- Create a project Lab2.circ in the Logisim.
- Add a circuit testing Registers (including 1-bit, 2-bit, 8-bit).
- Add a circuit testing TRI-STATE BUFFERS (including 1-bit, 2-bit, 8-bit).
- Add a circuit testing Decoders (including 1 to 2, 2 to 4, and 3 to 8 decoders).
- Add a circuit to build a 1-bit CPU described in the lab notes.
Here is a picture of the 1-bit CPU circuit for your reference.
Some Relevant Details:
The ALU performs two operations, XOR and AND.
The operation to be performed is determined by the code in the IR.
The value 0 in the IR indicates an XOR operation and the value 1 in IR indicates an AND operation.
The following control signals will be required for our 1-bit CPU in this lab:
ACCout, ACCin, TMPout, TMPin, ALUout, IRin, Bout, Bin, Cout, Cin, EXTin, EXTout.
- To implement the operation AND, let's assume that it uses the operands in registers B and C, and then stores the result in C,
The following instructions would have to be executed.
(assume the external input switch is set to the value '1' - the pre-condition for the AND operation):
Remember to pre-load '0' in register B and '1' in register C.
And see what is the result in register C. 1. EXTin, EXTout, IRin. // Load '1' in register IR for AND operation. 2. EXTin, EXTout, Bin. // Load '0' in register B. 3. EXTin, EXTout, Cin. // Load '1' in register C. 4. Bout, ACCin. 5. Cout, TMPin. 6. ALUout, Cin.
Practice these microinstructions with your newly built CPU. - Do the following for your lab assignment:
Write out the steps necessary to implement the operation XOR that uses the operands in the register ACC and register C, and then stores the result in register B.
- You are now able to Build a 2-bit CPU by expanding the 1-bit CPU described in the lab notes.
Remember to have a 2-bit bus for your design.
The 2-bit CPU will do the following operations:
- For instruction 00, do 2-bit XOR, test 10 XOR 11 = 01
- For instruction 01, do 2-bit AND, test 10 AND 11 = 10
- For instruction 10, do 2-bit NOT operation, the Operand will be in the register ACC, test NOT 10 = 01.
- For instruction 11, do 2-bit OR, test 10 OR 11 = 11
Lab Assignments 1. Create a project Lab2 cire in the Logisim. 2. Add a circuit testing Registers fincluoing 1.bit, 2-bit. 8-bit) 3. Add a circuit testing TRI-STATE BUFFERS (including 1-bit. 2.bit, 8-bit). 4. Add a circult testing Decoders (including 1 to 2,2 to 4 , and 3 to 8 docodors). 5. Add a circuit to build a 1-bit CPU described in the lab notes. Here is a picture of the 1 bif CPU crcuit for your retesence. Some Relevant Details: The ALU pertorms two operations, X OR and AND. The operation to be performed is to be determined by the code in the IR. The value 0 in the IR indicates an XOR operation and the value 1 in IR indicabos an AND opernion. The following control signals will be required for our 1-bli CPU in this lab: ACCont, MCCin, TrEat, TWin, Rubeut, Isin, Bost, tin, Cout, cin, Extin, Extout. The foliowing instruotions would have to be ewecuted. (assume beventemal hout swilch is set to the valoe 'T' - the pre-condition for the AND coscabonk Pernember to peetoad O in register B and 'T' in register C And swe what is the result in negitier C. 2. Extin, exfoit, sin. I/ Leat "oc in recistre 1. 4. Bent, Acciar. 3. Cout, Twin. 6. Willout, kin. Pracice these microhstuctions with your newly bult CPU. 7. Do the following for your lab assignment: Bhat vies the doperadis in the reetiter act wed meliser C, wat then storet the rosult in reclister 8 . 6. You ace now able to Bulld a 2-tet Cru by wopanding the 1-bet CPU desorbed in the lab notes Remember to have a 2 bit bus for your design. The 2 -bit CPU will do the following operations: - For instruetion 00, do 2 -be XOR, hest 10 XOR 11= or - For instruction 01, do 24t AND, lest 10 AND 11 - 10 - For instruction 10, do 2-be NOT operation, the Operand will be in the rogister ACC, test NoT to * 01 . - For inatruction 11, ds 2.til OR, tost 10 OR 11 - 11 Lab Assignments 1. Create a project Lab2.circ in the Logisim. 2. Add a circuit testing Registers (including 1-bit, 2-bit, 8-bit), 3. Add a circuit testing TRI-STATE BUFFERS fincluding 1-bit. 2-bit, 8-bit). 4. Add a circuit testing Decoders (including 1 to 2,2 to 4 , and 3 to 8 decoders). 5. Add a circuit to build a 1-bit CPU described in the lab notes. Here is a picture of the 1 -bit CPU circuit for your reference. Some Relevant Details: The ALU pertorms two operations. XOR and AND. The operation to be performed is determined by the code in the IR. The value 0 in the IR indicates an XOR operation and the value 1 in IR indicates an AND operation. The following control signals will be required for our 1-bit CPU in this lab: ACCout, ACCin, TMPost, THPin, ALDout, IRin, Boat, Bin, Cout, Cin, Exin, ExFout, 6. To implement the operation AND, let's assume that it uses the operands in registers B and C, and then stores the result in C, The following instructions would have to be executed. (assume the exdernal input switch is set to the value ' 1 ' - the pre-condition for the AND operation): Remember to pre-load ' 0 ' in register B and ' 1 ' in register C. And see what is the result in register C. 1. Extin, ExTout, IMin. // Load ' 1 ' in rogister ID for NMD operation. 2. EXTIn, EXTout, Bin. If Load ' 0 ' in rolgister B. 3. EXTIn, EXTout, Cin. /f Load ' 1 ' in register c. 4. Bout, ACcin. 5. Coat, Totpin. 6. Aldout, cin. Practice these microinstructions with your newly built CPU. t. Do the following for your lab assignment: Write out the ateps necessary to implenent the operation wor that lases the operands in the register McC and reqister c, and then stores the result in register . 8. You are now able to Build a 2-bit CPU by expanding the 1-bit CPU described in the lab notes. Remember to have a 2-bit bus for your design. The 2-bit CPU will do the following operations: - For instruction 00 , do 2-bit XOR, test 10OR11=01 - For instruction 01, do 2-bit AND, test 10 AND 11=10 - For instruction 10, do 2-bit NOT operation, the Operand will be in the register ACC, test NOT 10=01. - For instruction 11, do 2-bit OR, test 10 OR 11=11