Computer Networking Research Paper Instructions: To complete this assignment, use your existing knowledge of MS Word, the help function and online assets such as YouTube videos For this assignment you will write a research paper on what you have learned from the Computer Networking Videos: Youtube Link to: Chapter 1- Tutorial Basics Network- fundamental of Personal Computer Youtube link to: Introduction to Networking2 Review the PowerPoint Presentation provided by the instructor titled "Networking Presentation" After watching the videos on Computer Networking, reviewing the PowerPoint Presentation provided and doing more research on your own, your assignment for this week will be to create a Word document-in your own words you will explain some of the components of Computer Networking. You will be required to list at least four resources so you will be required to find at least one more on your own. Please make sure to cite all your sources to avoid plagiarism. 1. In a Word document answer the following questions: Why is Computer Networking important? What are the types of Computer Networking mentioned in the videos? What did you learn from Computer Networking that you did not know before? . 2. Instructions on how the format of your Word document should look like: . Copy and paste each question to your Word document make sure the questions are BOLDED and each question has a different font color (color of your choice). Answer the first question in a paragraph form - three paragraphs minimum Answer the second question by creating a table Answer the third question in a bullet form . Insert a header - include your First name and Last name . Insert page numbers as a footer .Do a quick search on the web and find a picture of a "computer network" and save the image Insert the image as a watermark - make sure "Washout" is not checked Create a "Works Cited" section and include the videos listed above along with at least two other sources. o o 3. Save the document as Computer networking Lastname_Firstname a. Ex: Computer networking Smith Joe ! PLF360ED108256F2A5