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Consider a project with the following Information: Expected Units Sold In Year 1: 900 units Expected Sale Price In Year 1: $50 per unit Expected

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Consider a project with the following Information: Expected Units Sold In Year 1: 900 units Expected Sale Price In Year 1: $50 per unit Expected Operating costs in Year 1: 40% of sales Depreciation Rate In Year 1: 20% Interest expense In Year 1: $4,000 Cost of Fixed Assets In Year O: $50.000 Increase in Accounts Payable In Year 1: $3,000 Increase in Accounts Receivable In Year 1: $8000 Increase in Inventorles In Year 1: $4,000 Tax rate: 35% What is the Operating Cash Flow in Year 1? Enter your answer without the dollar sign and round your answer to two decimal places

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