Comprehensive Tax Return Problems Ton additional Compiehensive Tax Return pmblemscovorutg individual. torporatimi. partnership. and S eorporat ion tar. ieturiueait be l'ouiu individual Tax Return Problem 1 Required: . Use the l'ollowutg information toeomplete Keith and lenrtiler Hamilton's ZlII'I nkral 'uieoine taxneturn ll' any information is missing. u the gaps Form lil-'i-tl. supporting schedules. and iithiuetions to the forms and schedules can be found at the IRS website twwwjrsgm @ 1. Facts: I Keith Hamilton is employed as an airline pilot l'or Flyby Airlines in Las Vegas. Nevada Jennifer is employed as a teaeher's assistant at Small Henderson. Nevada. Keith and Jeiutiter live Ll'l ahome they puirlmed. 1th year Keith and Ieiuiifei' have thiee childhen who lived With them a and Sara { llll Keith and Jeniiiferpmvided the Gallon-lug personal information Keith and. Jeiutiler do not want to miiu'ibute to the presidential election campaign Keith and Jennifer do not claim item Lted deductions Keith and Jennifer live at 3675 Blue Sky Drive. Henderson. Nevada 59052. Keith's hu'thday is liIi'lL'lQ'Il and his Soeial Securitynumber 'Ls 515-114461- Jeiutifei\"s birthday is 11 lbdl 97S and her Social Security number is 535-44255. Joshua's bu'thday is wllz'lutlu and his SocialSecurity number is 454-546-154 Danielle's birthday is Wl'lillli and hei' Social Security number is 343 43-4 34]. Sara's birthday Ls 5fl3i'1tll7 and her Social Security number is 1317 3173112. 1 Keith ieceived the Following Form W-1 for Gill? fnom Flyby Airlines \fl2. On July 25. 20W. Keith's aunt Beatrice gave Keith 5 [8.600 because she wanted to let everyone know that Keith is her favorite nephew. l3. On September 29, 20 [7, Jennifer won an iPad valued at $500 in a rafe at the annual fair held at Joshua's high school. l4. Keith and Jennifer have qualifying insurance for purposes of the the Affordable Care Act (ACA)