could you use the above code to modify?
will Exercise #1: Edit, compile and run the following code in NetBeans. 1. class Node { 11/ Implementation of Singly Linked List 2. public int info; 3. public String name; 4. public double cgpa; 5. public Node next; 6. 7. public Node() { } 8. public Node(int i, String nm, double g) { 9. info i; name=nm; cgpa=g; 10. 11. } // 1/////// 12. class mySLList { 13. protected Node head, tail; 14. 15. public mySLList() { head = tail = null; } 16. 17. public boolean isEmpty() { return head == null; } 18. 19. public void addToHead(int el, String nm, double g) { 20. Node newNode = new Node (el, nm, g); 21. if (head == null) // empty 22. tail = head = newNode; 23. else { 24. newNode. next = head; 25. head = newNode; 26. 27. } 1/7 28. 29. public void addToTail(int el, String nm, double g) { 30. Node newNode = new Node (el, nm, g); 31. newNode. next = null; 32. if (head == null) // empty 33. head = tail = newNode; 34. else { 35. = newNode; 36. tail newNode; 37. mm 38. 17/11/ 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. public boolean addBefore(int el, String nm, double 8, int target) { if (head. info == target) { //target is 1st node, add before it Node newNode - new Node(el, nm, g); = head; head = newNode; else { // find the predecessor of target Node tmp = head; while ( != null && != target) tmp =; Il check next node if ( == null) { 7/ not present System.out.println("Target not found"); return false; } else { //tmp is before target Node newNode = new Node(el, nm, e); -; = newNode; } } return true; 1111111 public int deleteFromHead() { // delete head and return info; if(head = null) // empty return -1; int el - head. info; if (head == tail) if only one node on the list; head - tail = null; else head -; return el; 11/17 public int deleteFromTail() { // delete tail and return info; if(head == null) // empty return -1; int el -; if (head -- tail) 1 if only one node on the list; head = tail = null; else { // if many nodes, find predecessor of tail Node tmp = head; while ( != tail) tmp =; tail - tmp; 17 predecessor of tail becomes tail = null; } return el; public boolean delete(int el) { // delete target node with el; if (head == null) 1/empty return false; if (head == tail && el == // one node, target head tail = null; else if (el == // if more nodes, target is head head; else { // if many nodes in the list, el not head Node prev = head, tmp =; while tmp != null && != el) { 69. 70. 71. 72 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 114 prev = prev next; tmp =; 98. 99. (tmp != null) { // if el was found; 100 =; 101 if (tmp -- tail) // if el is in last node; 102 tail = prev; 103 104 else else 105 return false; 106 } 107 return true; 108 } 11111 109 public void printAll() { 110 for (Node tmp = head; tmp != null; tmp = 111 System.out.print( + " + + 112 tmp.cgpa + -> "); 113 System.out.println("null"); } linii Writ 115 public boolean isInList(int el) { 116 Node tmp = head; 117 while (tmp != null && != el) 118 tmp =; 119 return tmp != null; 120 121) 122 123/11 124 public class SinglyLinkedList { 125 public static void main(String[] args) { 126 127 mySlList L1 = new myslList(); 128 129 System.out.println("Empty ? + L1.isEmpty()); 130 131 L1.addToTail(2019, "Zain", 2.50); 132 L1.addToHead (2020, "Ahmed, 2.75); 133 L1.addToTail 2022, "Majid", 2.95); 134 L1.addToHead (2021, "Khalid", 2.90); 135 L1.printAll(); 136 137 int x=2020; 138 System.out.println("Found "+ x + " + L1.isInList(x)); 139 140 System.out.println("addBefore " + x); 141 L.addBefore(2023, "Hamid", 2.0e, x); 142 L1.printAll(); 143 144 System.out.println("Delete from tail"); 145 L.deleteFromTail(); 146 L1.printAll(); 147 148 System.out.println("Delete " + x); 149 L1.delete(x); 150 L1.printail(); 151 } 152) Task-1 : Modify the above program to implement a QUEUE in a bank as depicted by the following sample output: i. ii. Provide the menu as shown below. Run the program in a loop; stop when user opts 4. Add a customer should add an int at the end using the method addToTail(). Remove a customer should delete the int at front using the method delete From Head (). Show the queue should display the queue using the method printAll (). iv. will Exercise #1: Edit, compile and run the following code in NetBeans. 