(Corporate Loss Carry Forwards - Four Metronet Inc. is a Canadian public company with a December 31 year end. It commenced opera- tions in 2017 and has had mixed results since that time. In terms of its business income (loss), the results, determined using the relevant tax legislation, were as follows: 2017 2018 2019 2020 Net Business Income (Loss) $233,500 $34,000 ($163,000) $57,000 a Other Information: 1. In each of the years 2017 through 2020, Metronet receives dividends from taxable Canadian companies of $13,500. 2. In 2017, Metronet made charitable donations of $4,800, followed by a donation of $15,600 in 2018. The donations declined to $7,400 in 2019. No contributions were made in 2020. 3. In 2017 Metronet realized a capital loss of $24,600, followed by a $45,600 capital gain in 2018. In 2019, there was a capital loss of $48,400. Things improved in 2020, during which Metronet realized a $33,200 capital gain. It is the policy of the company to minimize its net capital loss carry forward balance prior to minimizing other types of carry forwards. Required: For each of the four years 2017 through 2020. provide the following information: . The minimum Net Income For Tax Purposes and Taxable income that would be reported for Metronet Inc. Indicate the amount and type of any current year losses that are avail- able for carry back or carry forward. The amended figures for any years to which losses are carried back. An analysis of the amount and type of carry forwards that would be available at the end of the year. . (Corporate Loss Carry Forwards - Four Metronet Inc. is a Canadian public company with a December 31 year end. It commenced opera- tions in 2017 and has had mixed results since that time. In terms of its business income (loss), the results, determined using the relevant tax legislation, were as follows: 2017 2018 2019 2020 Net Business Income (Loss) $233,500 $34,000 ($163,000) $57,000 a Other Information: 1. In each of the years 2017 through 2020, Metronet receives dividends from taxable Canadian companies of $13,500. 2. In 2017, Metronet made charitable donations of $4,800, followed by a donation of $15,600 in 2018. The donations declined to $7,400 in 2019. No contributions were made in 2020. 3. In 2017 Metronet realized a capital loss of $24,600, followed by a $45,600 capital gain in 2018. In 2019, there was a capital loss of $48,400. Things improved in 2020, during which Metronet realized a $33,200 capital gain. It is the policy of the company to minimize its net capital loss carry forward balance prior to minimizing other types of carry forwards. Required: For each of the four years 2017 through 2020. provide the following information: . The minimum Net Income For Tax Purposes and Taxable income that would be reported for Metronet Inc. Indicate the amount and type of any current year losses that are avail- able for carry back or carry forward. The amended figures for any years to which losses are carried back. An analysis of the amount and type of carry forwards that would be available at the end of the year