Could you please verify that the following answers are correct for the problem that I have attached screen shots of?
- D
- E
- B
- K
- B
- O
- G
- A
- J
Jackie Francescon
G Govemmentand Not-[oi X (- -} C l 9 Secure I htlprfboolsgoogIe'comfbools?|d=xlgngAAQEAlBlprinlsec=frontcover3ldq=government+and+not+for+prot+accountingfhl=en8lsa=XEiLvad=ClahUKEWIzlbfgluXWAhVDWCY... l E (300ng ' govemmenl and not for prot accounling n BOOKS 9. 3: l an Mdtomylllm W'IilBreuieur \"new . ( ) 3 _ Flesult 1 of 46in mis hodcln' ymmnlanl and nntfnl pmt noonllnliru - c Previnus Next ' - \\fEur al Clam Search x 354 CHAPTER 5 Lnng~Tarm Ohllgalione - EX. 5-3 I Governmenl deb-Lt may be rtpoed dmreul'l'y in govemmenml andgavemmnI-widz unremenrs. - The Alpine school dislricl engaged in lb: following transactions in ii: liscal year ending AuguM 31. - 2|]! 8 Bylaw, me dintnct is required In euablisih a capital projects fund to account for scliml communion _ pmjems and a deb] service fund to accuunl for resources legally restn'clied lo Lbe payment of longelerm principal and mlzad inlnreil. - On March I. it mired $40 million in general uhligulion bunt-l In finance the mnslrucliun ol 1. new junior high lchool. The bonds war: to mature in '20 years (40 periods) and had a coupon tale of 412mm! per year (2 percent per semiannuai period]. They were said for 538.92.11.72! [a discount of \"1175272), :1 price lhal reected an annual yield ot'4.2 percenl (2'l percent per period]. - On August til the district maria iuz firm inlamsl payment of $800,000. ~ During Ihe year the builder with whom the district cmlracled to construct the building completed approximately in percent or the building and billed [lie dismal for $4 million ' On August 3]. ll]: disuicl issued $10 million in bond untieipalion nnles lo mmoe improvements lo ils alhietic facilities. By Iha time the dmrid immd in.\" scal yuanend 2018 nancial \"moments in December ZDIS. it still had mtremmed these notes and had ml yer slurred consiruction on the facilities. I In June the disn'ict issued 52 rniilion in tax anticipation notes. [I repaid these notes in September. Interest applicable Lo [he notes thrlhn lieu] year EndingAugun 3|. IDIS' um $25,000, all nl' which was paid. in September when the now: matured. . In August, the district sealed :1 Iawsuil with a group of former marchers. For a slrucmred soulnmenl,1he dish-in. agreed to malt: several payments totaling E] #10300 Lo Lhe teachers. The district has a policy of recording long-term oblignliuns al presenl value whenevenequired or permilled by GAAP. ll esli- mam me prawn value ofiis seuIement [0 be S i.350.noo. Whal amount relating In Lhasa tmnsanlions should the disuicl reporl in its August 31, 2013, nancial memenu as: G Gavemmentand Not-[ow X (- -} C l 9 Secure I htlprfboolsgouglecomfbools?|d=xlgngAAQEAJBtprinlsec=frontcuver3ldq=government+and+nut+fcr+prot+accountingBtM=en8tsa=X8Lved=OahUKEWIzlbfgiuXWAhVDWCY... l E (300ng ' govemmenl and not for prot accounling n o 0 Books 9. 3: i an Mdtomylllm W'Iilemview \"new . ( ) 3 _ Result 1 ofin mismm'gmmmnl am! nntfnlpmtnoonllnliru - c Previnus Mead ' - Mal Chllseemh x U Q Wllal amount relating Io these innsacliom should the disuicl reporl in its August 3|, 2.013, nancial - statements as: I 1. Interest expenditure illlli debt service fund Element ufrevenucs and expenditures? - 2. Interest. expense in iLV. governmentewide statemenl of activities? - 3. bong-lenn dcbl in [he capital pmjecis lund balance shod? 4. Current debt in the capital project: fund balance sheet? 5. bonngrm debt in ihe debt service [und balance sheet? 6. Bonds payable (nel of bond discount) in the govemmemewide smemem of not position? 7'. am noncumn: dcbl in lbw: goucmmzm-widc abutment of mt position? ll. [Named in capital assels, in lhe gavcmmeni'wide statement ofnet position? 9. Current liabilities in [he gemlrfund halal-11:: sheer! _ Select each response [turn one of lhe umounls lllill follow. An amounl may be selected once. mote llnul I once, or not 31 al]. - a. 884342.147) l. $300900 h. 90 j. $2,025.:1I0 a. 525,000 I. 5 Inmnmn 0!. 8800.000 I. $1 2.030.000 a. .SSITMQ ln.!12.025.000 _ f. $M2.l9 ll. 333324.725 I,- S MESH.\" n. $38342. I47 = ll. 51.600000 =