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Connect to mySQL DBMS, open a SQL script file, navigate to CityJail.sql file and execute it to create tables and populate with the supplied data.

Connect to mySQL DBMS, open a SQL script file, navigate to CityJail.sql file and execute it to create tables and populate with the supplied data.

If there are any errors in the script fix them. It is your job to find the errors and correct them. This is important. You will need correct data for future exercises in this module.

Then answer all questions. Write the answer below each question then take screen shot of the result.

This script builds the City Jail database.

The following list reflects common data requests from city managers. Write the SQL statements to

satisfy the requests. If the query can be accomplished by using different operators, supply alternative

solutions so that the performance-tuning group can test them and identify the more efficient


Test the statements and show execution results.

1. List all criminal aliases beginning with the letter B.

2. List all crimes that occurred (were charged) during the month October 2008. List the crime ID, criminal

ID, date charged, and classification.

3. List all crimes with a status of CA (can appeal) or IA (in appeal). List the crime ID, criminal ID,

charged, and status.

4. List all crimes classified as a felony. List the crime ID, criminal ID, date charged, and classification.

5. List all crimes with a hearing date more than 14 day after the date charged. List the crime ID, criminal

ID, date charged, and hearing date.

6. List all criminals with the zip code 23510. List the criminal ID, last name, and zip code. Sort the list by

criminal ID.

7. List all crimes that dont have a hearing date scheduled. List the crime ID, criminal ID, date charged,

and hearing date.

8. List all sentences with a probation officer assigned. List the sentence ID, criminal ID, and probation

officer ID. Sort the list by probation officer ID and then criminal ID.

9. List all crimes that are classified as misdemeanors and are currently in appeal. List the

crime ID, criminal ID, classification, and status.

10. List all crime charges with a balance owed. List the charge ID, crime ID, fine amount, court

fee, amount paid, and amount owed.

11. List all police officers who are assigned to the precinct OCVW or GHNT and have a status

of active. List the officer ID, last name, precinct, and status. Sort the list by precinct and

then by officer last name.


DROP TABLE aliases CASCADE; DROP TABLE criminals CASCADE; DROP TABLE crimes CASCADE; DROP TABLE appeals CASCADE; DROP TABLE officers CASCADE; DROP TABLE crime_officers CASCADE; DROP TABLE crime_charges CASCADE; DROP TABLE crimeCodes CASCADE; DROP TABLE probOfficers CASCADE; DROP TABLE sentences CASCADE; DROP table prob_contact CASCADE; CREATE TABLE aliases (aliasId INT(6), criminalId INT(6), alias VARCHAR(10)); CREATE TABLE criminals (criminalId INT(6), last VARCHAR(15), first VARCHAR(10), street VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR(20), state CHAR(2), zip CHAR(5), phone CHAR(10), v_status CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N', p_status CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' ); CREATE TABLE crimes (crime_id INT(9), criminalId INT(6), classification CHAR(1), dateCharged DATE, status CHAR(2), hearingDate DATE, appealCutDate DATE); CREATE TABLE sentences (sentenceId INT(6), criminalId INT(9), type CHAR(1), probId INT(5), startDate DATE, endDate DATE, violations INT(3)); CREATE TABLE probOfficers (probId INT(5), last VARCHAR(15), first VARCHAR(10), street VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR(20), state CHAR(2), zip CHAR(5), phone CHAR(10), email VARCHAR(30), status CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'A', mgrId INT(5) ); CREATE TABLE officers (officeId INT(8), last VARCHAR(15), first VARCHAR(10), precinct CHAR(4), badge VARCHAR(14), phone CHAR(10), status CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'A' ); CREATE TABLE crimeCodes (crimeCode INT(3), code_description VARCHAR(30)); ALTER TABLE crimes MODIFY classification char(1) DEFAULT 'U'; ALTER TABLE crimes ADD (dateRecorded datetime DEFAULT NOW()); ALTER TABLE probOfficers ADD (pagerId CHAR(10)); ALTER TABLE aliases MODIFY alias VARCHAR(20); ALTER TABLE criminals ADD CONSTRAINT criminals_criminalsId_pk PRIMARY KEY (criminalId); ALTER TABLE criminals ADD CONSTRAINT criminals_vstatus_ck CHECK (v_status IN('Y','N')); ALTER TABLE criminals ADD CONSTRAINT criminals_pstatus_ck CHECK (p_status IN('Y','N')); ALTER TABLE aliases ADD CONSTRAINT aliases_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (aliasId); ALTER TABLE aliases ADD CONSTRAINT appeals_criminals_criminalid_fk FOREIGN KEY (criminalId) REFERENCES criminals(criminalId); ALTER TABLE aliases MODIFY criminalId int(6) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE crimes ADD CONSTRAINT crimes_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (crime_id); ALTER TABLE crimes ADD CONSTRAINT crimes_class_ck CHECK (classification IN('F','M','O','U')); ALTER TABLE crimes ADD CONSTRAINT crimes_status_ck CHECK (status IN('CL','CA','IA')); ALTER TABLE crimes ADD CONSTRAINT crimes_criminalid_fk FOREIGN KEY (criminalId) REFERENCES criminals(criminalId); ALTER TABLE crimes MODIFY criminalId int(6) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE probOfficers ADD CONSTRAINT probofficers_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (probId); ALTER TABLE probOfficers ADD CONSTRAINT probofficers_status_ck CHECK (status IN('A','I')); ALTER TABLE sentences ADD CONSTRAINT sentences_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (sentenceId); ALTER TABLE sentences ADD CONSTRAINT sentences_crimeid_fk FOREIGN KEY (criminalId) REFERENCES criminals(criminalId); ALTER TABLE sentences MODIFY criminalId int(6) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE sentences ADD CONSTRAINT sentences_probid_fk FOREIGN KEY (probId) REFERENCES probOfficers(probId); ALTER TABLE sentences ADD CONSTRAINT sentences_type_ck CHECK (type IN('J','H','P')); ALTER TABLE officers ADD CONSTRAINT officers_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (officeId); ALTER TABLE officers ADD CONSTRAINT officers_status_ck CHECK (status IN('A','I')); ALTER TABLE crimeCodes ADD CONSTRAINT crimecodes_code_pk PRIMARY KEY (crimeCode);

