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Crane Journeys Music School provides private music lessons for elementary students. Its operating costs are as follows: Crane Journeys charges $100 per student per month.

image text in transcribedimage text in transcribed Crane Journeys Music School provides private music lessons for elementary students. Its operating costs are as follows: Crane Journeys charges $100 per student per month. (a) Your answer is correct. Determine the company's break-even point in (1) number of students taught per month and (2) dollars. (1) Break even in number of students taught per month students (2) Break even in dollars $ Crane Journeys has just received notice that the rent on their facilities will be increasing by $543 per month and the instrument rent will also be increasing $18 per month. (1) Determine the company's break-even point in the number of students taught per month based on the new information. (2) Determine the amount to charge per student assuming that Crane Journeys does not increase the number of students taught. If Crane Journeys does not want to increase their fees, how many additional students will they need to attract? (Round amount to charge per student to 2 decimal places, e.g. 15.25.) (1) Break even in number of students taught per month students (2) Amount to charge per student $ Additional number of students students

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