Consider a situation in which there are just two countries: an Origin, and a Destination country. Labor demand in the origin country is given by: W0=6L0 Labor demand in the destination country is given by: wd=12Ld where L0 and Ld indicate the number of workers in the origin and destination countries, respectively. Initially, there are 5 workers in the destination country and 5 workers in the origia corntry. Assame that labor supply is perfectly inelastic in both countries (that is, that labor supply can be repeesentod throsegh a vertical line). a. [4 points] Consider the case in which workers can freely migrate across countries (at no coin). What would be the equilibrium wage in the destination and in the origin country? How many workers (if any) would migrate from the origin to the destination country The government in the destination country is worried that, if it enables frec immigration from the origin country, the wages of workers in the destination would decline too mach. To avoid this possibility, the government of the destination country is considering starting to require a "migration permit" (with a cost of \$2) to each foreign-born individual who enters the country. They also decide that they will use the money that they collect from selling the permits to compensate native workers in the destination cocntry. In particular, each native worker will receive an equal share of the total amount that they collect from selling the permits. b. [4 points] How many immigrants would enter the destination country under this new poliey? How much would the govemment in the destination country colleet from selling the permits? The government is worried that the money that they collect from selling migration perins ing they are considering implementing enough to fully compensate workers in the destination country. Hence, laey are considering imp of owners of other an alternative policy. Specifically, they are thinking of introducing a tax on the surplus of owill benefit the factors of production in the destination country (since this is the group that they think whis tax equally most from immigration). Their plan is to distribute the montion. among all native-born workers in the destination coun to destination country without having to pay any d. [2 points] If immigrants were allowed into the destination country without ar a having tevenue would the migration cost (that is, under the same scenario as in part a), how much revenue would the country