Complete the following ratios in Excel r egarding the primary government activities: current, working capital, quick, debt-to-assets, debt-to-equity, return on assets, return on net assets,
Complete the following ratios in Excel regarding the primary government activities: current, working capital, quick, debt-to-assets, debt-to-equity, return on assets, return on net assets, operating, own-source, net assets per capita, debt per capita, total revenues per capita, taxes per capita, and total expenditure per capita. Use the information on pp. 1-2
For each, write a sentence reporting the results and briefly describing what it means. Please note the following assumptions: All assets are current except the restricted and capital assets All liabilities are current except those listed under non-current liabilities Marketable securities are found in the line entitled, "Securities Lending Collateral". "Receivables (net)" is considered accounts receivable. The City of Orlando population is 285,713 Write 1-2 paragraphs in Word that explains the financial condition of the City of Orlando in FY 2019, including any "red flags" that you identify.
CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF NET POSITION SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 Primary Government Governmental Business-Type Activities Activities Component Unit Total $ 314,186,026 $ $ 2,541,490 732,018,006 S 125,495,144 38,977,269 24,094,781 (21,363,767) 1,107,469 3,283,086 1,046,204,032 125,495,144 53,353,782 31,750,381 ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Securities Lending Collateral Receivables (net) Due From Other Governments Internal Balances Inventories Prepaids Restricted Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Capital Assets: Non-depreciable Depreciable (Net) Total Assets 726 27,320 14,376,513 7,655,600 21,363,767 1,028,347 2,743,396 2,135,816 6,026,482 25,658 11,736,887 20,223,241 92,227,991 83,782,895 253,554,452 464,337,928 1,653,464,496 80,491, 104 63,559,654 361,04 1,489 1.246,963,720 2.113.409.616 614,595,941 1.711,301,648 3,766,874,112 18,000 66,905 2,680,099 DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES Deferred Outflows - Refunding Bonds Deferred Outflows - Pension and OPEB Related Total Deferred Outflows 3,796,449 152,801,541 156,597.990 1.754,500 8,800,449 10,554 949 5,550,949 161,601,990 167 162,939 152,632 20,783,501 6,829,058 8,050.768 143,600 11,562,746 10,287,801 125,495,144 28,682,251 949,429 7.686,441 291,620 27,623,633 49,465,752 7,778,487 15,737,209 435,220 39,186,379 10,287 801 125,495,144 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Accrued Interest Payable Due to Other Governments Advance Payments Unearned Revenue Securities Lending Obligations Non-Current Liabilities Due Within One Year: Environmental Remediation Compensated Absences Loans/Leases Payable Bonds Payable Claims Liabilities Due In More Than One Year: Environmental Remediation Compensated Absences Net Pension Liability Net OPEB Liability Loans/Leases Payable Bonds Payable Claims Liabilities Total Llabilities 72,000 6,400.581 3,498,725 23,089,452 15,113,000 652,631 6,453,718 12,860,000 72,000 7,053,212 9,952,443 35,949,452 15.113,000 7,144,801 33,603,053 261,965,866 288.627.796 9,091.982 436,190,710 23,230,000 1,291, 180,584 3,428,314 13,830,610 62,958,582 184, 185,633 366,079,579 7.144,801 37,029,367 275,796,476 351,586,378 193,277,615 802,270,289 23,230,000 2.006,861,025 715,680.441 152,632 84,905 DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Deferred Inflows - Pension and OPEB Related 14,015,684 14,015,884 Deferred Inflows-Refunding Bonds 435,737 435,737 Total Deferred Inflows 14.451,421 14,451,421 NET POSITION Net Investment in Capital Assets 574,452,387 1,131,282,222 1,705,734,609 Restricted for: Transportation 78,253,817 78,253,817 Debt Service 18,791,519 12,527,613 31,319,132 Housing and Community Development 276,360 276,360 Law Enforcement 2.130.768 2,130,768 Building Code Enforcement 22. 