1. class Node { 11/ Implementation of Singly Linked List 2. public int info; 3. public String name; 4. public double cgpa; 5. public Node next; 6. 7. public Node() { } 8. public Node(int i, String nm, double g) { 9. info i; name=nm; cgpa=g; 10. 11. } // 1/////// 12. class mySLList { 13. protected Node head, tail; 14. 15. public mySLList() { head = tail = null; } 16. 17. public boolean isEmpty() { return head == null; } 18. 19. public void addToHead(int el, String nm, double g) { 20. Node newNode = new Node (el, nm, g); 21. if (head == null) // empty 22. tail = head = newNode; 23. else { 24. newNode. next = head; 25. head = newNode; 26. 27. } 1/7 28. 29. public void addToTail(int el, String nm, double g) { 30. Node newNode = new Node (el, nm, g); 31. newNode. next = null; 32. if (head == null) // empty 33. head = tail = newNode; 34. else { 35. = newNode; 36. tail newNode; 37. mm 38. 17/11/ 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. public boolean addBefore(int el, String nm, double 8, int target) { if (head. info == target) { //target is 1st node, add before it Node newNode - new Node(el, nm, g); = head; head = newNode; else { // find the predecessor of target Node tmp = head; while ( != null && != target) tmp =; Il check next node if ( == null) { 7/ not present System.out.println("Target not found"); return false; } else { //tmp is before target Node newNode = new Node(el, nm, e); -; = newNode; } } return true; 1111111 public int deleteFromHead() { // delete head and return info; if(head = null) // empty return -1; int el - head. info; if (head == tail) if only one node on the list; head - tail = null; else head -; return el; 11/17 public int deleteFromTail() { // delete tail and return info; if(head == null) // empty return -1; int el -; if (head -- tail) 1 if only one node on the list; head = tail = null; else { // if many nodes, find predecessor of tail Node tmp = head; while ( != tail) tmp =; tail - tmp; 17 predecessor of tail becomes tail = null; } return el; public boolean delete(int el) { // delete target node with el; if (head == null) 1/empty return false; if (head == tail && el == // one node, target head tail = null; else if (el == // if more nodes, target is head head; else { // if many nodes in the list, el not head Node prev = head, tmp =; while tmp != null && != el) { 69. 70. 71. 72 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 114 prev = prev next; tmp =; 98. 99. (tmp != null) { // if el was found; 100 =; 101 if (tmp -- tail) // if el is in last node; 102 tail = prev; 103 104 else else 105 return false; 106 } 107 return true; 108 } 11111 109 public void printAll() { 110 for (Node tmp = head; tmp != null; tmp = 111 System.out.print( + " + + 112 tmp.cgpa + -> "); 113 System.out.println("null"); } linii Writ 115 public boolean isInList(int el) { 116 Node tmp = head; 117 while (tmp != null && != el) 118 tmp =; 119 return tmp != null; 120 121) 122 123/11 124 public class SinglyLinkedList { 125 public static void main(String[] args) { 126 127 mySlList L1 = new myslList(); 128 129 System.out.println("Empty ? + L1.isEmpty()); 130 131 L1.addToTail(2019, "Zain", 2.50); 132 L1.addToHead (2020, "Ahmed, 2.75); 133 L1.addToTail 2022, "Majid", 2.95); 134 L1.addToHead (2021, "Khalid", 2.90); 135 L1.printAll(); 136 137 int x=2020; 138 System.out.println("Found "+ x + " + L1.isInList(x)); 139 140 System.out.println("addBefore " + x); 141 L.addBefore(2023, "Hamid", 2.0e, x); 142 L1.printAll(); 143 144 System.out.println("Delete from tail"); 145 L.deleteFromTail(); 146 L1.printAll(); 147 148 System.out.println("Delete " + x); 149 L1.delete(x); 150 L1.printail(); 151 } 152) Task-1 : Modify the above program to implement a QUEUE in a bank as depicted by the following sample output: i. ii. Provide the menu as shown below. Run the program in a loop; stop when user opts 4. Add a customer should add an int at the end using the method addToTail(). Remove a customer should delete the int at front using the method delete From Head (). Show the queue should display the queue using the method printAll (). iv