Continuing Case Carter Cleaning Company relitisens and sales are maimized, and prof tablity is maintained Witten and copynghted by Gary Dessec, fhD. throunh effective control of labor, supply, and energy costs in The Job Description acconplishing that general aim, a specific sore manager's duties Blated on her ceven of the stores, lennifer concladed that one of the and responsbilities include qualify contrel, stere appearance and demines, catomer relations, bock keeping and cash management, Gint matters she had to attend to involved sevelcoing job deicresons. cost cantici and productivity, damage control, pricing, inventory. for her stoie managers. control, spotting and cleaning, machine maintenance. purchasing. As kenniter tels it, her lessens reganding oob descrighoes in her etration, and pest control basic management and HR managenent courses were inuticent The questors that lennifer had to addreis folow. to convince her of the pnotal role job descriptons actualy plyy in the smooth functioning of an entepprive. Mary tirns during her firt Questions few weeks on the job, jennifer found herself asking one at her mor 4-18. What should be the format and final form of the store menages why he was violating what she knew to be recommeoded inanagess iob description? compary polcies asd proceduets. Repeatedy, the answers weit eithes 4.19. sit practicat to specily standards and procedurei in the "Because t didn' know it war my jo6" or "Becaise I didert know that body of the job description, or should these be kept. was the way we were suppored to do it." iennifer knew that a job iefarate? deccipton, along with a set of standards and procedures that secilied 4.20. How should jennifer go about collecting the information alleviating this problem. requined for the sandards, procedures, and job description? in general, the store manager is resporoble for directing all store 4-21. What in your opirion, shodd the stor managers job activities in such a way that quality wokk in produced, cuitomer Translating Strategy into HR Policies and Practices Case C. Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris chuin that did and did not have apdated job descripbions. While The New Job Descriptions they undentood that many other factors might be inflyencing the The Hotel Panst competitive strategy is "To sse superior guest seth. did sugpert that having job descriptions had a positive influence on vice ta differentiate the Hotel Paris propertes, and to therby inonase warioun employte behavion and competencies. Pehaps having the the kngeh of stey and intum rate of goesti, and thas booit tevenues descrotions facil tated the employee selecticn process, or perhaps and prolitability. His manager Lisa Crue must now fomulate func: the departments with the descriptions just had better managers hn tional polices and activites that suppont ths competive strategy and any case. Lsa received the go-atead to design tew job deicriptions boost pertormance by eiciting the required employee bethmion and for the chain. competencies. While the rendsing job descrations included numerous traditional As an experenced taman resoure dinectoc, the Hotat Parist Usa duses and responsibinies, most also induded teveral competencien Cruz knew that recrutment and seiection processes invaribbly infle- unewe to each job. For example, job descriptions for the front-deck enced employe competencies and behevior and, sirough them. the derks nduded campesencies such as "able to check a gaeh in or out in compary's botiom line. fveything about the workforce-s collectie fire minutis or less. Most service employees descriptions induded the skills, morale, experience, and motivation-depended on atzacting conpetiency, "able to exhibt patience and guest supportiveves even In reviewing the Hotel Pars enployment syptens, she was thee- pesences would make it easier for her team to derise useful employee fore concerned that vinually all the compinys job descripsons were selecton, training and evaluation processes. out of date, and that many jobs had no descriptons at al. She krew that without accurate job descriptions, all her improvement etforts Queations would be in vain. After al. if you dont know a jobs dutes, mesonv- in tams or indvidualy bilties, and human requienents, how can you decide whoen to hire 4.22. Based on the hotels rated strategy and on what you leaned or how to train them7? To create human cesource polcis and practices hes in Chapter 4 of Desier Human fescurce Manigement. that would producr erpioyee competencies and behaion serded so ist at least four more important enployee behavious imporachieve the hotel's strategic astis, Lisab ieam firt had to prodice a set. tant for the Hotel Pariss itaft to eatibit. of usable job deicrptions. 4.23. if tme permits, ipend some time prior to class otserving A brief analyais, conducted with her companys CFO, nei=the frons-desk clerk at a bcal hotel. In any case, create a job forced that observation. They chose departments across the hotel deieripten lor a Hotel Paris front-desk clerk Wiritier and cogyrighted by Gaay Desslec, Pid