Comprehensive Problem The Butler Financing Company runs a mortgage brokerage business that matches lenders and borrowers. Table 4-14 lists some of the data that Butler maintains on its borrowers and lenders. The data are stored in a spreadsheet that must be manually updated for each new borrower, lender, or mortgage. This updating is error-prone, which has harmed the business. In addition, the spreadsheet has to be sorted in many different ways to retrieve the necessary data. Create a database from Butler's spreadsheet that does not have any of the data anomalies explained in the chapter. To test the database, prepare a query to show which borrowers (both borrower number and name) took out loans from Excel Mortgage and who the appraiser was for each loan. TABLE 4-14 Butler Financing Company Spreadsheet Requested Lender Property Property Appraiser Borrower Last First Current Mortgage Lender Lender Office Appraiser Number Name Name Address Amount Number Name Address Number Name 450 Adams Jennifer 450 $245,000 13 Excel 6890 Advent Peachtree Rd. Mortgage Sheridan Dr. Appraisers 451 Adamson David 500 Loop $124,688 13 Excel 6890 Independent Highway Mortgage Sheridan Dr. Appraisal Service 452 Bronson Paul 312 Mountain $345,000 14 CCY 28 Buckhead 10 jones View Dr. Way Property Appraisers 453 Brown Marietta 310 Loop $ 57,090 15 Advantage 3345 Lake Jones Highway Lenders Shore Dr. Property Appraisers 454 Charles Kenneth 3 Commons $ 34,000 16 Capital 8890 Coral 8 Advent Blvd. Savings Blvd. Appraisers 455 Coulter Tracey 1367 $216.505 Excel 6890 Advent Peachtree Rd. Mortgage Sheridan Dr. Appraisers 456 Foster Harold 678 Loop $117,090 12 National 750 16 St. Independent Highway Mortgage Appraisal Service 457 Frank Vernon 210 Bicayne $ 89.000 12 National 750 16 5t. Jones Blyd. Mortgage Property Appraisers 10 Jones 458 Holmes Heather 1121 Bicayne $459,010 16 Capital 8890 Coral Blud Savings Blyd Property Appraisers 459 Johanson Sandy 817 Mountain $ 67,900 15 Advantage 3345 Lake Independent View Dr. Lenders Shore Dr. Appraisal Service 460 Johnson James 985 Loop $ 12,000 12 National 750 16 St. Jones Highway Mortgage Property Appraisers 461 Jones Holly 1650 $ 67,890 15 Advantage 3345 Lake Independent Washington Lenders Shore Dr. Appraisal Blvd. Service