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Create a new class that inherits the character class for an enemy e.g., a Dragon class that extends the character class In the new class,

Create a new class that inherits the character class for an enemy
e.g., a Dragon class that extends the character class
In the new class, create a function that provides an alternate attack for this enemy
e.g., a breathe fire attack that inflicts extra damage
In your class' getAction() implementation, have the new enemy class use its alternate attack 30% of the time
Set up rand() to generate a number 1-100 and if the value is below 30, have the enemy use its special move
1- #include "character.h"
using namespace std;
// Constructor
// Initializer list must also be used to call constructor of member class objects
Character::Character(string n, int hp, int str, int def, int spd):potions(3) {
name = n;
if(hp < 0) healthPoints = 0;
else healthPoints = hp;
if(str < 0) strength = 0;
else strength = str;
if(def < 0) defense = 0;
else defense = def;
if(spd < 0) speed = 0;
else speed = spd;
maxHp = healthPoints;
// Action Member Functions
int Character::attack(void){
return strength;
void Character::defend(int damage){
int damageReceived = damage - defense;
if(damageReceived < 0)
damageReceived = 0;
healthPoints = healthPoints - damageReceived;
if(healthPoints < 0)
healthPoints = 0;
// Status Member Functions:
bool Character::isDead(void){
if(healthPoints <= 0)
return true;
return false;
int Character::getSpeed(){
return speed;
string Character::getName(){
return name;
int Character::getHealthPoints(void){
return healthPoints;
void Character::heal(int healingAmount){
healthPoints += healingAmount;
if(healthPoints > maxHp)
healthPoints = maxHp;
int Character::getAction(Character & c){
string input;
int temp;
cout << "What would you like to do?" << endl;
cout << "1: Attack" << endl;
cout << "2: Use Potion (" << potions.getCount() << ")" << endl;
cin >> input;
char choice = input[0];
case '1':
cout << getName() << " attacks " << c.getName() << "!" << endl;
return 0;
case '2':
temp = potions.use();
if(temp != 0){
return 0;
} else {
cout << "Out of potions!" << endl;
cout << "Invalid option!" << endl;
return -1;
void Character::printStatus(void){
cout << getName() << " HP: " << getHealthPoints() << endl;
#include "potion.h"
class Character{
// Private data members (these are only accessible from inside the class)
std::string name;
int maxHp;
int strength;
int defense;
int speed;
int healthPoints;
// Public data members and member functions (these are accessible anywhere)
Potion potions;
Character(std::string, int, int, int, int);
int attack(void);
void defend(int);
void heal(int);
bool isDead(void);
int getSpeed(void);
std::string getName(void);
int getHealthPoints(void);
virtual int getAction(Character & c);
virtual void printStatus(void);
#include "wizard.h"
using namespace std;
void combat(Character&, Character&);
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
Wizard playerCharacter("Wizard", 10, 5, 3, 5, 100);
Character npc("Dragon", 10, 4, 4, 3);
// clear screen
if (system("CLS")) system("clear");
while(!playerCharacter.isDead() && !npc.isDead()){
combat(playerCharacter, npc);
// delay 1s and clear screen
if (system("CLS")) system("clear");
cout << playerCharacter.getName() << " wins!" << endl;
cout << npc.getName() << " wins!" << endl;
return 0;
4-#include "potion.h"
Potion::Potion(int amount){
count = amount;
if(count < 0)
count = 0;
int Potion::getCount(void) {
return count;
void Potion::setCount(int n) {
count = n;
int Potion::use(void){
if(count > 0){
return healingAmount;
} else {
return 0;
5-#include "wizard.h"
using namespace std;
// Constructor for Wizard
// Initializer list must be used to call constructor of base class
Wizard::Wizard(string name, int hp, int str, int def, int spd, int mn) : Character(name, hp, str, def, spd){
mana = mn;
maxMana = mn;
int Wizard::getMana(void){
return mana;
void Wizard::restoreMana(int amount){
mana += amount;
if(mana > maxMana)
mana = maxMana;
int Wizard::castMagicSpell(void){
int spellCost = 20;
int spellDamage = 10;
if(mana < spellCost){
return 0;
} else {
mana = mana - spellCost;
return spellDamage;
int Wizard::getAction(Character & c){
string input;
int temp;
cout << "What would you like to do?" << endl;
cout << "1: Attack" << endl;
cout << "2: Use Potion (" << potions.getCount() << ")" << endl;
cout << "3: Cast Magic Spell" << endl;
cin >> input;
char choice = input[0];
case '1':
cout << getName() << " attacks " << c.getName() << "!" << endl;
return 0;
case '2':
temp = potions.use();
if(temp != 0){
return 0;
} else {
cout << "Out of potions!" << endl;
case '3':
temp = castMagicSpell();
if(temp != 0){
cout << getName() << " casts magic spell at " << c.getName() << "!" << endl;
return 0;
} else {
cout << "Not enough mana!" << endl;
cout << "Invalid option!" << endl;
return -1;
void Wizard::printStatus(void){
cout << getName() << " HP: " << getHealthPoints() << " Mana: " << getMana() << endl;
#include "character.h"
class Wizard : public Character{
int mana;
int maxMana;
Wizard(std::string, int, int, int, int, int);
int castMagicSpell(void);
int getMana(void);
void restoreMana(int);
virtual int getAction(Character & c);
virtual void printStatus(void);

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