CREATE TABLE appeals (appeal_id INT(5), crime_id INT(9) NOT NULL, filing_date DATE, hearingDate DATE, status CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'P', CONSTRAINT appeals_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (appeal_id), CONSTRAINT appeals_crimeid_fk FOREIGN KEY (crime_id) REFERENCES crimes(crime_id), CONSTRAINT appeals_status_ck CHECK (status IN('P','A','D')) ); CREATE TABLE crime_officers (crime_id INT(9), officeId INT(8), CONSTRAINT crimeofficers_cid_oid_pk PRIMARY KEY (crime_id,officeId), CONSTRAINT crimeofficers_crimeid_fk FOREIGN KEY (crime_id) REFERENCES crimes(crime_id), CONSTRAINT crimeofficers_officerid_fk FOREIGN KEY (officeId) REFERENCES officers(officeId) ); CREATE TABLE crime_charges (charge_id INT(10), crime_id INT(9) NOT NULL, crimeCode INT(3) NOT NULL, charge_status CHAR(2), fine_amount decimal(7,2), court_fee decimal(7,2), amount_paid decimal(7,2), pay_due_date DATE, CONSTRAINT crimecharges_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (charge_id), CONSTRAINT crimecharges_crimeid_fk FOREIGN KEY (crime_id) REFERENCES crimes(crime_id), CONSTRAINT crimecharges_code_fk FOREIGN KEY (crimeCode) REFERENCES crimeCodes(crimeCode), CONSTRAINT crimecharges_status_ck CHECK (charge_status IN('PD','GL','NG')) );

