Consider the purchase of a supplier by North Bay Tire. 1. Suppose the tor value of the net assets at the date of purchase (February 1, 2000) had been $170.3 million. What would the goodwill cost have been i North Bay The had paid $200 milion 2. Explain how North Bay Tire will have been accounting for this goodwill up to February 1, 2022 1. Support the air value of the net assets at the date of purchase (February 1, 2020) had been $170.3 milion. What would the goodwill cost have been in North Bay Tre had paid $200 milion? Round your final awww to ore decimal place The goodwill would have been $38 million 2. Explain how North Bay Tre will have been accounting for this goodwill up to February 1, 2022 North Bay Tre would have reviewed the goodwill value annually Ir the goodwill value is the same motion or experts will need to be February 1, 2020 recorded. The sale of good the amount Consider the purchase of a supplier by North Bay Tire. 1. Suppose the tor value of the net assets at the date of purchase (February 1, 2000) had been $170.3 million. What would the goodwill cost have been i North Bay The had paid $200 milion 2. Explain how North Bay Tire will have been accounting for this goodwill up to February 1, 2022 1. Support the air value of the net assets at the date of purchase (February 1, 2020) had been $170.3 milion. What would the goodwill cost have been in North Bay Tre had paid $200 milion? Round your final awww to ore decimal place The goodwill would have been $38 million 2. Explain how North Bay Tre will have been accounting for this goodwill up to February 1, 2022 North Bay Tre would have reviewed the goodwill value annually Ir the goodwill value is the same motion or experts will need to be February 1, 2020 recorded. The sale of good the amount