Consider the folkwing annual rates 0i1=34,0/2=6%.013+7.,130+3%,2105.5K, Assume yearly compounding The notation follows the cotwention used in the course, where the first subscript is the start of the investment and the second subicipt the length of the investiment. These tobscripts are experessed in number of years. esch year of each investivent. (t mark) (6) Aswiming expectations theory holds, calculare ds. (Ahways use general formula with nocation before plucting yocir numbers! If maric numbers). is expectations theory a theory that explains the formation of expectations by investors? Expling your answer. (1.5 matks) (4) With risorous catculations, theck whether expectations theory hoids for oiz. Explain your reasoning. falways lse general formuls with notation betore pluseine your numbers. Fs there a liquitity premtiam? if yer, calculate its value and interpeet it if not, provide an interprecaticn? (2 marks): and yout ceriginei pictures Jor puture reference. Consider the folkwing annual rates 0i1=34,0/2=6%.013+7.,130+3%,2105.5K, Assume yearly compounding The notation follows the cotwention used in the course, where the first subscript is the start of the investment and the second subicipt the length of the investiment. These tobscripts are experessed in number of years. esch year of each investivent. (t mark) (6) Aswiming expectations theory holds, calculare ds. (Ahways use general formula with nocation before plucting yocir numbers! If maric numbers). is expectations theory a theory that explains the formation of expectations by investors? Expling your answer. (1.5 matks) (4) With risorous catculations, theck whether expectations theory hoids for oiz. Explain your reasoning. falways lse general formuls with notation betore pluseine your numbers. Fs there a liquitity premtiam? if yer, calculate its value and interpeet it if not, provide an interprecaticn? (2 marks): and yout ceriginei pictures Jor puture reference