Comprehensive Problem One Noah and Joan Arc's Tax Return Noah and Joan Arc live with their family in Dayton, OH, Noah's Social Security number is 434-11-3311. Noah was born on February 22, 1984 and Joan was born on July 1, 1989, Both enjoy good health and eyesight. Noah owns and operates a pet store and Joan is a firefighter for the city of Dayton. 1. The Arcs have two children, a son named Billie Bob (Social Security number 598-01- 2345), bom on March 21, 2012 and a daughter named Mary Sue (Social Security num ber 554-33-2411), born on December 3, 2015. 2. Joan and Noah brought a folder of tax documents located on Pages D-3 to D-5. 3. Noah's pet store is located at 1415 S. Patterson Blvd, Dayton, OH 45409. The name of the store is "The Arc," and its taxpayer identification number is 95-9876556. Since you handle Noah's bookkeeping you have printed the income statement from your Quickbooks software, shown on Page D-5. 4. Detail of The Arc's meals and entertainment: $ 400 Meals associated with business travel Overtime meals for employees 878 Sports tickets for entertaining large customers $1,338 350 220 5. Travel costs are business related and do not include meals. 6. Noah and Joan paid the following amounts during the year (all by check): Political contributions $ 250 Church donations (for which a written acknowledgment was received) 5,025 Real estate taxes on their home 2.375 Medical co-pays for doctor visits 700 Mortgage interest for purchase of home See Form 1098 (Page D-4) Tax return preparation fees Credit card interest Automobile insurance premiums 600 Uniforms for Joan 125 Contribution to Noah's individual retirement account (made on April 1, 2020) 6,000 7. Noah has a long-term capital loss carryover from last year of $2,400 8. Noah and Joan own a condo and use it as a rental property. The condo is located at 16 Oakwood Ave, Unit A, Dayton, OH 45409. Noah provides the management services for the rental including selection of tenants, maintenance, repairs, rent collection, and other services as needed. On average, Noah spends about 2 hours per week on the rental activity. The revenue and expenses for the year are as follows: Rental income $13,800 Insurance Interest expense 6,870 Property taxes 1,016 Miscellaneous expenses The home was acquired for $85,000 in 2003. No improvements have been made to the property 9. The Ares paid Ohio general sales tax of $976 during the year. 575 700 Required: You are to prepare the Arc's federal income tax return in good form, signing the return as the preparer. Do not complete an Ohio state income tax return. Make realistic assumptions about any missing data (addresses, etc.) that you may need. The following forms and schedules are required: Form 1040 Schedule SE Schedule 1 Form 2441 Schedule 2 Form 4562 Schedule 3 Form 8812 Schedule A Form 8949 Schedule B Form 8995 Schedule C Child Tax Credit Worksheet Schedule D Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet Schedule E Note: The forms included in Appendix D are provided for the student to work on only one of the two additional comprehensive problems. If desired, additional tax forms may be obtained from the IRS website at 456-87-5432 C M 33-4382966 1546-00 FASTU. e file wwwis gaviotto 1 CO2 30,240.00 5.120.00 3 Soca con 30.240.00 1.874.88 30,240.00 438.48 7 Soury ed tips City of Dayton Fire and Rescue 123 Warren Street Dayton, OH 45402 11 g eplan DD 12,200.00 Joan Arc 1265 W. Riverview Ave. Dayton, OH 45402 0 OHL 1126-87021 1 30 240.00 1,850.00 W-2 Wage and Tax -To Be Fed whe 2019 's FEDERAL Textum Charlotte Squab Financial Services New York, NY 1000 Joan and Noah Arc 1265 W. Riverview Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 SSN: 4-87-5432 Dote December 31, 2019 Dividends Substitute 1099 Statement Box 10 Blo Box lb Quid Dividendi Cop Con Dividends Povor Dividends Dub 0.00 312.00 FM 0.00 0.00 Tess dl. L1800 188.00 0.00 CS Growth 265.00 