INSERT INTO crimeCodes VALUES (301,'Agg Assault'); INSERT INTO crimeCodes VALUES (302,'Auto Theft'); INSERT INTO crimeCodes VALUES (303,'Burglary-Business'); INSERT INTO crimeCodes VALUES (304,'Criminal Mischief'); INSERT INTO crimeCodes VALUES (305,'Drug Offense'); INSERT INTO crimeCodes VALUES (306,'Bomb Threat'); INSERT INTO probOfficers (probId, last, first, city, status, mgrId) VALUES (100, 'Peek', 'Susan', 'Virginia Beach', 'A', NULL); INSERT INTO probOfficers (probId, last, first, city, status, mgrId) VALUES (102, 'Speckle', 'Jeff', 'Virginia Beach', 'A', 100); INSERT INTO probOfficers (probId, last, first, city, status, mgrId) VALUES (104, 'Boyle', 'Chris', 'Virginia Beach', 'A', 100); INSERT INTO probOfficers (probId, last, first, city, status, mgrId) VALUES (106, 'Taps', 'George', 'Chesapeake', 'A', NULL); INSERT INTO probOfficers (probId, last, first, city, status, mgrId) VALUES (108, 'Ponds', 'Terry', 'Chesapeake', 'A', 106); INSERT INTO probOfficers (probId, last, first, city, status, mgrId) VALUES (110, 'Hawk', 'Fred', 'Chesapeake', 'I', 106); INSERT INTO officers (officeId, last, first, precinct, badge, phone, status) VALUES (111112, 'Shocks', 'Pam', 'OCVW', 'E5546A33', '7574446767', 'A'); INSERT INTO officers (officeId, last, first, precinct, badge, phone, status) VALUES (111113, 'Busey', 'Gerry', 'GHNT', 'E5577D48', '7574446767', 'A'); INSERT INTO officers (officeId, last, first, precinct, badge, phone, status) VALUES (111114, 'Gants', 'Dale', 'SBCH', 'E5536N02', '7574446767', 'A'); INSERT INTO officers (officeId, last, first, precinct, badge, phone, status) VALUES (111115, 'Hart', 'Leigh', 'WAVE', 'E5511J40', '7574446767', 'A'); INSERT INTO officers (officeId, last, first, precinct, badge, phone, status) VALUES (111116, 'Sands', 'Ben', 'OCVW', 'E5588R00', '7574446767', 'I'); COMMIT; INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1020, 'Phelps','Sam','1105 Tree Lane', 'Virginia Beach', 'VA', '23510', 7576778484, 'Y', 'N'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10085, 1020, 'F', '2008-09-03', 'CA', '2008-09-15', '2008-12-15'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5000, 10085, 301, 'GL', 3000, 200, 40, '2008-10-15'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5001, 10085, 305, 'GL', 1000, 100, NULL, '2008-10-15'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1000, 1020, 'J', NULL, '2008-09-15', '2010-09-15', 0); INSERT INTO aliases (aliasId, criminalId, alias) VALUES (100, 1020, 'Bat'); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10085, 111112); INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1021, 'Sums','Tammy','22 E. Ave', 'Virginia Beach', 'VA', '23510', 7575453390, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10086, 1021, 'M', '2008-10-20', 'CL', '2008-12-05', NULL); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5002, 10086, 304, 'GL', 200, 100, 25, '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1001, 1021, 'P', 102, '2008-12-05', '2009-06-05', 0); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10086, 111114);

INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1022, 'Caulk','Dave', '8112 Chester Lane', 'Chesapeake', 'VA', '23320', 7578403690, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10087, 1022, 'M', '2008-10-30', 'IA', '2008-12-05', '2009-03-15'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5003, 10087, 305, 'GL', 100, 50, 150, '2009-03-15'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1002, 1022, 'P', 108, '2009-03-20', '2009-08-20', 0); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10087, 111115); INSERT INTO aliases (aliasId, criminalId, alias) VALUES (101, 1022, 'Cabby'); INSERT INTO appeals (appeal_id, crime_id, filing_date, hearingDate, status) VALUES (7500, 10087, '2008-12-10', '2008-12-20', 'A'); INSERT INTO appeals (appeal_id, crime_id, filing_date, hearingDate, status) VALUES (7501, 10086, '2008-12-15', '2008-12-20', 'A'); INSERT INTO appeals (appeal_id, crime_id, filing_date, hearingDate, status) VALUES (7502, 10085, '2008-09-20', '2008-10-8', 'A'); INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1023, 'Dabber','Pat', NULL, 'Chesapeake', 'VA', '23320', NULL, 'N', 'N'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10088, 1023, 'O', '2008-11-05', 'CA', NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5004, 10088, 306, 'PD', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10088, 111115);

INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1025, 'Cat','Tommy', NULL, 'Norfolk', 'VA', '26503', NULL, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10089, 1025, 'M', '2008-10-22', 'CA', '2008-11-25', '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5005, 10089, 305, 'GL', 100, 50, NULL, '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1004, 1025, 'P', 106, '2008-12-20', '2009-03-20', 0); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10089, 111115); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10089, 111116);

INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1026, 'Simon','Tim', NULL, 'Norfolk', 'VA', '26503', NULL, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10090, 1026, 'M', '2008-10-22', 'CA', '2008-11-25', '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5006, 10090, 305, 'GL', 100, 50, NULL, '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1005, 1026, 'P', 106, '2008-12-20', '2009-03-20', 0); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10090, 111115);

INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1027, 'Pints','Reed', NULL, 'Norfolk', 'VA', '26505', NULL, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10091, 1027, 'M', '2008-10-24', 'CA', '2008-11-28', '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5007, 10091, 305, 'GL', 100, 50, 20, '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1006, 1027, 'P', 106, '2008-12-20', '2009-03-20', 0); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10091, 111115);

INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1028, 'Mansville','Nancy', NULL, 'Norfolk', 'VA', '26505', NULL, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10092, 1028, 'M', '2008-10-24', 'CA', '2008-11-28', '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5008, 10092, 305, 'GL', 100, 50, 25, '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1007, 1028, 'P', 106, '2008-12-20', '2009-03-20', 0); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10092, 111115);

INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1024, 'Perry','Cart', NULL, 'Norfolk', 'VA', '26501', NULL, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10093, 1024, 'M', '2008-10-22', 'CA', '2008-11-25', '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5009, 10093, 305, 'GL', 100, 50, NULL, '2009-02-15'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1003, 1024, 'P', 106, '2008-12-20', '2009-03-20', 1); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10093, 111115);

INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1029, 'Statin','Penny', NULL, 'Norfolk', 'VA', '26505', NULL, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (10094, 1029, 'M', '2008-10-26', 'CA', '2008-11-26', '2009-02-17'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5010, 10094, 305, 'GL', 50, 50, NULL, '2009-02-17'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1008, 1029, 'P', 106, '2008-12-20', '2009-02-05', 1); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (10094, 111115);

INSERT INTO criminals (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1030, 'Panner','Lee', NULL, 'Norfolk', 'VA', '26505', NULL, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (25344031, 1030, 'M', '2008-10-26', 'CA', '2008-11-26', '2009-02-17'); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5011, 25344031, 305, 'GL', 50, 50, NULL, '2009-02-17'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1009, 1030, 'P', 106, '2008-12-20', '2009-02-05', 1); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (25344031, 111115);

INSERT INTO crimes (crime_id, criminalId, classification, dateCharged, status, hearingDate, appealCutDate) VALUES (25344060, 1030, 'M', '2008-11-18', 'CL', '2008-11-26', NULL); INSERT INTO crime_charges(charge_id, crime_id, crimeCode, charge_status, fine_amount, court_fee, amount_paid, pay_due_date) VALUES (5012, 25344060, 305, 'GL', 50, 50, 100, '2009-02-17'); INSERT INTO sentences (sentenceId, criminalId, type, probId, startDate, endDate, violations) VALUES (1010, 1030, 'P', 106, '2009-02-06', '2009-07-06', 0); INSERT INTO crime_officers (crime_id, officeId) VALUES (25344060, 111116); COMMIT;

CREATE TABLE prob_contact (prob_cat INT(2), low_amt INT(5), high_amt INT(5), con_freq VARCHAR(20) ); INSERT INTO prob_contact VALUES(10, 1, 80, 'Weekly'); INSERT INTO prob_contact VALUES(20, 81, 160, 'Every 2 weeks'); INSERT INTO prob_contact VALUES(30, 161, 500, 'Monthly'); COMMIT;

CREATE TABLE criminals_dw (criminalId INT(6), last VARCHAR(15), first VARCHAR(10), street VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR(20), state CHAR(2), zip CHAR(5), phone CHAR(10), v_status CHAR(1), p_status CHAR(1) ); INSERT INTO criminals_dw (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1020, 'Phelps','Sam','1105 Tree Lane', 'Virginia Beach', 'VA', '23510', 7576778484, 'Y', 'N'); INSERT INTO criminals_dw (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1021, 'Sums','Tammy','22 E. Ave', 'Virginia Beach', 'VA', '23510', 7575453390, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO criminals_dw (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1022, 'Caulk','Dave', '8112 Chester Lane', 'Chesapeake', 'VA', '23320', 7578403690, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO criminals_dw (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1023, 'Dabber','Pat', NULL, 'Chesapeake', 'VA', '23320', NULL, 'N', 'N'); INSERT INTO criminals_dw (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1024, 'Perry','Cart', '11 New St.', 'Surry', 'VA', '54501', NULL, 'N', 'Y'); INSERT INTO criminals_dw (criminalId, last, first, street, city, state, zip, phone, v_status, p_status) VALUES (1025, 'Cat','Tommy', NULL, 'Norfolk', 'VA', '26503', 7578889393, 'N', 'Y'); COMMIT;

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