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CONTINUOUS PROBLEM-CHAPTER 13 RATIO 1) FINANCIAL POSITION (GOVERNMENT- WIDE, GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES) 2) FINANCIAL POSITION (GENERAL FUND) 3) QUICK RATIO (GOVERNMENT-WIDE, GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES) 4) LEVERAGE (GOVERNMENT-WIDE, PRIMARY GOVERNMENT) 5) DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE (ENTERPRISE FUNDS) 6) DEBT SERVICE TO TOTAL EXPENDITURES (GOVERNMENTAL FUND-BASIS) 7) DEBT PER CAPITA (GOVERNMENT- WIDE, PRIMARY GOVERNMENT) 8) DEBT TO ASSESSED VALUE OF PROPERTY (GOVERNMENT-WIDE, PRIMARY GOVERNMENT) FORMULA Unrestricted Net Position Total Expenses: Governmental Activities Unassigned Fund Balance Total Expenditures + Other Financing Uses Cash Current Investments Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Total Assets Cash Flows from Operations Interest Paid + Payments of Principal Principal Interest Expenditure Total Expenditures: General and Debt Service Fund Total Liabilities Population Total Liabilities Assessed Value of Property CALCULATIONS CITY OF MONROE Revenues Property Taxes Sales Taxes Interest & Penalties Licenses and Permits Intergovemmental Revenues Miscellaneous Revenues Total Revenues CITY OF MONROE Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 General Street and City Hall Debt Highway Service City Jail Debt Service City Jail Construction Total Governmental Funds $ 6,845,000 $ 6,846,000 2,938,000 . 2,938,000 16.100 1,900 18,000 800,000 800,000 332,000 1,067,500 1,335,000 2,734,500 350.000 350,000 11,282,100 $ 1,069,400 S 05 1,335,000 $ 13,686,500 Expenditures Current General Government 1,649,000 1,649,000 Public Safety 3,066,900 3,066,900 Highways and Streets 1,441,400 1,040,500 2,481,900 Sanitation 591,400 591,400 Health 724,100 724,100 Welfare 374,300 374,300 Culture and Recreation 917,300 917,300 Capital Outlay 492,800 5,328,300 5,821,100 Debt Service Principal 800,000 800,000 Interest 354,000 160,000 Total Expenditures 9,257,200 1,040,500 1,154,000 160,000 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 2.024,900 28.900 (1,154,000) (160,000) 5,328,300 (3.993,300) 514,000 16,940,000 (3,253,500) Other Financing Sources (Uses) Proceeds of Bonds 4,000,000 4,000,000 Premium on Bonds Sold 200,000 200,000 Transfers In 1,142,000 726,700 1,868,700 Transfers Out (1,662,000) (206,700) (1.868,700) Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (1,662,000) 0 1,142,000 726,700 3.993.300 Net Change in Fund Balance 362,900 28,900 (12,000) 566,700 4,200,000 946,500 Fund Balance, January 1 737,250 179,000 412,000 Fund Balance, December 31 1,100,150 $ 207,900 S 400,000S 566.700S . 1,328,250 2,274,750 CITY OF MONROE Balance Sheet for the Governmental Funds As of December 31, 2020 General Street and Highway City Hall Debt Service City Jail Debt Service Total Governmental Funds Assets Cash $ 503,800 $ 30,900 S 6,700 $ 541,401 Cash with Fiscal Agent 400,000 360,000 760,001 Investments 63,000 200.000 263,001 Taxes Reveivable - (net) 457,501 457,500 11 Interest & Penalties Receivable (net) 16.850 16.850 . Due from State Government 380,000 177,500 557.501 . Total Assets S 1,358,150 $ 271,400 S 400,000 S 566,700 $ 2,596,250 Liabilities, Deferred Inflows and Fund Balance Liabilities Accounts Payable Due to Other funds Total Liabilities Deferred Inflows Property Taxes Fund Balances $ 200,300 $ 63,500 s 263,801 40,200 40.201 $ 240,500 $ 63.500S 05 05 304,000 17,500 12 17,50 Restricted for: Street & Highway Maintenance Debt Service Assigned for Encumbrances Unassigned 207,900 207,90 400,000 566,700 966,70 58,000 58,000 1,042,150 1,042,15 Total Fund Equity 1.100,150 Total Liabilities, Deferred Inflows and Fund Balance S 1,358,150 $ 207,900 271.4005 400,000 400,0005 566,700 2.274,75 566,700 $ 2.596.251 CITY OF MONROE PROPRIETARY FUNDS Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Position For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Business-Type Activities Governmental Activities Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds Water and Sewer Stores and Service Fund Operating Revenues: Charges for Sales and Services $ 1,055,500 $ Total Operating Revenues 1,055,500 371,200 371,200 Operating Expenses: Cost of Sales and Services 445,800 347,560 Selling 58,900 Administration 109,400 8,000 Depreciation 267,000 14,600 Total Operating Expenses 881,100 370,160 Operating Income (loss) 174,400 1,040 