109,295 22, 109,295 911 Services 952,960 952,960 Capital Projects 1,408,753 5,890,379 7,299,132 Street Tree Replacement 711,572 711,572 Renewal and Replacement 7,130,892 13,355,710 20.486,602 Contractual Obligations 1,300,000 3,570,832 4,870.832 Leu Gardens 163,515 163,515 Familles, Parks, and Recreation 4,542,901 4,542,901 Other Purposes 26.196 26, 196 Unrestricted (Deficit) (207,820,454) 241.657,368 33,836,914 Total Net Position $ 504,430 481 1,408,284,124 $ 1,912,714,605 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 37 2,442,562 2,527,467 $ CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 Net (Expense) Revenue Program Revenues and Changes in Net Position Primary Government Operating Capital Charges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Business-type Services Contributions Activities Activities Expenses Contributions Total Component Unit $ 997,046 S $ $ 3,158,565 2.397.576 18,312,001 $ 9.723,826 29,485,923 25,098,736 24,123,780 43,534,169 200,156,201 121,690,566 37,871,834 4,534,449 19,764,886 75,002,399 4.003 DOE 19,601,487 631,903,253 245,144 $ 8,011,463 90,915 784,859 3,697,511 1.526,859 1,830,309 237,062 31,222,687 995 13,787,840 6,183,290 34,922,047 9,655,329 4,362,430 1.507.675 192,781 59,373 575 32,000 Functions/Programs Primary Government: Governmental Activities: Executive Offices Housing and Community Development Economic Development Public Works Transportation Families, Parks, and Recreation Police Fine Business and Financial Services Orlando Venues Community Redevelopment General Government Lynx/Transit Interest on Long-Term Debt Total governmental activities Business-type Activities: Water Reclamation Orlando Venues. Business Parking Stormwater Ulility Solid Waste Total business-type activities Total primary government Component unit: Downtown Development Board Total component unit (17,089,811) $ (1,712,383) 1.827.679 (21.154 517) 14,240,853) (35,824,020) (163,211,084) (111,738,802) (33,508,829) 12,955,586) (18,784,886) (2,884,340) (4.003.006) (19.601.487) (434,841,905) (17,069,811) S (1,712 363) 1,827,679 (21,154,517) (4.240,853) (35.824,020) (163,211,084) (111,738,802) (33,508,829) (2,955,586) (18.764,886) (2,884,340) (4,003.006) (19,601,487) (434,841,905) 39,188 68,889,487 1,859,612 1,368,950 171,528,826 18,322.722 7,209 800 104,714,652 74.479,979 21.021,674 27.440.118 33,091,904 260,748,317 892,651,570 $ 111,360,862 32,798,920 22,342, 100 24,025,590 34,511,612 225,039,084 396,567.910 S 7,177,306 44,610,160 83,750 1,566,333 13,823,516 2,929, 101 1.404,276 (1,848, 195) 1,419,618 17,729,316 17,728,316 13,823,516 2,929,101 1,404,27 (1,848,195) 1,419,618 17,728,316 (417,113,589) $ 53,437,549 50,647,349 18,322.722 S (434,841,905) s 3,942 659 $ 3,942.659 $ (3.942,659) (3,942,659) 2.881202 197.771,073 9,754,650 33,046,546 48,065,731 23,807,194 9,879,888 197,771,073 9,754,650 33,046,548 48,065,731 23,807,194 9,879,688 General Revenues: Tases Property taxes, levied for general purposes Local Option Fuel Tax Franchise Fees Public Service Taxes Tax Increment Revenue Local Business Tax Grants and contributions not restricted to specific programs: Orlando Utilities Commission State Sales Tax Other Investment Earnings Payment from Primary Government Miscellaneous Gain on Sale of Land Transfers Total General Revenues and Transfers