conparies based in the United stales and Europe. Bangkok instruments' bolance sheet in thousands of Thai bahts (B) at of March 31 is shown in the popup window: Excharge rates for tranisialing Bsongkok instruments' balsace sheet into U.S. dolars arn B32.005. March 31 exchange rate, before 25% devaluation, Ali invemory was acquired at this tate A2z 005 Historic wecharges rate of which plant and oquipment were accuired. and the one vsing the incroorai metiod is showen thers. Fiplas the translaton gain oc lost in terms of changes in the value of exposed accounts. Using the tramblated balance sheet under the current rate method. What is the amount of translation gavior loss? Enler a positwe number for a gain and negatwe for a loss (Rourd to Die nearest dolar) Data table Data table Bangkok Instruments' Translation Gain (Loss) After Depreciation of the Baht: Current Rate Method (a) Dollar retained eamings before depreciation are the cumulative sum of additions to retained earnings of all prior years, translated to exchange rates in each year. (b) Translated into dollars at the same rate as before depreciation of the baht. Click on the icon located on the top-right corner of the data table in order to copy its contents into a spreadsheet. Data table Bangkok Instruments' Translation Gain (Loss) After Depreciation of the Baht: Current Rate Method (a) Dollar retained eamings before depreciation are the cumulative sum of additions to retained earnings of all prior years, transiated to exchange rates in each year. (b) Translated into dollars at the same rate as before depreciation of the baht. Data table Bangkok Instruments' Translation Gain (Loss) After Depreciation of the Baht: Temporal Method (a) vous retained eamings before depreciation are the cumulative sum of additions to retained eamings of all prior years, translated to exchange rates in each year. (b) Translated into dollars at the same rate as before depreciation of the baht. (c) Under the temporal method, the translation gain (loss) would be closed into retained eamings through the income statement rather than left as a separate line item as shown here. Click on the icon located on the fop-right comer of the data table in order to copy its contents into a spreadsheet