Nonoperating Expenses: Interest Expense Change in Net Position 162,500 11,900 1,040 Net Position, January 1, 2020 959,000 128,500 Net Position, December 31, 2020 $ 970,900 S 129,540 Assets Current Assets Cash Customer Accounts Receivable (Net)) Due from General Funds Materials and Supplies Total Current Assets CITY OF MONROE PROPRIETARY FUNDS Statement of Net Position December 31, 2020 Business-Type Activities Enterprise Funds $ Governmental Activities Water and Sewer Internal Service Funds Stores and Service Fund 83.400 $ 36.500 111.000 37,000 11,200 84,000 42.540 315.400 90,240 Noncurrent Assets Advance to Stores and Services Fund 15,000 Restricted Assets (Cash) 142.000 Capital Assets, Net of Accumulated Depreciation 3,035,300 70,400 Total Noncurrent Assets 3,192,300 78,400 3.507.700 166.640 Total Assets Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 25.500 22.100 Payroll Taxes Payable 3,300 Due to Stores and Services Fund 8.000 Total Current Liabilities 36.800 22,100 Noncurrent Liabilities 2.500.000 Revenue Bonds Payable Advance from Water Utility Fund 15,000 Total Noncurrent Liabilities 2,500,000 15,000 2.536,800 37,100 Total Liabilities Net Position Net Investment in Capital Assets 535.300 61,400 142,000 Restricted 293,600 68.140 Unrestricted 970.900S 129.540 Total Net Position Cash Flows from Operating Activities: Cash Received from Customers and Departments Cash Paid to Suppliers and Employees Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Cash Flows from Capital Related Financing Activities: Acquisition of Capital Assets Interest Paid on Long-term Debt Partial Repayment of Advance from Water Utility Fund CITY OF MONROE PROPRIETARY FUNDS Statement of Cash Flows For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Business-Type Activities Enterprise Funds Water and Sewer Governmental Activities Internal Service Funds Stores and Service Fund $ 983,000 $ (729,800) 253.200 387,000 (367,500) 19.500 (09.300) (162.500) (15.000) (261,000) (15.000) Net Cash Used in Capital Related Financing Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities: Partial Receipt of Advance to Stores & Services Fund 15.000 Net Cash Provided by Investing Activities Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash Cash and Restricted Cash, January 1 Cash and Restricted Cash, December 31 15.000 0 E 0.400 4,500 219,000 32.000 225,4005 30,500 Reconciliation of Operating Income to Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities Operating Income $ 174,400 1,040 Adjustments to Reconcile Operating Income to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Depreciation (Increase) Decrease in Customer Accounts Receivable (Increase) Decrease in Interfund Receivables (Increase) Decrease in Materials and Supplies Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable. Increase (Decrease) in Payroll Taxes Payable Increase (Decrease) in Interfund Liabilities 267,000 14,000 (35,500) (37,000) 15.800 (50,000) (15,040) (71,000) 3,100 3,300 8.000 Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities $ 253.200$ 19.500 CITY OF MONROE Fiduciary Fund Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Police Pension Trust Fund Private Purpose Trust Fund Additions Contributions: Plan Members Employer Individual and Foundations S 403,000 S 403,000 ( 0 806,000 0 0 211,000 211,000 Total Contributions Investment Income: Interest 218,000 45,000 Dividends 125,000 2,000 Net Increase in Fair Value of Investments 8,350 1,100 Total Investment Income 351,350 48,100 Total Additions 1,157,350 259,100 Deductions Annuity Benefits 325,400 Disability Benefits 79,900 0 0 Refunds to Terminated Employees 40,600 Distribution of Scholarships 0 51,000 Total Deductions 445,900 51,000 Change in Net Position 711,450 208,100 Net Position, January 1, 2020 8,275,000 808,000 Net Position, December 31, 2020 S 8,986,450 S 1,016,100 Cash Accrued Interest Receivable Investments at Fair Value: Bonds Common Stocks Total Investments Total Assets Assets CITY OF MONROE Fiduciary Fund Statement of Fiduciary Net Position December 31, 2020 Police Pensions Trust Fund Private Purpose Trust Fund 191,100 S 57,500 81,000 7,500 5,307,750 752,100 3,433,800 199,000 8,741,550 951,100 9,013,650 1,016,100 27,200 0 27,200 0 Liabilities Accounts Payable Total Liabilities Net Position Resources Held in Trust for Pension Benefits and Other Purposes 8,986,450 1,016,100

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