Change in Net Position Net Position - Beginning Net Position - Ending 63,362,147 47,753,824 21,487,047 42,659,594 63,362,147 47.753.824 21,487,047 65,693,897 23.034 303 131,166 1,086,395 469,043 16,049,871 5,665,053 16,049.871 5,665,053 (3,161,877) 3.161,877 516.140,541 26,196,180 81298 6:38 43,924.496 423,131,845 1,364,359,628 504,430,481 $ 1,408,284,124 542,336,721 125,223,132 1,787,491.473 1.912,714,605 $ 4,566.806 824,147 1.903,320 2.527,467 $ The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 38 CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF NET POSITION SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 Primary Government Governmental Business-Type Activities Activities Component Unit Total $ 314,186,026 $ $ 2,541,490 732,018,006 S 125,495,144 38,977,269 24,094,781 (21,363,767) 1,107,469 3,283,086 1,046,204,032 125,495,144 53,353,782 31,750,381 ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents Securities Lending Collateral Receivables (net) Due From Other Governments Internal Balances Inventories Prepaids Restricted Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents Investments Capital Assets: Non-depreciable Depreciable (Net) Total Assets 726 27,320 14,376,513 7,655,600 21,363,767 1,028,347 2,743,396 2,135,816 6,026,482 25,658 11,736,887 20,223,241 92,227,991 83,782,895 253,554,452 464,337,928 1,653,464,496 80,491, 104 63,559,654 361,04 1,489 1.246,963,720 2.113.409.616 614,595,941 1.711,301,648 3,766,874,112 18,000 66,905 2,680,099 DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES Deferred Outflows - Refunding Bonds Deferred Outflows - Pension and OPEB Related Total Deferred Outflows 3,796,449 152,801,541 156,597.990 1.754,500 8,800,449 10,554 949 5,550,949 161,601,990 167 162,939 152,632 20,783,501 6,829,058 8,050.768 143,600 11,562,746 10,287,801 125,495,144 28,682,251 949,429 7.686,441 291,620 27,623,633 49,465,752 7,778,487 15,737,209 435,220 39,186,379 10,287 801 125,495,144 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Accrued Interest Payable Due to Other Governments Advance Payments Unearned Revenue Securities Lending Obligations Non-Current Liabilities Due Within One Year: Environmental Remediation Compensated Absences Loans/Leases Payable Bonds Payable Claims Liabilities Due In More Than One Year: Environmental Remediation Compensated Absences Net Pension Liability Net OPEB Liability Loans/Leases Payable Bonds Payable Claims Liabilities Total Llabilities 72,000 6,400.581 3,498,725 23,089,452 15,113,000 652,631 6,453,718 12,860,000 72,000 7,053,212 9,952,443 35,949,452 15.113,000 7,144,801 33,603,053 261,965,866 288.627.796 9,091.982 436,190,710 23,230,000 1,291, 180,584 3,428,314 13,830,610 62,958,582 184, 185,633 366,079,579 7.144,801 37,029,367 275,796,476 351,586,378 193,277,615 802,270,289 23,230,000 2.006,861,025 715,680.441 152,632 84,905 DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Deferred Inflows - Pension and OPEB Related 14,015,684 14,015,884 Deferred Inflows-Refunding Bonds 435,737 435,737 Total Deferred Inflows 14.451,421 14,451,421 NET POSITION Net Investment in Capital Assets 574,452,387 1,131,282,222 1,705,734,609 Restricted for: Transportation 78,253,817 78,253,817 Debt Service 18,791,519 12,527,613 31,319,132 Housing and Community Development 276,360 276,360 Law Enforcement 2.130.768 2,130,768 Building Code Enforcement 22. 