Plater, Inc, is a larpe foceforocessing company it prochanes The company wants to matn a gross nayin of 10% of revelues an 152.000 poundis of peanuts in the poareits departinont at a cost of product C and needs to allow 20% of reverhent for marketing conth. $183.000 to yieis 12.000 pounds of product A. 72.000 pounts of an product C. An ovarviow of ceperntions fillowh: product B. and 15,000 pounts ef product C. re iclick the icon to view the overvient) rClick the icon to view the intormalion? Read the recuirements". fornt costs. Deduct the NRR of the typroduct produced from the joint cost of products A and B. Lers begin ty detemining the formikia to compult the joint costs allocated for product C by entering the appropriale amounts. Now compute the not realizable value, weifiting and joint conts alocated for products A and 8 ty entiering the spbropnate amounh. (Round the woighting amounts to four decimal phaces) Now determine the formula to compute the unit cost for products A, B, and C then emer the appropriate amounts. (Rhound your final answers to fwo decimal places. For amounts with a 50 balance, make sure to enter "0" in the approprate ceil.) Requirement 2. Compete unt costs per pound for products A, B, and C, veatry aw wnve s joint products and allocating joint costs by this NiFV mothot, Now compute the net realzable value, weighting and joint costs allocated for products A. B, and C by entering the appropisite amounts. Now compute the net realzable value, weighting and joint costs allocated foe procucts A. B, and C by entering the apil Now determine the formula to compute the unit cost for products A, B, annu v nm. anter the appropriate amounts. (RRound your final 9: More Info - Product A is processed further in the salting department at a cost of $36,000. Hy yelds 12.000 pounds of salbed peanuts. which are - Product B (raw poanuts) is sold without further processing at $4 per pound. - Product C is considered a byproduct and is processed further in the paste department at a cost of $10,500. 11 yields 15,000 pounds of peanut butter, which are sold for $9 per pound. 10: Figure 11: Requirements 1. Compute unit costs per pound for products A, B, and C, treating C as a byproduct. Use the NRV 12 method for allocating joint costs. Deduct the NRV of the byproduct produced from the joint cost of products A and B. 2. Compute unit costs per pound for products A, B, and C, treating all three as joint products and allocating joint costs by the NRV method. 6. Raber, inc, is a large tood-processing cospany, It processes 152,000 pounds of poanuts in the peanuts department af a cost of The concuny wanti to make a gross marin of 10% of rovenues an \$183.000 to yitid 12,000 pounds of product A. 72,000 pounds of product B, and 15,000 pounds of product C. product C and needs ta allow 205 of revereess for marketing conts on product C. An overniew of operations followis: ticlick the icon to view the irformution.) Thiclick the icon to vire the evervirw.) Pread the readintents"? Requirement 1. Corrpute unit coats per pound for products A. B, and C, troatng C as a byprofuct, Use the NaVC3 method for alocating joint costs. Deduct the NRY of the byproduct produced trom the joint cost of prodicts A and B. Let's begin by determining the formata to compute the jaint costs allocated for product C by entering the ancropriate amounts. Now compule the net realizable value, woighting and joint costs alibcated for prooucts A and B by entering the aporopriate amounts. (Round the weighting arnounts to four decimal places) Now deternine the formule to compule the unit cost for products A, B, and C thee enter the acproprato amounts. (flound your final answers to two decimal plices. For amounts with a $0 balance, makn surv to enter " 0 " in the sppropriate cel.) Requirement 2. Compule unit costs per pound for products A, B, and C. troating al tree as joint products ard alocating joint costs by the NRV method. Now compule the net realzablo value, whighting and jaint conts allocated for products A. B, and C by entering the appropriate amourfs. (Round the weighting amounts to four decimal phoces. Round the joint costs alocated to the rearest whole dollar) Now defermine the formula to compute the unit cost for products A, B, and C then enter the approprlate amounts. (Round your final answers to two decimal places. For amounts with a 50 balanoe, make suse to onter "0" in the appropriate cell.) 9: More info - Product A is processed further in the salting department at a cost of $36.000. ll yleids 12.000 pounds of salted peanuts, which are sold for $9 per pound. - Product B (raw peanuts) is sold without further processing at $4 per pound. - Product C is considered a byproduct and is processed further in the paste department at a cost of $10,500. It yeilds 15,000 pounds of peanut butter, which are sold for $9 per pound. 10: Figure 11: Requirements 1. Compute unit costs per pound for products A,B, and C, treating C as a byproduct. Use the NRVV12 method for allocating joint costs. Deduct the NRV of the byproduct produced from the jint cost of products A and B. 2. Compute unit costs per pound for products A, B, and C, treating all three as joint products and allocating joint costs by the NRV method