19.00 0.00 Stock Transactions reported Description Date Aca Proceeds 100 shs. Blue Corp. co/r/2002 DO 5/2010 4537.00 2.576.00 01/13/2017 0610.2010 5.345.00 50 sh. Yellow Corp. 25 shs. Red Co. 1002/2010 10/07/2019 12.212.00 1.0509 VOID CORRECTED 2019 Chase Mortgage 100 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 Mortgage Interest Statement From p 11.100.00 Copy c Por edhe $ 274 200.00 03/13/2010 13-4296127 434-11-3311 Noah and Joan Arc 1265 W. Riverview Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 11 O ROUNDUP DAY CARE CENTER 245 . WILKINSON STREET DAYTON, OH 45402 January 12, 2020 Joan and Noah Arc 1265 W. Riverview Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 Dear Joan and Noah, Thank you for a great 2019 at Roundup! We appreciate your patronage during the year and hope to continue to provide excellent service for Mary Sue in 2020. We have provided the tax information for calendar year 2019 below. Please let us know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Charles F. Burgundian Charles F. Burgundian Executive Director, Roundup Day Care EIN 54-0983456 Date of service January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019 Amount Paid $3,000.00 Child Mary Sue Arc $143 245.00 $0.00 $143,245.00 The Arc 95-9876556 Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Revenue: Gross Sales Less: Sales Returns and Allowances Net Sales Cost of Goods Sold: Beginning Inventory $10,204.00 Add: Purchases $62 111.00 572315.00 Less: Ending Inventory $9.987.00 Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit (Loss) Expenses. Dues and Subscriptions $0.00 Estimated Federal Tax Payments $8,000.00 Estimated State Tax Payments $4,000.00 Insurance $780.00 Meals and Entertainment $1.338.00 Miscellaneous $0.00 Payroll Taxes $3.840.00 Professional Fees $1,700.00 $8,400.00 Travel $1,231.00 Utilities $1.254 00 Vehicle Expenses $0.00 Wages $25.113.00 Total Expenses $62 328.00 $40.917.00 $55,656.00 Net Operating Income $25.261.00 Comprehensive Problem One Noah and Joan Arc's Tax Return Noah and Joan Arc live with their family in Dayton, OH, Noah's Social Security number is 434-11-3311. Noah was born on February 22, 1984 and Joan was born on July 1, 1989, Both enjoy good health and eyesight. Noah owns and operates a pet store and Joan is a firefighter for the city of Dayton. 1. The Arcs have two children, a son named Billie Bob (Social Security number 598-01- 2345), bom on March 21, 2012 and a daughter named Mary Sue (Social Security num ber 554-33-2411), born on December 3, 2015. 2. Joan and Noah brought a folder of tax documents located on Pages D-3 to D-5. 3. Noah's pet store is located at 1415 S. Patterson Blvd, Dayton, OH 45409. The name of the store is "The Arc," and its taxpayer identification number is 95-9876556. Since you handle Noah's bookkeeping you have printed the income statement from your Quickbooks software, shown on Page D-5. 4. Detail of The Arc's meals and entertainment: $ 400 Meals associated with business travel Overtime meals for employees 878 Sports tickets for entertaining large customers $1,338 350 220 5. Travel costs are business related and do not include meals. 6. Noah and Joan paid the following amounts during the year (all by check): Political contributions $ 250 Church donations (for which a written acknowledgment was received) 5,025 Real estate taxes on their home 2.375 Medical co-pays for doctor visits 700 Mortgage interest for purchase of home See Form 1098 (Page D-4) Tax return preparation fees Credit card interest Automobile insurance premiums 600 Uniforms for Joan 125 Contribution to Noah's individual retirement account (made on April 1, 2020) 6,000 7. Noah has a long-term capital loss carryover from last year of $2,400 8. Noah and Joan own a condo and use it as a rental property. The condo is located at 16 Oakwood Ave, Unit A, Dayton, OH 45409. Noah provides the management services for