109,295 22, 109,295 911 Services 952,960 952,960 Capital Projects 1,408,753 5,890,379 7,299,132 Street Tree Replacement 711,572 711,572 Renewal and Replacement 7,130,892 13,355,710 20.486,602 Contractual Obligations 1,300,000 3,570,832 4,870.832 Leu Gardens 163,515 163,515 Familles, Parks, and Recreation 4,542,901 4,542,901 Other Purposes 26.196 26, 196 Unrestricted (Deficit) (207,820,454) 241.657,368 33,836,914 Total Net Position $ 504,430 481 1,408,284,124 $ 1,912,714,605 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 37 2,442,562 2,527,467 $ CITY OF ORLANDO, FLORIDA STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 Net (Expense) Revenue Program Revenues and Changes in Net Position Primary Government Operating Capital Charges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Business-type Services Contributions Activities Activities Expenses Contributions Total Component Unit $ 997,046 S $ $ 3,158,565 2.397.576 18,312,001 $ 9.723,826 29,485,923 25,098,736 24,123,780 43,534,169 200,156,201 121,690,566 37,871,834 4,534,449 19,764,886 75,002,399 4.003 DOE 19,601,487 631,903,253 245,144 $ 8,011,463 90,915 784,859 3,697,511 1.526,859 1,830,309 237,062 31,222,687 995 13,787,840 6,183,290 34,922,047 9,655,329 4,362,430 1.507.675 192,781 59,373 575 32,000 Functions/Programs Primary Government: Governmental Activities: Executive Offices Housing and Community Development Economic Development Public Works Transportation Families, Parks, and Recreation Police Fine Business and Financial Services Orlando Venues Community Redevelopment General Government Lynx/Transit Interest on Long-Term Debt Total governmental activities Business-type Activities: Water Reclamation Orlando Venues. Business Parking Stormwater Ulility Solid Waste Total business-type activities Total primary government Component unit: Downtown Development Board Total component unit (17,089,811) $ (1,712,383) 1.827.679 (21.154 517) 14,240,853) (35,824,020) (163,211,084) (111,738,802) (33,508,829) 12,955,586) (18,784,886) (2,884,340) (4.003.006) (19.601.487) (434,841,905) (17,069,811) S (1,712 363) 1,827,679 (21,154,517) (4.240,853) (35.824,020) (163,211,084) (111,738,802) (33,508,829) (2,955,586) (18.764,886) (2,884,340) (4,003.006) (19,601,487) (434,841,905) 39,188 68,889,487 1,859,612 1,368,950 171,528,826 18,322.722 7,209 800 104,714,652 74.479,979 21.021,674 27.440.118 33,091,904 260,748,317 892,651,570 $ 111,360,862 32,798,920 22,342, 100 24,025,590 34,511,612 225,039,084 396,567.910 S 7,177,306 44,610,160 83,750 1,566,333 13,823,516 2,929, 101 1.404,276 (1,848, 195) 1,419,618 17,729,316 17,728,316 13,823,516 2,929,101 1,404,27 (1,848,195) 1,419,618 17,728,316 (417,113,589) $ 53,437,549 50,647,349 18,322.722 S (434,841,905) s 3,942 659 $ 3,942.659 $ (3.942,659) (3,942,659) 2.881202 197.771,073 9,754,650 33,046,546 48,065,731 23,807,194 9,879,888 197,771,073 9,754,650 33,046,548 48,065,731 23,807,194 9,879,688 General Revenues: Tases Property taxes, levied for general purposes Local Option Fuel Tax Franchise Fees Public Service Taxes Tax Increment Revenue Local Business Tax Grants and contributions not restricted to specific programs: Orlando Utilities Commission State Sales Tax Other Investment Earnings Payment from Primary Government Miscellaneous Gain on Sale of Land Transfers Total General Revenues and Transfers Change in Net Position Net Position - Beginning Net Position - Ending 63,362,147 47,753,824 21,487,047 42,659,594 63,362,147 47.753.824 21,487,047 65,693,897 23.034 303 131,166 1,086,395 469,043 16,049,871 5,665,053 16,049.871 5,665,053 (3,161,877) 3.161,877 516.140,541 26,196,180 81298 6:38 43,924.496 423,131,845 1,364,359,628 504,430,481 $ 1,408,284,124 542,336,721 125,223,132 1,787,491.473 1.912,714,605 $ 4,566.806 824,147 1.903,320 2.527,467 $ The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 38Step by Step Solution
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