Could someone help me with this question please.
HydroHappy has developed a new marketing plan that looks very promising for increased sales for the summer months of 2022. The biggest concern is that the production facility will not have the capacity to handle the additional production needed, as its capacity is 6,080 units per day. HydroHappy plans to keep 10% of the finished units needed for the next day in its ending inventory. As such, management wants insight into the number of units that will need to be produced to handle the increased sales. The company expects September 1, 2022 sales to be 5,020 units. The sales staff has provided the following estimates of unit sales for June, July, and August of 2022. Expected Expected Expected Date Unit Sales Date Unit Sales Date Unit Sales 6-1-22 4,630 7-1-22 5,108 8-1-22 5,989 6-2-22 5,091 7-2-22 4,907 8-2-22 6,190 6-3-22 5,198 7-3-22 4,831 8-3-22 5,682 6-4-22 5,550 7-4-22 4,868 8-4-22 6,160 6-5-22 5,280 7-5-22 6,013 8-5-22 5,962 6-6-22 5,089 7-6-22 5,397 8-6-22 6,267 6-7-22 5,656 7-7-22 5,821 8-7-22 5,460 6-8-22 5,553 7-8-22 6,233 8-8-22 5,309 6-9-22 4.989 7-9-22 4,710 8-9-22 4,926 6-10-22 5,771 7-10-22 5,000 8-10-22 5,172 6-11-22 5,005 7-11-22 4,826 8-11-22 5,842 6-12-22 5,899 7-12-22 6,294 8-12-22 4.963 6-13-22 5,933 7-13-22 6,274 8-13-22 4,709 6-14-22 5,756 7-14-22 5,350 8-14-22 4,829 6-15-22 5,652 7-15-22 5,421 8-15-22 6,181 6-16-22 6,247 7-16-22 5,763 8-16-22 5,567 6-17-22 6,094 7-17-22 5,941 8-17-22 5,622 6-18-22 5,388 7-18-22 5,713 8-18-22 5,718 6-19-22 5,630 7-19-22 5,317 8-19-22 5,324 6-20-22 6,073 7-20-22 5,040 8-20-22 5.336 6-21-22 5,960 7-21-22 6,136 8-21-22 6,111 6-22-22 5,815 7-22-22 6,193 8-22-22 5,058 6-23-22 5,449 7-23-22 4,730 8-23-22 6,193 6-24-22 5,697 7-24-22 5,923 8-24-22 5,267 6-25-22 6,208 7-25-22 4,766 8-25-22 4,727 6-26-22 5,006 7-26-22 5,191 8-26-22 5,045 6-27-22 5,711 7-27-22 5,860 8-27-22 5,659 6-28-22 5,750 7-28-22 6,212 8-28-22 5,846 6-29-22 5,602 7-29-22 5,364 8-29-22 5,661 6-30-22 5,211 7-30-22 5,980 8-30-22 5,732 7-31-22 6,059 8-31-22 4,976 For this case, you will generate Excel pivot tables and pivot line charts to analyze company capacity for estimated increased production levels.Instructions There are five parts to this problem. Use Excel or the visualization software of your or your instructor's choice to perform the following: a. Calculate the beginning and ending inventory finished goods levels, and the budgeted units to be produced for each day over the months of June, July, and August of 2022.a. Solution to part a Beginning and ending finished goods inventory and budgeted units to be produced per day Ending Beginning Required Expected Finished Finished Production Date Unit Sales Goods Goods Units 6-1-22 4,630 6-2-22 5,091 6-3-22 5,198 6-4-22 5,550 6-5-22 5,280 6-6-22 5,089 6-7-22 5,656 6-8-22 5,553 6-9-22 4,989 6-10-22 5,771 6-11-22 5,005 6-12-22 5,899 6-13-22 5,933 6-14-22 5,756 6-15-22 5,652 6-16-22 6,247 6-17-22 6,094 6-18-22 5,388 6-19-22 5,630 6-20-22 6,073 6-21-22 5,960 6-22-22 5,815 6-23-22 5,449 6-24-22 5,697 6-25-22 6,208 6-26-22 5,006 6-27-22 5,711 6-28-22 5,750 6-29-22 5,602 6-30-22 5,211 7-1-22 5,108 7-2-22 4,907 7-3-22 4,831 7-4-22 4.868 7-5-22 6,013 7-6-22 5,397 7-7-22 5,821 7-8-22 6,233 7-9-22 4,710 7-10-22 5,000 7-11-22 4,826 7-12-22 6,294 7-13-22 6,274 7-14-22 5,350 7-15-22 5,421 7-16-22 5,763