team members can confirm that their scheduled activities are up to date. Everything is on track for a successful conference. At the meeting, Edith Partridge requested that in future, another simpler more immediate form of PS communication should be used. She feels that if communication takes place more frequently in an informal manner, fewer meetings will be necessary.



Review of how the progress of activities measures up to the agreed schedule

Summary of any changes required to the project schedule

Forecast of the impact of any changes to the baseline PS

Baseline PS variance(s)

Proposed responses to the changes, and how these will maintain the project objectives

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