the rental including selection of tenants, maintenance, repairs, rent collection, and other services as needed. On average, Noah spends about 2 hours per week on the rental activity. The revenue and expenses for the year are as follows: Rental income $13,800 Insurance Interest expense 6,870 Property taxes 1,016 Miscellaneous expenses The home was acquired for $85,000 in 2003. No improvements have been made to the property 9. The Ares paid Ohio general sales tax of $976 during the year. 575 700 Required: You are to prepare the Arc's federal income tax return in good form, signing the return as the preparer. Do not complete an Ohio state income tax return. Make realistic assumptions about any missing data (addresses, etc.) that you may need. The following forms and schedules are required: Form 1040 Schedule SE Schedule 1 Form 2441 Schedule 2 Form 4562 Schedule 3 Form 8812 Schedule A Form 8949 Schedule B Form 8995 Schedule C Child Tax Credit Worksheet Schedule D Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet Schedule E Note: The forms included in Appendix D are provided for the student to work on only one of the two additional comprehensive problems. If desired, additional tax forms may be obtained from the IRS website at 456-87-5432 C M 33-4382966 1546-00 FASTU. e file wwwis gaviotto 1 CO2 30,240.00 5.120.00 3 Soca con 30.240.00 1.874.88 30,240.00 438.48 7 Soury ed tips City of Dayton Fire and Rescue 123 Warren Street Dayton, OH 45402 11 g eplan DD 12,200.00 Joan Arc 1265 W. Riverview Ave. Dayton, OH 45402 0 OHL 1126-87021 1 30 240.00 1,850.00 W-2 Wage and Tax -To Be Fed whe 2019 's FEDERAL Textum Charlotte Squab Financial Services New York, NY 1000 Joan and Noah Arc 1265 W. Riverview Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 SSN: 4-87-5432 Dote December 31, 2019 Dividends Substitute 1099 Statement Box 10 Blo Box lb Quid Dividendi Cop Con Dividends Povor Dividends Dub 0.00 312.00 FM 0.00 0.00 Tess dl. L1800 188.00 0.00 CS Growth 265.00 19.00 0.00 Stock Transactions reported Description Date Aca Proceeds 100 shs. Blue Corp. co/r/2002 DO 5/2010 4537.00 2.576.00 01/13/2017 0610.2010 5.345.00 50 sh. Yellow Corp. 25 shs. Red Co. 1002/2010 10/07/2019 12.212.00 1.0509 VOID CORRECTED 2019 Chase Mortgage 100 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 Mortgage Interest Statement From p 11.100.00 Copy c Por edhe $ 274 200.00 03/13/2010 13-4296127 434-11-3311 Noah and Joan Arc 1265 W. Riverview Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 11 O ROUNDUP DAY CARE CENTER 245 . WILKINSON STREET DAYTON, OH 45402 January 12, 2020 Joan and Noah Arc 1265 W. Riverview Avenue Dayton, OH 45402 Dear Joan and Noah, Thank you for a great 2019 at Roundup! We appreciate your patronage during the year and hope to continue to provide excellent service for Mary Sue in 2020. We have provided the tax information for calendar year 2019 below. Please let us know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Charles F. Burgundian Charles F. Burgundian Executive Director, Roundup Day Care EIN 54-0983456 Date of service January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019 Amount Paid $3,000.00 Child Mary Sue Arc $143 245.00 $0.00 $143,245.00 The Arc 95-9876556 Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Revenue: Gross Sales Less: Sales Returns and Allowances Net Sales Cost of Goods Sold: Beginning Inventory $10,204.00 Add: Purchases $62 111.00 572315.00 Less: Ending Inventory $9.987.00 Cost of Goods Sold Gross Profit (Loss) Expenses. Dues and Subscriptions $0.00 Estimated Federal Tax Payments $8,000.00 Estimated State Tax Payments $4,000.00 Insurance $780.00 Meals and Entertainment $1.338.00 Miscellaneous $0.00 Payroll Taxes $3.840.00 Professional Fees $1,700.00 $8,400.00 Travel $1,231.00 Utilities $1.254 00 Vehicle Expenses $0.00 Wages $25.113.00 Total Expenses $62 328.00 $40.917.00 $55,656.00 Net Operating Income $25.261.00